サムエル記Ⅰ 31 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅰ 31:1-13



1その間に、ペリシテ人はイスラエル人と戦いを始めました。イスラエル軍はあえなく敗走し、ギルボア山で大多数が戦死しました。 2ペリシテ軍はサウルを追い詰め、息子のヨナタン、アビナダブ、マルキ・シュアを殺しました。

3-4なお、射手たちはサウルをねらい打ちにし、ついに致命傷を負わせました。王は苦しい息の下から、よろい持ちの護衛兵に言いました。「あの、神を知らぬペリシテ人に捕らえられて恥辱を受けるより、いっそ、おまえの剣で殺してくれ。」しかし、よろい持ちが恐れてためらっていると、王は自分の剣を取り、その切っ先の上にうつ伏せに倒れ、壮烈な最期を遂げました。 5王の死を見届けると、よろい持ちも、自ら剣の上にうつ伏せに倒れて殉死しました。 6こうして、同じ日のうちに、王と三人の息子、よろい持ち、それに兵士たちが次々に死んだのです。 7谷の向かい側やヨルダン川の対岸にいたイスラエル人は、味方の兵士たちが逃げ出し、王とその息子たちが死んだことを聞くと、町々を捨てて逃げ去りました。それで、その町々にはペリシテ人が住むようになったのです。

8翌日、ペリシテ人は死者たちの遺品をはぎ取りに来て、サウルと三人の息子の遺体をギルボア山で発見しました。 9彼らは王の首を切り、武具をはぎ取りました。そして、国中の偶像の神殿と国民とに、サウル王を討ち取ったという朗報を伝えました。 10サウル王の武具はアシュタロテの神殿に奉納され、しかばねはベテ・シャンの城壁にさらされました。 11ヤベシュ・ギルアデの住民は、このペリシテ人の仕打ちを聞くと、 12さっそく勇士たちが夜通しベテ・シャン目指して歩いて行って、サウル王とその息子たちの死体を城壁から降ろし、ヤベシュに運んで火葬にしたのです。 13その骨はヤベシュにある柳の木の根もとに葬られ、人々は七日の間断食して、喪に服しました。

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 31:1-13

Saul Takes His Own Life

1The Philistines fought against the Israelites. The Israelites ran away from them. But many Israelites were killed on Mount Gilboa. 2The Philistines kept chasing Saul and his sons. They killed his sons Jonathan, Abinadab and Malki-Shua. 3The fighting was heavy around Saul. Men who were armed with bows and arrows caught up with him. They shot their arrows at him and wounded him badly.

4Saul spoke to the man carrying his armor. He said, “Pull out your sword. Stick it through me. If you don’t, these fellows who aren’t circumcised will come. They’ll stick their swords through me and hurt me badly.”

But the man was terrified. He wouldn’t do it. So Saul took his own sword and fell on it. 5The man saw that Saul was dead. So he fell on his own sword and died with him. 6Saul and his three sons died together that same day. The man who carried his armor also died with them that day. So did all of Saul’s men.

7The Israelites who lived along the valley saw that their army had run away. So did those who lived across the Jordan River. They saw that Saul and his sons were dead. So they left their towns and ran away. Then the Philistines came and made their homes in them.

8The day after the Philistines had won the battle, they came to take what they wanted from the dead bodies. They found Saul and his three sons dead on Mount Gilboa. 9So they cut off Saul’s head. They took his armor from his body. Then they sent messengers through the whole land of the Philistines. They announced the news in the temple where they had set up statues of their gods. They also announced it among their people. 10They put Saul’s armor in the temple where they had set up statues of female gods that were named Ashtoreth. They hung his body up on the wall of Beth Shan.

11The people of Jabesh Gilead heard about what the Philistines had done to Saul. 12So all their brave men marched through the night to Beth Shan. They took down the bodies of Saul and his sons from the wall of Beth Shan. They brought them to Jabesh. There they burned them. 13Then they got the bones of Saul and his sons and buried them under a tamarisk tree at Jabesh. They didn’t eat anything for seven days.