ヨシュア記 10 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

ヨシュア記 10:1-43



1エルサレムの王アドニ・ツェデクは、ヨシュアがエリコ同様アイを占領して破壊し、その王を殺害したことや、ギブオンの住民がイスラエルと和平交渉を行い、同盟を結んだことなどを聞いて、 2非常に恐れました。それは、ギブオンが実質的には王国の都のようであり、アイよりも大きく、そこの男たちはみな勇士だったからです。 3そこでアドニ・ツェデク王は、ヘブロンの王ホハム、ヤルムテの王ピルアム、ラキシュの王ヤフィア、エグロンの王デビルに使者を送り、 4こう伝えました。「さあ、ギブオンを滅ぼすために手を貸してくれ。彼らはヨシュアやイスラエル人どもと和を講じたからだ。」 5それで五人のエモリ人の王は、連合軍を編成してギブオンを攻撃しました。

6ギブオンの人々は急いで、ギルガルにいるヨシュアのもとへ伝令を走らせました。「しもべどもをお助けください。少しでも早く援軍を出してください。山地のエモリ人の王たちが連合して攻めて来ます。」 7そこでヨシュアはイスラエル軍を率いてギルガルを立ち、救援に向かいました。


9ヨシュアはギルガルから夜通し行軍して、敵軍を急襲しました。 10主が敵を混乱に陥れたので、イスラエル軍はギブオンで彼らに大打撃を与え、逃げる者をベテ・ホロンとアゼカとマケダまで追って打ち倒しました。 11敵がベテ・ホロンの丘を下って敗走する時、主はアゼカへ至る道に大粒の雹を降らせ続けて、彼らを滅ぼしました。事実、イスラエル軍が剣で殺した者よりも、雹に打たれて死んだ者のほうが多かったのです。

12イスラエル軍が敵を追いつめた時のことです。ヨシュアは民の前で大声で祈りました。「太陽よ、ギブオンの上にとどまれ。月よ、アヤロンの谷から動くな。」 13すると、太陽も月も、イスラエル軍が敵を全滅させるまで動かずにいました。この出来事は『ヤシャルの書』(イスラエルに古くから伝わる詩的文書)にくわしく記されています。太陽は丸一日、天にとどまっていました。 14こんなことは、あとにも先にもありませんでした。この日、主は一人の人の祈りを聞き入れ、イスラエルのために戦ったのです。 15そののち、ヨシュアとイスラエル軍は、ギルガルの陣営に引き揚げました。

16五人の王は戦いの最中に逃げ出し、マケダのほら穴に身を潜めていました。 17その王たちが見つかったという知らせを受けたヨシュアは、 18ほら穴の入口を大きな石でふさぎ、番兵を立てて、見張るよう命じました。 19続いて、ヨシュアは全軍に命じました。「敵のあとを追い、しんがりから切って捨てよ。みすみす生かして帰らせてはならない。主が敵を全滅させるために、力を貸してくださるからだ。」

20ヨシュアとイスラエル軍は、追撃の手を少しもゆるめず、五人の王の連合軍を全滅させました。ただ、ほんの一握りの者が生き残って、いのちからがら自分たちの町へ逃げ込みました。 21一方イスラエル軍は一人の兵士も失うことなく、マケダの陣営のヨシュアのもとに引き揚げたのです。このことがあってから、もはやイスラエルに刃向かう者はいなくなりました。

22-23さてヨシュアは、部下に命じて、ほら穴の入口から石を取り除き、エルサレム、ヘブロン、ヤルムテ、ラキシュ、エグロンの五人の王を連れて来させました。 24そして、イスラエル軍の指揮官たちに、王たちの首を踏みつけるよう命じ、 25言いました。「恐れたり、失望したりしてはならない。雄々しくあり、勇気を出しなさい。主は、すべての敵にこのようになさるからだ。」 26それから、ヨシュアは五人の王を次々に打ち、死体を五本の木にかけて、夕方までさらしました。 27日が沈むころ、死体を木から降ろさせ、彼らが隠れていたほら穴に投げ込むよう命じました。入口には石を山のように積み上げました。それは今も残っています。

