士師記 2 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

士師記 2:1-23



1ある日、主の使いがギルガルから上って来てボキムに到着し、イスラエルの民に告げました。「わたしはあなたがたを、あなたがたの先祖との約束に従って、エジプトからこの地へ連れて来た。また、あなたがたと結んだ契約を決して破らないと宣言した。 2ただし、それには条件があったはずだ。この地の先住民と友好契約を結んではならないという条件だった。この地の異教の祭壇を取り壊せと命じたではないか。それにもかかわらず、なぜ従わなかったのか。 3あなたがたが契約を破った以上、もはや無効だ。もう、あなたがたの地に住む諸国民を滅ぼすとは約束できない。それどころか、あの人々はあなたがたの悩みの種となり、彼らの神々は常に誘惑となるだろう。」

4主の使いが語り終えると、人々は声を上げて泣きました。 5それでこの地は、ボキム〔「人々が泣いた場所」の意〕と呼ばれるようになったのです。人々はそこで主にいけにえをささげました。


6ヨシュアがイスラエルの全軍を解散させると、各部族はそれぞれ新しい領地を目指して移動し、各自の所有地を手に入れました。 7-9神の人ヨシュアは百十歳で世を去り、エフライム山中、ガアシュ山の北にあるティムナテ・ヘレスの自分の領地に葬られました。ヨシュアが生きている間、人々は主に忠実でした。彼の死後も、主がイスラエルに行った驚くべきわざを目撃した長老たちの存命中は、その態度に変わりはありませんでした。

10ところが、ヨシュアと同世代の人々がみな世を去ると、あとの世代は彼らの神を主として礼拝せず、主がイスラエルのために行ったわざさえ関心を示さなくなったのです。 11彼らは主に禁じられたことを次から次に行い、異教の神々を拝むことさえしました。 12-14イスラエル人をエジプトから連れ出し、先祖たちが慕い礼拝してきた神、主を捨ててしまったのです。そればかりか、近隣諸国の偶像にひれ伏し拝んだので、主の怒りが全イスラエルに対して燃え上がりました。主に背を向け、バアルやアシュタロテのような偶像を拝むイスラエル人を、主は敵のなすままに任せたのです。

15今や、彼らが敵と戦おうと出て行っても、主が行く手をはばむことになりました。こうなることは、主が前もって警告し、はっきり告げていたことでした。それでもなお、かつてない苦境に立たされた彼らを、 16敵の手から救い出すために、主は士師(王国設立までの軍事的・政治的指導者)を起こしました。

17しかしイスラエルは、その士師にさえ耳を貸そうとせず、ほかの神々を拝んで、主への信仰を捨て去りました。なんと早く、彼らは主の命令に従うことを拒み、先祖が歩んだ信仰の道から離れてしまったことでしょう。 18どの士師も生涯を通して、イスラエルの民を敵の手から救い出しました。苦しみに押しつぶされそうな人々のうめきを聞き、主があわれんだからです。こうして主は、士師のいる間はイスラエルを助けました。 19しかし、士師が死ぬと、人々はたちまち正しい道を捨て、先祖たちよりもいっそう堕落してしまったのです。人々は再び異教の神々に祈りをささげ、地にひれ伏して礼拝するようになりました。イスラエルの民はかたくなで、周辺諸国の悪習慣から抜け出すことができませんでした。

20それで、主の怒りが再びイスラエルに対して燃え上がりました。「この民は、わたしが彼らの先祖と結んだ契約を踏みにじったので、 21ヨシュアが死んだ時まだ征服していなかった民を、これ以上追い出すのはやめよう。 22むしろ彼らを用いて、イスラエル人がほんとうに先祖にならってわたしに従うかどうか試すことにしよう。」


New International Reader’s Version

Judges 2:1-23

The Angel of the Lord Warns Israel at Bokim

1The angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bokim. There he said to the Israelites, “I brought you up out of Egypt. I led you into this land. It is the land I promised to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. At that time I said, ‘I will never break the covenant I made with you. 2So you must not make a covenant with the people of this land. Instead, you must tear down their altars.’ But you have disobeyed me. Why did you do it? 3I have said something else. I said, ‘I will not drive out those people to make room for you. They and their gods will become traps for you.’ ”

4The angel of the Lord spoke these things to all the Israelites. Then the people wept out loud. 5So that place was called Bokim. The people offered sacrifices there to the Lord.

The People Disobey the Lord and Lose Their Battles

6Joshua sent the Israelites away. Then they went to take over the land. All of them went to their own shares of land. 7The people served the Lord as long as Joshua lived. They also served him as long as the elders lived. Those were the elders who lived longer than Joshua did. They had seen all the great things the Lord had done for Israel.

8Joshua, the servant of the Lord, died. He was the son of Nun. He was 110 years old when he died. 9His people buried him on his own property at Timnath Heres. It’s north of Mount Gaash in the hill country of Ephraim.

10All the people of Joshua’s time joined the members of their families who had already died. Then those who were born after them grew up. They didn’t know the Lord and what he had done for Israel. 11The Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. They served gods that were named Baal. 12They deserted the Lord, the God of their people. He had brought them out of Egypt. But now the Israelites served other gods and worshiped them. They served the gods of the nations that were around them. They made the Lord angry 13because they deserted him. They served Baal. They also served female gods that were named Ashtoreth. 14The Lord became angry with the Israelites. So he handed them over to robbers. The robbers stole everything from them. The Lord handed the Israelites over to their enemies all around them. Israel wasn’t able to fight against them anymore and win. 15When the Israelites went out to fight, the Lord’s power was against them. He let their enemies win the battle over them. The Lord had warned them that it would happen. And now they were suffering terribly.

16Then the Lord gave them leaders. The leaders saved them from the power of those robbers. 17But the people wouldn’t listen to their leaders. They weren’t faithful to the Lord. They served other gods and worshiped them. They didn’t obey the Lord’s commands as their people before them had done. They quickly turned away from the path their people had taken. 18When the Lord gave them a leader, he was with that leader. The Lord saved the people from the power of their enemies. He did it as long as the leader lived. The Lord felt very sorry for the people. They groaned because of what their enemies did to them. Their enemies treated them badly. 19But when the leader died, the people returned to their evil ways. The things they did were even more sinful than the things their people before them had done. They served other gods and worshiped them. They refused to give up their evil practices. They wouldn’t change their stubborn ways.

20So the Lord became very angry with the Israelites. He said, “This nation has broken my covenant. I made it with their people of long ago. But this nation has not listened to me. 21Joshua left some nations in the land when he died. I will no longer drive out those nations to make room for Israel. 22I will use those nations to test Israel. I will see whether Israel will live the way I, the Lord, want them to. I will see whether they will be like their people of long ago. I will see whether they will follow my path.” 23The Lord had let those nations remain in the land. He didn’t drive them out right away. He didn’t hand them over to Joshua.