エレミヤ書 27 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エレミヤ書 27:1-22



1ヨシヤの子でユダ王国のエホヤキム王の治世の初めに、主からエレミヤに別のことばがありました。 2「くびきを作り、それを農耕用の牛につけるように、おまえの首に革ひもで結びつけなさい。 3それから、エドムの王、モアブの王、アモンの王、ツロの王、シドンの王に、エルサレム在住の大使を通じてメッセージを送れ。 4それぞれの王に、イスラエルの神である天の軍勢の主からのことばだと言わせなさい。 5『わたしは大きな力をもって、地と、全人類と、あらゆる動物を造った。これらを、わたしの目にかなった者に与える。 6わたしはすでにおまえたちの国々を、わたしの代理人、バビロンのネブカデネザル王に与えた。また、おまえたちの家畜を全部彼のものとした。 7彼の時がくるまで、すべての国は彼とその子孫に仕える。そのあとで、多くの国の民と強い王たちがバビロンを征服し、住民を奴隷とする。 8今は彼に従い、彼に仕えよ。おまえたちの首をバビロンのくびきに入れるのだ。わたしは、彼の奴隷になろうとしない国の民を罰する。戦争とききんと疫病を送るので、その国は彼に征服される。 9バビロンの王はおまえたちを奴隷にしないと言う偽預言者、占い師、夢見る者、霊媒、魔術師のことばに耳を傾けてはならない。 10彼らはみなうそつきだ。もし彼らの助言に従い、バビロンの王に降伏しないなら、おまえたちを国外へ追放し、遠い地で滅ぼす。 11だが、バビロン王の意のままになる国の民は、今までのように自国に住み、土地を耕す。』」 12エレミヤはこの預言をユダのゼデキヤ王にも伝え、こうつけ加えました。「生きていたい者は、バビロン王に降伏しなさい。 13あなたも民も、なぜ、そんなに死に急ぐのですか。なぜ、主がバビロン王に従わない国々に、与えると言った戦争とききんと疫病を選ぶのですか。 14バビロン王がこの国を征服するはずはないと、しきりに言っている偽預言者のことばを聞いてはなりません。彼らは、とんでもないうそつきです。 15『わたしは送り出した覚えもないのに、彼らはわたしの名によって、おまえたちにうそをついている。どうしても彼らの言うことを聞くというなら、おまえを、偽預言者ともどもこの国から追放して、殺すよりほかはない』と、神は言っています。」

16私はくり返し、祭司とすべての民に告げました。「主は命じます。神殿から運び出された金の皿はまもなくバビロンから戻ってくる、と言っている預言者に、耳を貸すな。そんなことがあるはずはない。 17彼らの言うことを聞いてはならない。バビロン王に降伏して生き延びよ。そうでないと、この町は全部破壊される。 18もし、彼らがほんとうに神の預言者なら、まだ神殿に残っている金の皿や、王宮とエルサレムの宮殿にある金の皿が、おまえたちといっしょにバビロンへ持ち去られないよう、祈るべきではないか。 19-21天の軍勢の主は、こう言います。『バビロンのネブカデネザル王が、ユダとエルサレムの重立った人々を、エホヤキムの子でユダ王国のエコヌヤ王と共に連れ去った時残しておいた、神殿の前にある青銅の柱、神殿の庭の大きな青銅の水盤、そのほか金属製の台や儀式用具などは、 22みなバビロンに運び去られ、わたしが取り返すまでそこにある。後に、わたしはそれらの物をみな、エルサレムへ持ち帰る。』」

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 27:1-22

Judah Will Serve Nebuchadnezzar

1A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. It was shortly after Zedekiah became king of Judah. He was the son of Josiah. 2The Lord said, “Make a yoke out of ropes and wooden boards. Put it on your neck. 3Then write down a message for the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon. Give it to their messengers who have come to Jerusalem. They have come to see Zedekiah, the king of Judah. 4Give them a message for the kings who sent them. It should say, ‘The Lord who rules over all is the God of Israel. He says, “Here is what I want you to tell your masters. 5I reached out my great and powerful arm. I made the earth. I made its people and animals. And I can give the earth to anyone I please. 6Now I will hand over all your countries to my servant Nebuchadnezzar. He is the king of Babylon. I will put even the wild animals under his control. 7All the nations will serve him and his son and grandson. After that, I will judge his land. Then many nations and great kings will make him serve them.

8“ ‘ “But suppose any nation or kingdom will not serve Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. And suppose it refuses to put its neck under his yoke. Then I will punish that nation with war, hunger and plague,” announces the Lord. “I will punish it until his powerful hand destroys it. 9So do not listen to your prophets. Do not listen to those who claim to have secret knowledge. Do not listen to those who try to explain your dreams. Do not listen to those who get messages from people who have died. Do not listen to those who practice evil magic. All of them will tell you, ‘You won’t serve the king of Babylon.’ 10But they prophesy lies to you. If you listen to them, you will be removed far away from your lands. I will drive you away from them. And you will die. 11But suppose any nation will put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon. And suppose it serves him. Then I will let that nation remain in its own land. I will let its people plow the land and live there,” ’ ” announces the Lord.

12I gave the same message to Zedekiah, the king of Judah. I said, “Put your neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon. Obey him. Serve his people. Then you will live. 13Why should you and your people die? Why should you die of war, hunger and plague? That’s what the Lord said would happen to any nation that won’t serve the king of Babylon. 14Don’t listen to the words of the prophets who say to you, ‘You won’t serve the king of Babylon.’ They are prophesying lies to you. 15‘I have not sent them,’ announces the Lord. ‘They are prophesying lies in my name. So I will drive you away from your land. And you will die. So will the prophets who prophesy to you.’ ”

16Then I spoke to the priests and all these people. I said, “The Lord says, ‘Do not listen to the prophets who speak to you. They say, “Very soon the objects from the Lord’s house will be brought back from Babylon.” Those prophets are prophesying lies to you. 17Do not listen to them. Serve the king of Babylon. Then you will live. Why should this city be destroyed? 18If they are prophets and have received a message from me, let them pray to me. I am the Lord who rules over all. Those prophets should pray that what is still in Jerusalem will remain here. They should pray that the objects in my house and the king’s palace will not be taken to Babylon. 19I am the Lord who rules over all. Do you know what these objects are? They include the two pillars in front of the temple. They include the huge bronze bowl. They include the bronze stands that can be moved around. And they include the other things left in this city. 20Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, did not take these things away at first. That was when he took King Jehoiachin from Jerusalem to Babylon. Jehoiachin is the son of Jehoiakim. Nebuchadnezzar also took all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem along with Jehoiachin. 21I am the Lord who rules over all. I am the God of Israel. Here is what will happen to the things that are left in my house, the king’s palace and Jerusalem. 22They will be taken to Babylon. They will remain there until the day I come for them,’ announces the Lord. ‘Then I will bring them back. I will return them to this place.’ ”