28同じ日、ヨシュアはマケダの町を占領し、王と全住民を打ちました。 29次に、イスラエル軍はリブナへ向かい、 30そこでも、主がその町と王をイスラエルの手に渡したので、エリコと同様、最後の一人に至るまで剣で打ちました。

31さらにイスラエル軍は、リブナからラキシュを目指し、攻撃をかけました。 32二日目に、主がその町をイスラエルの手に渡したので、ここでもリブナ同様、全住民が打たれました。 33ラキシュ攻撃のさなか、ゲゼルの王ホラムが、ラキシュへ援軍を率いてやって来ましたが、ヨシュアはホラムをも倒して、彼らを一人も残しておきませんでした。

34-35次いでイスラエル軍はラキシュからエグロンに進み、一日でエグロンを占領し、ラキシュと全く同じようにしました。 36そのあとエグロンからヘブロンに進み、 37その町と周囲の村々を片っぱしから占領し、全住民を打ちました。 38それからデビルに引き返し、 39そこと周囲の村々をまたたく間に占領しました。そしてリブナと全く同じように、主と全住民を打ったのです。

40こうして、ヨシュアが率いるイスラエル軍は、山地、ネゲブ、低地、および山の斜面の国々と王とを征服したのです。彼らはイスラエルの神、主が命じたとおり、その地に住む者を打ち滅ぼしました。 41カデシュ・バルネアからガザまで、またゴシェンからギブオンまで、その地の全住民を打ったのです。 42これらはすべて、一度の出撃で果たしたものでした。イスラエルの神、主が、イスラエルのために戦ったからです。 43こうしてヨシュアは、全イスラエルを率い、ギルガルの陣営に凱旋しました。

New International Reader’s Version

Joshua 10:1-43

The Sun Stands Still

1Adoni-Zedek was the king of Jerusalem. He heard that Joshua had captured Ai. He found out that the city had been set apart to the Lord in a special way to be destroyed. He heard that Joshua had done to Ai and its king the same thing he had done to Jericho and its king. Adoni-Zedek heard that the people of Gibeon had made a peace treaty with Israel. He also found out that they were living among the Israelites. 2The things he heard alarmed him and his people very much. That’s because Gibeon was an important city. It was like one of the royal cities. It was larger than Ai. All its men were good soldiers. 3So Adoni-Zedek, the king of Jerusalem, made an appeal to Hoham, the king of Hebron. He appealed to Piram, the king of Jarmuth. He appealed to Japhia, the king of Lachish. He also made an appeal to Debir, the king of Eglon. 4“Come up and help me attack Gibeon,” he said. “Its people have made peace with Joshua and the Israelites.”

5Then the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon gathered their armies together. Those five Amorite kings moved all their troops into position to fight against Gibeon. Then they attacked it.

6Joshua was in the camp at Gilgal. The people of Gibeon sent a message to him there. They said, “Don’t desert us. We serve you. Come up to us quickly! Save us! Help us! All the Amorite kings from the central hill country have gathered their armies together to fight against us.”

7So Joshua marched up from Gilgal with his whole army. The army included all his best fighting men. 8The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them. I have handed them over to you. Not one of them will be able to fight against you and win.”

9Joshua marched all night from Gilgal. He took the Amorite armies by surprise. 10The Lord threw them into a panic as Israel marched toward them. Then Joshua and the Israelites won a complete victory over them at Gibeon. The Israelites chased them along the road that goes up to Beth Horon. They struck them down all the way to Azekah and Makkedah. 11The Amorites tried to escape as Israel marched toward them. They ran down the road from Beth Horon to Azekah. Then the Lord threw large hailstones down on them. The hailstones killed more of them than the swords of the Israelites did.

12So the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel. On that day Joshua spoke to the Lord while the Israelites were listening. He said,

“Sun, stand still over Gibeon.

And you, moon, stand still over the Valley of Aijalon.”

13So the sun stood still.

The moon stopped.

They didn’t move again until the nation won the battle over its enemies.

You can read about it in the Book of Jashar.

