列王記Ⅱ 25 – JCB & NIVUK

Japanese Contemporary Bible

列王記Ⅱ 25:1-30



1そこで、ゼデキヤ王の第九年の第十の月の十日にネブカデネザル王は全軍を率いて攻撃をしかけ、エルサレムを包囲しました。 2それは、ゼデキヤ王の第十一年まで続きました。

3最後の年の第四の月の九日になると、町に残っていた最後の食糧も底をつきました。 4-5その夜、王とその手勢は、内側の城壁に穴をあけ、宮殿の庭園の近くにある、二重の城壁の間の門を通り抜けて、アラバへ逃げました。町を包囲していたバビロンの兵士たちはあとを追い、エリコの平原でゼデキヤ王を捕らえたので、王の軍隊は散り散りになりました。 6ゼデキヤはリブラへ連行され、バビロンの王の前で裁判を受けました。 7その結果、目の前で息子たちが次々に殺されるのを見せられたのち、両眼をえぐり出され、足かせにつながれたままバビロンへ連行されました。

8ネブカデネザル王の第十九年の第五の月の七日、王の侍従長ネブザルアダンがバビロンからエルサレムに到着し、 9神殿や宮殿をはじめ、町中のめぼしい建物を全部焼き払いました。 10また、バビロン軍を指揮して、城壁を取り壊しました。 11町に残っていた人々と、バビロンの王に忠誠を誓ったユダの逃亡兵全員は、捕虜としてバビロンへ連行されました。 12貧民街に住む者だけが、土地を耕すために残されたのです。

13バビロン軍は、神殿の青銅の柱と青銅の洗盤を台もろとも壊し、青銅をすべてバビロンへ運びました。 14-15また、つぼ、十能、火皿、芯切りばさみ、さじ、その他、いけにえをささげるために使う青銅の器具もすべて奪いました。金や銀の鉢はその他の金銀とともに、溶かして金塊や銀塊にされました。 16ソロモンが神殿のために作った二本の柱と台つきの大洗盤は、あまりにも重くて、量ることができませんでした。 17柱の高さはそれぞれ十八キュビト(約八メートル)あり、その上に回りを青銅の網細工とざくろで飾った三キュビトの柱頭がついていました。

18ネブザルアダンは、祭司長セラヤと次席祭司ゼパニヤ、それに、三人の神殿警備員を、捕虜としてバビロンへ連れて行きました。 19ユダ軍の司令官、徴兵官、王の五人の側近、町に隠れているところを見つかった六十人の農夫は、 20捕らえられて、リブラにいるバビロンの王のもとへ引き出され、 21剣で切り殺されました。こうして、ユダの民は祖国を追われて捕囚の身となったのです。


22ネブカデネザル王は、アヒカムの子、シャファンの孫ゲダルヤを、ユダに残った者を治める総督に任命しました。 23バビロンの王がゲダルヤを総督に任命したと聞くと、イスラエルのゲリラ部隊の指導者たちは、部下を引き連れ、ミツパにいるゲダルヤのところへ来ました。ネタヌヤの子イシュマエル、カレアハの子ヨハナン、ネトファ人タヌフメテの子セラヤ、マアカ人の子ヤアザヌヤと、その部下たちです。 24ゲダルヤは、彼らにこう保証しました。「武器を捨ててバビロン軍に下れば捕虜にもならず、この地に住めよう。」

25ところが、それからしばらくして、王族の一人であったイシュマエルは、十人の部下を連れてミツパへ行き、ゲダルヤをはじめ、ユダ人とバビロン人からなる総督府の職員を殺してしまったのです。 26ユダの民はバビロン軍の報復を恐れて、ゲリラ部隊の指導者たちとともに、あわててエジプトへ逃げました。


27エホヤキンは、捕囚となって三十七年目の第十二の月の二十七日に、牢から釈放され、自由の身となりました。それは、バビロンの王エビル・メロダク即位の年のことでした。 28彼はエホヤキンに親切にし、バビロンで共に獄につながれていたどの王に対するよりも厚遇しました。 29エホヤキンはそれまでの囚人服から新しい服に着替え、一生の間、いつも王の食卓で食事をしました。 30エホヤキンは生きている間、王から日々の生活費を支給されました。

New International Version – UK

2 Kings 25:1-30

1So in the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon marched against Jerusalem with his whole army. He camped outside the city and built siege works all around it. 2The city was kept under siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.

