レビ記 9 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

レビ記 9:1-24



1任職式の八日目にモーセは、アロン、その息子たち、イスラエルの指導者たちを集め、 2雄牛一頭を罪の赦しのためのいけにえとして、傷のない雄羊を焼き尽くすいけにえとして、主にささげるようアロンに命じました。 3「人々に、罪の赦しのためのいけにえ用に雄やぎを、焼き尽くすいけにえ用に傷のない一歳の子牛と子羊を用意させなさい。 4また、雄牛と雄羊を和解のいけにえ用に、また、オリーブ油でこねた小麦粉を穀物の供え物用に持って来させなさい。今日、主があなたがたに現れるからだ。」

5そこで人々は、命じられたとおりのものを幕屋の入口へ持って来て、主の前に立ちました。 6モーセは、「主のご命令に従えば、必ずそのご栄光を仰げるのだ」 7と言うと、アロンに、「祭壇に進み出て、罪の赦しのためのいけにえと、焼き尽くすいけにえをささげ、まず自分の罪の償いをし、次に民の罪の償いをしなさい」と命じました。主が命じたとおりです。

8アロンは祭壇に進み出て、自分の罪が赦されるためのいけにえとして、子牛をほふりました。 9息子たちがその血を手にすくうとアロンはそれに指を浸し、祭壇の角に塗り、残りは祭壇の土台に注ぎました。 10そして主の命令どおり、祭壇でいけにえの脂肪、腎臓、胆のうを焼きました。 11ただし、肉と皮は宿営の外で焼き捨てました。

12次に焼き尽くすいけにえを殺し、息子たちがその血をすくい、それをアロンが祭壇の回りに振りかけました。 13続いて息子たちは死体をばらばらにし、頭といっしょにアロンのところに持って来ました。アロンはそれを一つ残らず祭壇で焼きました。 14そして、内臓と足もきれいに洗い、焼き尽くすいけにえとして祭壇で焼きました。

15次は民のささげ物の番です。アロンは自分のときと同じ要領で、罪の赦しのためのいけにえとして、やぎをささげました。 16さらに、主の指示どおり、焼き尽くすいけにえもささげました。 17穀物の供え物がそれに続きます。その中から一つかみを取り、朝ごとのささげ物とは別に、祭壇で焼いてささげました。

18ついで、雄牛と雄羊をほふりました。民のための和解のいけにえです。アロンの息子たちがその血をアロンのところに持って行き、アロンは祭壇の回りに振りかけました。 19続いて、背骨に沿ってついている脂肪と内臓を覆う脂肪、腎臓と胆のうを取り出しました。 20脂肪はいけにえの胸に載せ、祭壇で焼きました。 21ただし胸と右ももは、モーセが命じたとおり、主の前でゆっくり揺り動かしてささげました。

22それから民に向かって両手を上げ、彼らを祝福し、罪の赦しのためのいけにえ、焼き尽くすいけにえ、和解のいけにえをささげて祭壇から降りました。 23今度はモーセとアロンがそろって幕屋に入ります。やがて出て来た二人が民を祝福すると、なんと彼らが見ている前で主の栄光が現れたのです。 24その時、主の火が下り、祭壇のいけにえと脂肪を焼き尽くしました。民はみな大声を上げ、ひれ伏しました。

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 9:1-24

The Priests Offer Sacrifices

1On the eighth day Moses sent for Aaron, his sons and the elders of Israel. 2He said to Aaron, “Bring a bull calf for your sin offering. Bring a ram for your burnt offering. They must not have any flaws. Offer them to the Lord. 3Then speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Bring a male goat for a sin offering. Bring a calf and a lamb for a burnt offering. Both of them must be a year old. They must not have any flaws. 4Bring an ox and a ram for a friendship offering. Sacrifice all of them to the Lord. Also bring a grain offering. Mix it with olive oil. Today the Lord will appear to you.’ ”

5The people got the things Moses commanded them to get. They took them to the front of the tent of meeting. The whole community came up close to the tent. They stood there in front of the Lord. 6Then Moses said, “You have done what the Lord has commanded. So the glory of the Lord will appear to you.”

7Moses said to Aaron, “Come to the altar. Sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering. Pay for your sin and the sin of the people. Sacrifice the people’s offering. Pay for their sin. Do just as the Lord has commanded.”

8So Aaron came to the altar. He killed the calf as a sin offering for himself. 9His sons brought its blood to him. He dipped his finger into the blood. He put some on the horns that stick out from the upper four corners of the altar. He poured out the rest of the blood at the bottom of the altar. 10He burned the fat and the kidneys on the altar. He also burned the long part of the liver. All these parts were from the sin offering. Aaron did just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 11He burned up the meat and the hide outside the camp.

12Then he killed the animal for the burnt offering. His sons handed him its blood. He splashed it against the sides of the altar. 13They handed him the burnt offering piece by piece. It included the animal’s head. Aaron burned everything on the altar. 14He washed the inside parts and the legs. He burned them on top of the burnt offering on the altar.

15Then Aaron brought the people’s offering. He took the goat for their sin offering and killed it. He offered it for a sin offering. He did just as he had done with his own sin offering.

16He brought the animal for the burnt offering. He offered it in the way the law requires. 17He also brought the grain offering. He took a handful of it and burned it on the altar. It was in addition to that morning’s burnt offering.

18Aaron killed the ox and the ram as the friendship offering for the people. His sons handed him the blood. He splashed it against the sides of the altar. 19His sons also brought the fat parts of the ox and the ram. They included the fat tail and the layer of fat. They also included the kidneys and the long part of the liver. 20Aaron’s sons placed everything on the breasts of the animals. Aaron burned the fat on the altar. 21He lifted up the breasts and the right thigh and waved them in front of the Lord as a wave offering. He did it just as Moses had commanded.

22Then Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people. He gave them a blessing. He had already sacrificed the sin offering, the burnt offering and the friendship offering. So he stepped down from the altar.

23Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting. When they came out, they gave the people a blessing. The glory of the Lord appeared to all the people. 24The Lord sent fire on the altar. The fire burned up the burnt offering along with the fat parts. All the people saw it. Then they shouted for joy. They fell with their faces to the ground.