The sun stopped in the middle of the sky. It didn’t go down for about a full day. 14There has never been a day like it before or since. It was a day when the Lord listened to a mere human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!

15Joshua and his whole army returned to the camp at Gilgal.

Joshua Kills the Five Amorite Kings

16The five Amorite kings had run away. They had hidden in the cave at Makkedah. 17Joshua was told that the five kings had been found. He was also told that they were hiding in the cave at Makkedah. 18He said, “Roll some large rocks up to the opening of the cave. Put some men there to guard it. 19But keep on going! Chase your enemies! Attack them from behind. Don’t let them get back to their cities. The Lord your God has handed them over to you.”

20So Joshua and the men of Israel had complete victory over them. They killed almost every one of them. But a few escaped. They went back to their cities that had high walls around them. 21Then Israel’s whole army returned safely to Joshua. He was in the camp at Makkedah. No one in the land dared to say anything against the Israelites.

22Joshua said, “Open up the cave. Bring those five kings out to me.” 23So Joshua’s men brought the kings out of the cave. They were the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon. 24The men brought them to Joshua. Then he sent for all the men of Israel. He spoke to the army commanders who had come with him. He said, “Come here. Put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came forward and placed their feet on the necks of the kings.

25Joshua said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Don’t lose hope. Be strong and brave. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight.” 26Joshua put the five kings to death. He stuck a pole through each of their bodies. Then he set the poles up where people could see the bodies. He left them there until evening.

27At sunset Joshua ordered his men to take down the bodies. So they took them down from the poles and threw them into the cave where the kings had been hiding. They placed large rocks at the opening of the cave. And the rocks are still there to this day.

The Campaign Against the Cities in the South

28That day Joshua captured Makkedah. He cut down its people and their king. He totally destroyed everyone in it. He didn’t leave anyone alive. He did to the king of Makkedah the same thing he had done to the king of Jericho.

29Joshua moved on from Makkedah to Libnah. Israel’s whole army went with him. They attacked Libnah. 30The Lord also handed that city and its king over to Israel. Joshua destroyed the city. He and his men killed everyone in it with their swords. He didn’t leave anyone alive there. He did to its king the same thing he had done to the king of Jericho.

31Joshua moved on from Libnah to Lachish. Israel’s whole army went with him. The men took up their battle positions. Then Joshua attacked Lachish. 32The Lord handed it over to Israel. Joshua captured the city on the second day of the battle. He destroyed the city. He and his men killed everyone in it with their swords. He had done the same thing to Libnah. 33While all that was happening, Horam had come up to help Lachish. He was the king of Gezer. But Joshua won the battle over him and his army. No one was left alive.

34Joshua moved on from Lachish to Eglon. Israel’s whole army went with him. They took up their battle positions. Then they attacked Eglon. 35They captured it that same day. They totally destroyed everyone in it with their swords. They had done the same thing to Lachish.

36Joshua went up from Eglon to Hebron. Israel’s whole army went with him. Then they attacked Hebron. 37They captured the city. They destroyed it and its villages. They killed all its people and their king with their swords. They didn’t leave anyone alive. They totally destroyed the city and everyone in it. They had done the same thing at Eglon.

38Joshua turned back and attacked Debir. Israel’s whole army went with him. 39They captured the city, its king and its villages. They totally destroyed everyone in Debir with their swords. They didn’t leave anyone alive. They did to Debir and its king the same thing they had done to Libnah and its king. They had also done the same thing to Hebron.

40So Joshua brought the whole area under his control. That included the central hill country and the Negev Desert. It included the western hills and the mountain slopes. It also included all the kings in that whole area. Joshua didn’t leave anyone alive. He totally destroyed everyone who breathed. He did just as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded. 41Joshua brought everyone from Kadesh Barnea to Gaza under his control. He did the same thing to everyone from the whole area of Goshen to Gibeon. 42He won the battle over all those kings and their lands. He did it in one campaign. That’s because the Lord, the God of Israel, fought for Israel.

43Then Joshua returned to the camp at Gilgal. Israel’s whole army went with him.