エレミヤ書 34 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エレミヤ書 34:1-22



1バビロンのネブカデネザル王とその支配下の国々の軍隊が一つになって、エルサレムとユダの町々を攻めている時、主からエレミヤに次のことばがありました。 2「ユダのゼデキヤ王に、主がこう言うと伝えなさい。わたしはこの町をバビロン王に渡すので、彼は町を焼く。 3おまえは逃げられない。捕虜になってバビロン王の前に引き出され、有罪を宣告される。そしてバビロンへ連れて行かれる。 4だがユダのゼデキヤ王よ、次のことをよく聞くのだ。おまえは戦争や虐殺に巻き込まれて死ぬことはなく、 5人々に囲まれて安らかに死ぬ。みな、おまえの先祖にしたように、おまえを記念して香をたく。人々はおまえのために、『ああ、王様が死んでしまった』と泣く。このことを確かに言っておく。」

6そこでエレミヤは、そのとおりゼデキヤ王に知らせました。 7ちょうどその時、バビロン軍はエルサレムとラキシュ、アゼカを包囲していました。ユダでまだ残っている城壁のある町は、ここだけだったのです。


8ゼデキヤ王が、エルサレムにいる奴隷を全員解放したのちに、主からエレミヤに次のことばがありました。 9王は全住民に、ヘブル人(イスラエル人)の奴隷は男女を問わずすべて自由の身にするようにと命じたのです。ユダヤ人は兄弟同士だから、奴隷にしてはいけないというのです。 10高官や住民はみな王の命令に従い、奴隷を自由の身にしましたが、それは一時的なことでした。 11あとで心変わりして、使用人を再び奴隷にしました。 12それで、次のことばがエルサレムにあったのです。 13イスラエルの神は、こう言います。「わたしは、奴隷だったおまえたちの先祖をエジプトから連れ出した時、彼らと契約を結んだ。 14わたしは彼らに、ヘブル人の奴隷は例外なしに、六年の年季が明けたら自由の身にしなければならない、と念を押した。だが、このことは実行されなかった。 15しかし最近になって、おまえたちは、わたしが命じたとおりの正しいことをして、奴隷を自由の身とした。『きっと命じられたとおりにします』と、神殿で、おごそかに約束した。 16ところが今になって急に態度を変え、誓いを破ってわたしの名を汚し、いったん自由にした者たちを再び奴隷にした。 17結局おまえたちはわたしの言うことを聞こうとせず、奴隷を解放しなかったので、戦争とききんと疫病でおまえたちを殺す。流浪の民として世界中に散らす。 18-19おまえたちは契約を守らなかったので、誓いを確かなものとするために牛を二つに断ち切ってその間を通る儀式にならい、おまえたちを真っ二つにする。高官であろうが、宮廷の役人であろうが、祭司であろうが、一般市民であろうが、誓いを破った以上は、家畜のように殺す。 20わたしがおまえたちを敵の手に渡すので、敵はおまえたちを殺す。おまえたちの死体は、はげたかや野獣のえじきとなる。 21わたしはまた、ユダのゼデキヤ王と部下である役人たちを、いったんこの町から遠のいたバビロン王の軍勢に引き渡す。 22わたしが呼び戻すので、バビロン軍は再びこの町を攻撃して占領し、火をつける。ユダの町々を、必ず見る影もなく壊し、猫の子一匹いない廃墟にする。」

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 34:1-22

Zedekiah Is Warned

1Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, and all his armies were fighting against Jerusalem. They were also fighting against all the towns around it. All the kingdoms and nations Nebuchadnezzar ruled over were helping him. At that time a message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. The Lord said, 2“I am the Lord, the God of Israel. Go to Zedekiah, the king of Judah. Tell him, ‘The Lord says, “I am about to hand this city over to the king of Babylon. He will burn it down. 3You will not escape from his power. You will certainly be captured. You will be handed over to him. You will see the king of Babylon with your own eyes. He will speak with you face to face. And you will go to Babylon.

4“ ‘ “But listen to the Lord’s promise to you, Zedekiah king of Judah. I say that you will not be killed by a sword. 5You will die in a peaceful way. People made fires to honor the kings who died before you. In the same way, they will make a fire in your honor. They will mourn for you. They will say, ‘My poor master!’ I myself make this promise,” announces the Lord.’ ”

6Then Jeremiah the prophet told all this to King Zedekiah in Jerusalem. 7At that time Nebuchadnezzar’s armies were fighting against Jerusalem. They were also fighting against Lachish and Azekah. These two cities were still holding out. They were the only cities left in Judah that had high walls around them.

The People Set Their Slaves Free

8A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem. He had told them to set their Hebrew slaves free. 9All of them had to do this. That applied to male and female slaves alike. No one was allowed to hold another Hebrew as a slave. 10So all the officials and people entered into this covenant. They agreed to set their male and female slaves free. They agreed not to hold them as slaves anymore. Instead, they set them free. 11But later they changed their minds. They took back the people they had set free. They made them slaves again.

12Then a message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. 13The Lord is the God of Israel. He says, “I made a covenant with your people of long ago. I brought them out of Egypt. That is the land where they were slaves. I said, 14‘Every seventh year you must set your people free. Each of you must set free all the Hebrews who have sold themselves to you. Let them serve you for six years. Then you must let them go free.’ (Deuteronomy 15:12) But your people of long ago did not listen to me. They did not pay any attention to me. 15Recently you turned away from your sins. You did what is right in my eyes. Each of you set your Hebrew slaves free. You even made a covenant in front of me. You did it in the house where I have put my Name. 16But now you have turned around. You have treated my name as if it were not holy. Each of you has taken back your male and female slaves. You had set them free to go where they wished. But now you have forced them to become your slaves again.”

17So the Lord says, “You have not obeyed me. You have not set your Hebrew slaves free. So now I will set you free,” announces the Lord. “I will set you free to be destroyed by war, plague and hunger. I will make all the kingdoms on earth displeased with you. 18Those people who have broken my covenant will be punished. They have not lived up to the terms of the covenant they made in front of me. When you made that covenant, you cut a calf in two. Then you walked between its pieces. Now I will cut you to pieces. 19That includes all of you who walked between the pieces of the calf. It includes the leaders of Judah and Jerusalem, the court officials and the priests. It also includes some of the people of the land. 20So I will hand over all those people to their enemies who want to kill them. Their dead bodies will become food for the birds and the wild animals.

21“I will hand over King Zedekiah and his officials to their enemies. I will hand them over to those who want to kill them. I will hand them over to the armies of the king of Babylon. They have now pulled back from you. 22But I am going to give an order,” announces the Lord. “I will bring them back to this city. They will fight against it. They will capture it and burn it down. And I will completely destroy the towns of Judah. No one will be able to live there.”