歴代誌Ⅱ 12 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

歴代誌Ⅱ 12:1-16



1ところがレハブアムは、彼の人気が高まり、力がついてくると、主を捨ててしまいました。そして民も、王の罪にならいました。 2その結果、エジプトの王シシャクが、レハブアム王の第五年にエルサレムを攻撃して来ました。 3戦いには、戦車千二百台、騎兵六万、エジプト人、リビヤ人、スキ人、エチオピヤ人からなる、数えきれないほどの大軍が加わりました。 4シシャク王は、たちまちユダの要塞の町々を占領し、ついにエルサレムまで攻め上りました。 5その時、預言者シェマヤは、レハブアム王と、難を避けてエルサレムに逃げて来たユダ各地の指導者たちに会い、こう言いました。「主は言われる。『あなたがたはわたしを捨てた。それで、わたしもあなたがたを捨て、シシャクの手に渡す。』」 6すると、王と指導者たちは罪を告白し、「私たちをこのようになさる主は正しい」と言いました。 7このへりくだった様子を見た主は、シェマヤにこう語らせました。「あなたがたがへりくだったので、すべて滅ぼすようなことはしない。シシャクの手によって、エルサレムに怒りを注ぐことはやめよう。 8ただし、シシャクに貢ぎ物を納めなければならない。シシャクに仕えるよりも、わたしに仕えるほうがどれほど幸いか、よくよくわかるだろう。」

9シシャクはエルサレムを占領し、神殿と王宮の財宝を全部奪い取り、ソロモンの金の盾も奪い取りました。 10そこでレハブアム王は、代わりに青銅の盾を作り、護衛隊長に保管させました。 11王が神殿に入る時、護衛兵がその盾を持ち、あとで武器貯蔵庫に戻すのです。 12王がへりくだった時、主の怒りは収まったので、徹底的に懲らしめられるようなことはありませんでした。事実、シシャクの侵略を受けてからも、ユダの経済力は衰えませんでした。

13レハブアム王は、主がイスラエルのすべての町から、ご自分の住まいとして選んだ町エルサレムで、十七年の間治めました。彼が王となったのは四十一歳で、母はナアマといい、アモン人の女でした。 14彼は、心から主を喜ばせようとしたことがない、悪い王でした。

15レハブアム王の業績については、『預言者シェマヤと先見者イドの書いた言行録』および系図にくわしく記されています。レハブアムとヤロブアムとの間には、絶えず戦いがありました。 16レハブアムは死んでエルサレムに葬られ、その子アビヤが新しく王となりました。

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 12:1-16

Shishak Attacks Jerusalem

1Rehoboam had made his position as king secure. He had become very strong. Then he turned away from the law of the Lord. So did all the people of Judah. 2They hadn’t been faithful to the Lord. So Shishak attacked Jerusalem. It was in the fifth year that Rehoboam was king. Shishak was king of Egypt. 3He came with 1,200 chariots and 60,000 horsemen. Troops of Libyans, Sukkites and Cushites came with him from Egypt. There were so many of them they couldn’t be counted. 4Shishak captured the cities of Judah that had high walls around them. He came all the way to Jerusalem.

5Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah. They had gathered together in Jerusalem. They were afraid of Shishak. Shemaiah said to them, “The Lord says, ‘You have left me. So now I am leaving you to Shishak.’ ”

6The king and the leaders of Israel made themselves humble in the Lord’s sight. They said, “The Lord does what is right and fair.”

7The Lord saw they had made themselves humble. So he gave a message to Shemaiah. The Lord said, “They have made themselves humble in my sight. So I will not destroy them. Instead, I will soon save them. Even though I am very angry with Jerusalem, I will not use Shishak to destroy them. 8But the people of Jerusalem will be brought under his control. Then they will learn the difference between serving me and serving the kings of other lands.”

9Shishak, the king of Egypt, attacked Jerusalem. He carried away the treasures of the Lord’s temple. He also carried the treasures of the royal palace away. He took everything. That included the gold shields Solomon had made. 10So King Rehoboam made bronze shields to take their place. He gave them to the commanders of the guards who were on duty at the entrance to the royal palace. 11Every time the king went to the Lord’s temple, the guards went with him. They carried the shields. Later, they took them back to the room where they were kept.

12Rehoboam had made himself humble in the Lord’s sight. So the Lord turned his anger away from him. Rehoboam wasn’t totally destroyed. In fact, some good things happened in Judah.

13King Rehoboam had made his position secure in Jerusalem. He continued as king. He was 41 years old when he became king. He ruled for 17 years in Jerusalem. It was the city the Lord had chosen out of all the cities in the tribes of Israel. He wanted to put his Name there. The name of Rehoboam’s mother was Naamah from Ammon. 14Rehoboam did what was evil. That’s because he hadn’t worshiped the Lord with all his heart.

15The events of Rehoboam’s rule from beginning to end are written down. They are written in the records of Shemaiah and Iddo, the prophets. The records deal with family histories. Rehoboam and Jeroboam were always at war with each other. 16Rehoboam joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in the City of David. Rehoboam’s son Abijah became the next king after him.