3By the ninth day of the fourth25:3 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text (see Jer. 52:6); Masoretic Text does not have fourth. month the famine in the city had become so severe that there was no food for the people to eat. 4Then the city wall was broken through, and the whole army fled at night through the gate between the two walls near the king’s garden, though the Babylonians25:4 Or Chaldeans; also in verses 13, 25 and 26 were surrounding the city. They fled towards the Arabah,25:4 Or the Jordan Valley 5but the Babylonian25:5 Or Chaldean; also in verses 10 and 24 army pursued the king and overtook him in the plains of Jericho. All his soldiers were separated from him and scattered, 6and he was captured.

He was taken to the king of Babylon at Riblah, where sentence was pronounced on him. 7They killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes. Then they put out his eyes, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon.

8On the seventh day of the fifth month, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard, an official of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem. 9He set fire to the temple of the Lord, the royal palace and all the houses of Jerusalem. Every important building he burned down. 10The whole Babylonian army under the commander of the imperial guard broke down the walls around Jerusalem. 11Nebuzaradan the commander of the guard carried into exile the people who remained in the city, along with the rest of the populace and those who had deserted to the king of Babylon. 12But the commander left behind some of the poorest people of the land to work the vineyards and fields.

13The Babylonians broke up the bronze pillars, the movable stands and the bronze Sea that were at the temple of the Lord and they carried the bronze to Babylon. 14They also took away the pots, shovels, wick trimmers, dishes and all the bronze articles used in the temple service. 15The commander of the imperial guard took away the censers and sprinkling bowls – all that were made of pure gold or silver.

16The bronze from the two pillars, the Sea and the movable stands, which Solomon had made for the temple of the Lord, was more than could be weighed. 17Each pillar was eighteen cubits25:17 That is, about 8.1 metres high. The bronze capital on top of one pillar was three cubits25:17 That is, about 1.4 metres high and was decorated with a network and pomegranates of bronze all around. The other pillar, with its network, was similar.

18The commander of the guard took as prisoners Seraiah the chief priest, Zephaniah the priest next in rank and the three doorkeepers. 19Of those still in the city, he took the officer in charge of the fighting men, and five royal advisors. He also took the secretary who was chief officer in charge of conscripting the people of the land and sixty of the conscripts who were found in the city. 20Nebuzaradan the commander took them all and brought them to the king of Babylon at Riblah. 21There at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, the king had them executed.

So Judah went into captivity, away from her land.

22Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon appointed Gedaliah son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, to be over the people he had left behind in Judah. 23When all the army officers and their men heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah as governor, they came to Gedaliah at Mizpah – Ishmael son of Nethaniah, Johanan son of Kareah, Seraiah son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, Jaazaniah the son of the Maakathite, and their men. 24Gedaliah took an oath to reassure them and their men. ‘Do not be afraid of the Babylonian officials,’ he said. ‘Settle down in the land and serve the king of Babylon, and it will go well with you.’

25In the seventh month, however, Ishmael son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, who was of royal blood, came with ten men and assassinated Gedaliah and also the men of Judah and the Babylonians who were with him at Mizpah. 26At this, all the people from the least to the greatest, together with the army officers, fled to Egypt for fear of the Babylonians.

Jehoiachin released

27In the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the year Awel-Marduk became king of Babylon, he released Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison. He did this on the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth month. 28He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honour higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon. 29So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king’s table. 30Day by day the king gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived.