サムエル記Ⅱ 13 – JCB & NIV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅱ 13:1-39



1ダビデの息子の一人、王子アブシャロムには、タマルという美しい妹がいました。ところが、タマルの異母兄に当たる王子アムノンが、彼女に深く思いを寄せるようになったのです。 2アムノンはタマルへの恋に苦しみ、煩うまでになってしまいました。未婚の娘と若者とは厳格に隔てられていて、話しかける機会さえなかったのです。 3ところが、アムノンには悪賢い友人が一人いました。ダビデの兄シムアの息子で、いとこに当たるヨナダブです。




6アムノンは言われたとおりにしました。王が見舞いに来ると、「妹タマルをよこして、食事を用意させてください」とだけ願い出ました。 7ダビデはうなずき、タマルに、「アムノンの住まいへ行き、何か手料理をごちそうしてやってくれ」と頼んだのです。 8タマルはアムノンの寝室を訪れました。アムノンは、タマルが粉をこねてパンを作る姿をじっと見つめていました。タマルはアムノンのために、とびきりおいしいパンを焼き上げました。 9ところが、それをお盆に載せてアムノンの前に差し出しても、口に入れようとしません。アムノンは召使たちに、「みんな、下がってくれ」と命じたので、みな部屋から出て行きました。 10すると、彼はタマルに言ったのです。「もう一度、そのパンをこっちに運んで来て、食べさせてくれないか。」タマルは言われるままに、そばへ行きました。 11ところが、目の前に近づいたタマルに、アムノンは、「さあ、タマル。おまえはぼくのものだ」と捕まえたのです。 12彼女はびっくりして叫びました。「やめてください、お兄様! こんなばかなこと、いけないわ。イスラエルでは、それがどれほど重い罪かご存じでしょう。 13こんな辱しめを受けたら、私、どこにも顔出しできません。お兄様だって、国中の笑い者になります。どうしてもというのなら、今すぐにでも、お父様に申し出てください。きっと二人の結婚を許してくださるわ。」

14しかし、アムノンはそれを聞こうともせず、力ずくでタマルを自分のものにしてしまったのです。 15それから急に、彼はタマルに対して憎悪を抱くようになりました。それは、彼女に先に抱いた愛よりも激しいものでした。「さっさと出て行け!」アムノンはどなりました。 16タマルは必死に言いました。「いけません! 今、私を追い出したりなさったら、たった今なさったことより、もっと大きな罪を犯すことになります。」

しかし、アムノンは聞こうとはしませんでした。 17-18召使を呼ぶと、「この女を追い出し、戸を閉めてくれ」と命じ、タマルを放り出しました。当時、未婚の王女は、みな袖のある長服を着ていましたが、 19彼女はその服を裂き、頭に灰をかぶり、手を頭に置いて、泣きながら帰って行きました。








「なに、アムノンだと? またどうして、あれを。」





31王はびっくりして立ち上がり、服を引き裂き、地にひれ伏すようにその場に倒れ込みました。家臣たちも、恐れと悲しみに包まれて服を裂きました。 32-33しかしそこへ、王の兄シムアの子ヨナダブが駆けつけて、真相を伝えました。「違います。王子たちがみな殺されたのではありません! 殺されたのはアムノン王子だけです。アブシャロム様は、タマル様のことがあった日から、ずっとこの機会をねらっていたのでしょう。王子たちみなではなく、アムノン王子だけです。」

34一方、アブシャロムは逃げました。エルサレムの城壁の上で見張っていた兵たちは、山沿いの道から町へ向かって来る一群を見つけました。 35ヨナダブは王に言いました。「ごらんください! 王子たちがこちらに向かっておいでになります。今、私が申し上げたとおりです。」

36彼らは到着するや、声を上げて泣きました。王も家臣も共に泣きました。 37-39一方アブシャロムは、アミフデの子であるゲシュルの王タルマイのもとに逃げ、そこに三年間とどまっていました。ダビデは、アムノンの死についてしばらく嘆き悲しんでいましたが、ようやくあきらめがついたのか、アブシャロムに会いたいと思うようになりました。

New International Version

2 Samuel 13:1-39

Amnon and Tamar

1In the course of time, Amnon son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David.

2Amnon became so obsessed with his sister Tamar that he made himself ill. She was a virgin, and it seemed impossible for him to do anything to her.

3Now Amnon had an adviser named Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother. Jonadab was a very shrewd man. 4He asked Amnon, “Why do you, the king’s son, look so haggard morning after morning? Won’t you tell me?”

