レビ記 15 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

レビ記 15:1-33



1-2さらに、主はモーセとアロンに告げました。「人々に次のような指示を与えなさい。だれでも陰部から漏出があれば、汚れた者とみなされる。 3実際に漏出があるときだけでなく、漏出がないときも、その期間は汚れた者となる。 4寝床や座る物もみな汚れる。 5患者の寝床にさわるだけで、夕方まで汚れた者となる。そうなれば、衣服と体を洗わなければならない。 6汚れた者の座った物に座る者も、礼拝規定上は夕方まで汚れた者となる。やはり、衣服と体を洗わなければならない。 7また、漏出を病む人の患部にさわった場合も同じである。 8患者につばをかけられたときも夕方まで汚れた者となり、衣服と体を洗わなければならない。 9患者の乗った鞍は汚れる。 10何でも患者が座った物にさわったり、それを運んだりした者は、夕方まで汚れた者となり、衣服と体を洗わなければならない。 11患者が手を洗わずに人にさわったら、さわられた者は衣服と体を洗わなければならない。夕方までは汚れた者とみなされる。 12汚れた者がさわった土の器は全部壊しなさい。木の容器は水できれいに洗えばよい。

13漏出が止まったら、七日間きよめの儀式を行いなさい。衣服を洗い、流水で体を洗うのだ。 14八日目に、幕屋の入口に、山鳩か家鳩のひな二羽を持って来て、祭司に渡す。 15祭司はそこでいけにえをささげる。一羽を罪の赦しのためのいけにえに、もう一羽を焼き尽くすいけにえにする。こうして祭司は、漏出を病んだ患者のために罪の償いをする。

16精液を漏らしたときは全身を洗うこと。本人は夕方まで汚れた者となる。 17精液のついた衣服や皮も夕方まで汚れたものとなり、洗わなければならない。 18性行為後は、男も女も体を洗わなければならない。二人とも翌日の夕方まで、汚れた者とみなされる。

19女が生理のとき、七日間は汚れた者となる。その期間に女にさわる者はだれでも、夕方まで汚れる。 20その期間に女の寝る床や座る物は汚れる。 21-23女の寝床や座った物にさわる者も、衣服と体を洗わなければならない。夕方まで汚れた者となる。 24この期間に女と性行為をする者は、礼拝規定で七日間汚れた者となる。彼の寝床も汚れる。

25生理の出血が、普通の期間を過ぎても止まらないか、不定期にあった場合にも、同じ規定を適用する。 26その期間に寝た床は、通常の生理の場合と同様に汚れる。座った物も同じである。 27その女の寝床や座った物にさわる者は夕方まで汚れる。衣服と体を洗いなさい。 28月のものが止まって七日たったら、汚れはきよくなる。

29八日目に、山鳩か家鳩のひな二羽を、天幕の入口の祭司のところに持って行きなさい。 30祭司は一羽を罪の赦しのためのいけにえに、もう一羽を焼き尽くすいけにえにする。生理の汚れのために、主の前でその女の罪の償いをする。 31こうして、人々を汚れからきよめる。彼らの間に建てられたわたしの聖所を汚し、死ぬようなことがないためだ。」


New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 15:1-33

Rules About Liquid Body Wastes

1The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 2“Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Suppose liquid waste is flowing out of a man’s body. That liquid is not “clean.” 3It does not matter whether it continues to flow out of his body or is blocked. It will make him “unclean.” Here is how his liquid body waste will make him “unclean.”

4“ ‘Any bed the man who has the flow of liquid body waste lies on will be “unclean.” Anything he sits on will be “unclean.” 5Anyone who touches the man’s bed must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening. 6Suppose someone sits on something the man sat on. Then they must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening.

7“ ‘Suppose someone touches the man who has the flow of liquid body waste. Then they must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening.

8“ ‘Suppose someone is “clean.” And suppose the man who has the flow of liquid waste spits on them. Then they must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening.

9“ ‘Everything the man sits on when he is riding will be “unclean.” 10Suppose someone touches any of the things that were under him. Then they will be “unclean” until evening. Even if they pick up those things, they must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening.

11“ ‘Suppose the man who has the liquid flow touches someone. And suppose he does it without rinsing his hands with water. Then the person he touched must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening.

12“ ‘Suppose the man touches a clay pot. Then that pot must be broken. Any wooden thing he touches must be rinsed with water.

13“ ‘Suppose the man has been healed from his liquid flow. Then he must wait seven days. He must wash his clothes. He must take a bath in fresh water. After that, he will be “clean.” 14On the eighth day he must get two doves or two young pigeons. He must come to the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. There he must give the birds to the priest. 15The priest must sacrifice them. One is for a sin offering. The other is for a burnt offering. In that way the priest will pay for the man’s sin in the sight of the Lord. He will do it because the man had a liquid flow.

16“ ‘Suppose semen flows from a man’s body. Then he must wash his whole body with water. He will be “unclean” until evening. 17Suppose clothes or leather have semen on them. Then they must be washed with water. They will be “unclean” until evening. 18Suppose a man sleeps with a woman. And suppose semen flows from his body and touches both of them. Then they must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening.

19“ ‘Suppose a woman is having her regular monthly period. Then for seven days she will be “unclean.” Anyone who touches her will be “unclean” until evening.

20“ ‘Anything she lies on during her period will be “unclean.” Anything she sits on will be “unclean.” 21Anyone who touches her bed must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening. 22Anyone who touches anything she sits on must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening. 23It does not matter whether it was her bed or anything she was sitting on. If anyone touches it, they will be “unclean” until evening.

24“ ‘Suppose a man sleeps with that woman. And suppose blood from her monthly period touches him. Then he will be “unclean” for seven days. Any bed he lies on will be “unclean.”

25“ ‘Suppose blood flows from a woman’s body for many days. And it happens at a time other than her monthly period. Or blood keeps flowing after her period is over. Then she will be “unclean” as long as the blood continues to flow. She will be “unclean,” just as she is during the days of her period. 26Any bed she lies on while her blood continues to flow will be “unclean.” It is the same as it is when she is having her period. Anything she sits on will be “unclean.” 27If anyone touches those things, they will be “unclean.” They must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening.

28“ ‘Suppose the woman has been healed from her flow of blood. Then she must wait seven days. After that, she will be “clean.” 29On the eighth day she must get two doves or two young pigeons. She must bring them to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 30The priest must sacrifice them. One is for a sin offering. The other is for a burnt offering. In that way he will pay for her sin in the sight of the Lord. He will do it because her flow of blood made her “unclean.”

31“ ‘You must keep the Israelites away from things that make them “unclean.” Then they will not die for being “unclean.” And they will not die for making the place “unclean” where I, the Lord, live. It is in the middle of the camp.’ ”

32These are the rules for a man who has liquid waste flowing out of his body. They apply to a man made “unclean” by semen that flows from his body. 33They apply to a woman having her monthly period. They apply to a man or woman who has a liquid flow. And they apply to a man who sleeps with a woman who is “unclean.”