Amnon said to him, “I’m in love with Tamar, my brother Absalom’s sister.”

5“Go to bed and pretend to be ill,” Jonadab said. “When your father comes to see you, say to him, ‘I would like my sister Tamar to come and give me something to eat. Let her prepare the food in my sight so I may watch her and then eat it from her hand.’ ”

6So Amnon lay down and pretended to be ill. When the king came to see him, Amnon said to him, “I would like my sister Tamar to come and make some special bread in my sight, so I may eat from her hand.”

7David sent word to Tamar at the palace: “Go to the house of your brother Amnon and prepare some food for him.” 8So Tamar went to the house of her brother Amnon, who was lying down. She took some dough, kneaded it, made the bread in his sight and baked it. 9Then she took the pan and served him the bread, but he refused to eat.

“Send everyone out of here,” Amnon said. So everyone left him. 10Then Amnon said to Tamar, “Bring the food here into my bedroom so I may eat from your hand.” And Tamar took the bread she had prepared and brought it to her brother Amnon in his bedroom. 11But when she took it to him to eat, he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me, my sister.”

12“No, my brother!” she said to him. “Don’t force me! Such a thing should not be done in Israel! Don’t do this wicked thing. 13What about me? Where could I get rid of my disgrace? And what about you? You would be like one of the wicked fools in Israel. Please speak to the king; he will not keep me from being married to you.” 14But he refused to listen to her, and since he was stronger than she, he raped her.

15Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her. Amnon said to her, “Get up and get out!”

16“No!” she said to him. “Sending me away would be a greater wrong than what you have already done to me.”

But he refused to listen to her. 17He called his personal servant and said, “Get this woman out of my sight and bolt the door after her.” 18So his servant put her out and bolted the door after her. She was wearing an ornate13:18 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain; also in verse 19. robe, for this was the kind of garment the virgin daughters of the king wore. 19Tamar put ashes on her head and tore the ornate robe she was wearing. She put her hands on her head and went away, weeping aloud as she went.

20Her brother Absalom said to her, “Has that Amnon, your brother, been with you? Be quiet for now, my sister; he is your brother. Don’t take this thing to heart.” And Tamar lived in her brother Absalom’s house, a desolate woman.

21When King David heard all this, he was furious. 22And Absalom never said a word to Amnon, either good or bad; he hated Amnon because he had disgraced his sister Tamar.

Absalom Kills Amnon

23Two years later, when Absalom’s sheepshearers were at Baal Hazor near the border of Ephraim, he invited all the king’s sons to come there. 24Absalom went to the king and said, “Your servant has had shearers come. Will the king and his attendants please join me?”

25“No, my son,” the king replied. “All of us should not go; we would only be a burden to you.” Although Absalom urged him, he still refused to go but gave him his blessing.

26Then Absalom said, “If not, please let my brother Amnon come with us.”

The king asked him, “Why should he go with you?” 27But Absalom urged him, so he sent with him Amnon and the rest of the king’s sons.

28Absalom ordered his men, “Listen! When Amnon is in high spirits from drinking wine and I say to you, ‘Strike Amnon down,’ then kill him. Don’t be afraid. Haven’t I given you this order? Be strong and brave.” 29So Absalom’s men did to Amnon what Absalom had ordered. Then all the king’s sons got up, mounted their mules and fled.

30While they were on their way, the report came to David: “Absalom has struck down all the king’s sons; not one of them is left.” 31The king stood up, tore his clothes and lay down on the ground; and all his attendants stood by with their clothes torn.

32But Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother, said, “My lord should not think that they killed all the princes; only Amnon is dead. This has been Absalom’s express intention ever since the day Amnon raped his sister Tamar. 33My lord the king should not be concerned about the report that all the king’s sons are dead. Only Amnon is dead.”

34Meanwhile, Absalom had fled.

Now the man standing watch looked up and saw many people on the road west of him, coming down the side of the hill. The watchman went and told the king, “I see men in the direction of Horonaim, on the side of the hill.”13:34 Septuagint; Hebrew does not have this sentence.

35Jonadab said to the king, “See, the king’s sons have come; it has happened just as your servant said.”

36As he finished speaking, the king’s sons came in, wailing loudly. The king, too, and all his attendants wept very bitterly.

37Absalom fled and went to Talmai son of Ammihud, the king of Geshur. But King David mourned many days for his son.

38After Absalom fled and went to Geshur, he stayed there three years. 39And King David longed to go to Absalom, for he was consoled concerning Amnon’s death.