エゼキエル書 34 – JCB & NIRV

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エゼキエル書 34:1-31




2「人の子よ、羊飼いであるイスラエルの指導者に預言せよ。彼らに言え。」神である主は語ります。「羊の世話はそっちのけで、私腹を肥やすことしか考えていない羊飼いは災いだ。羊飼いなら羊を養うべきではないか。 3自分たちは最上の物を食べ、最高の衣をまといながら、群れの羊を飢えさせている。 4弱い羊の面倒を見ず、病気の羊を介抱せず、骨を折った羊の手当てをせず、迷って行方不明になった羊を捜すこともない。それどころか、力ずくで残酷な支配をしてきた。 5だから、羊は羊飼いがいないために散らされ、野獣のえじきとなってしまった。 6わたしの羊は山々や丘など至るところをさまよったが、捜し出してくれる者も、世話してくれる者もいなかった。


8神である主はこう語ります。「わたしは生きている。おまえたちはわたしの羊を放り出し、野獣に襲われても助けようとしなかった。おまえたちはほんとうの羊飼いではなかった。だから、いなくなった羊を捜し出そうともしなかったのだ。自分はたらふく食べて、羊を平気で餓死させていた。 9-10わたしは羊飼いたちに、わたしの羊の身に降りかかった災いの責任を問う。彼らにはもう羊を飼わせない。また、彼ら自身が食べることも許さない。わたしの羊を救い出す。彼らのえじきにはさせない。」

11主は語ります。「わたしは自分の羊を必ず捜し出す。 12羊飼いのように、わたしの群れを捜し回る。あの暗雲に包まれた日に散らされて行った所から、わたしの羊を捜し出し、救い出す。 13いろいろな国や民族の中に散らされた彼らを、母国イスラエルへ連れ戻し、山や、よく肥えた川のほとりで養う。 14そうだ、イスラエルの高原の良い牧場を与えよう。そこでは安心して身を横たえ、おいしい牧草を十分に食べることができる。 15-16わたしが自ら羊飼いとなって、安心して休めるように世話をする。」主はこう語ります。「わたしは、道に迷っていなくなった者たちを捜し出し、無事に家へ連れ帰る。また、折れた骨には添え木を当て、傷には包帯を巻き、病気を治す。だが、権力をふるって肥えた羊飼いは滅ぼす。罰を下すことによって、彼らを養おう。」

17わたしの群れ、わたしの民よ、と神である主は語ります。「わたしは子羊と子やぎとを、雄羊と雄やぎとを分ける。 18ああ、悪い羊飼いども。牧場の最上の場所を自分のために取っておきながら、残りの場所を踏みにじるとはもってのほかだ。自分が澄んだ水をたっぷり飲むと、足でその水を濁らせているが、とんでもないことだ。 19わたしの群れに残されたものは、踏みにじられた牧草と濁った水だけだ。」

20それゆえ、神である主はこう語ります。「わたしは、この肥えた羊飼いとやせこけた羊との間をさばいて、黒白をはっきりさせる。 21この羊飼いどもは、飢えて病気にかかったわたしの羊を圧迫し、突き倒し、むりやり遠くにまで散らしてしまったのだ。 22それで、わたしは自分の手でわたしの群れを救い出す。もう二度と、いじめたり殺したりはさせない。わたしには、どれが肥えているか、どれがやせているか、その訳がはっきりわかっている。 23わたしは、民全体を牧する一人の羊飼いを立てよう。それはわたしの忠実なしもべ、ダビデである。彼は羊飼いとなって、わたしの民を養う。 24こうして、主であるわたしが彼らの神となり、わたしのしもべダビデは君主となる。主であるわたしがこう語ったのだ。

25わたしは彼らと平和の契約を結び、危険な獣をこの国から追い払う。それで、民はどんな荒れ地でも安心して住み、森の中でも安らかに眠ることができる。 26わたしの民と、わたしの丘の回りにある彼らの家々とを祝福しよう。そこに恵みの雨を降らせよう。季節ごとに雨を降らせる。 27果樹は実をたわわにつけ、畑も豊作で、みな安心して日を送る。こうして、わたしが奴隷の鎖を断ち切り、金もうけのために酷使した者の手から彼らを解放する時、彼らはわたしが主であることを知る。 28もう二度と、他国に征服されたり、野獣に襲われたりしない。だれからも脅かされず、安心して過ごすことができる。

29わたしはイスラエルに、りっぱなぶどうの木(メシヤ)を生やす。わたしの国民は、二度とひもじい思いをしたり、異教徒に征服されて恥をかいたりはしない。 30こうして、彼らは、神、主であるこのわたしが共におり、自分たちが神の民であることを知る。」主はこう語ります。 31「おまえたちはわたしの羊、わたしの牧場の羊だ。おまえたちはわたしのもの、わたしはおまえたちの神だ。」

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 34:1-31

The Lord Will Be the Shepherd of His People

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Tell them, ‘The Lord and King says, “How terrible it will be for you shepherds of Israel! You only take care of yourselves. You should take good care of your flocks. 3Instead, you eat the butter. You dress yourselves with the wool. You kill the finest animals. But you do not take care of your flocks. 4You have not made the weak ones in the flock stronger. You have not healed the sick. You have not bandaged those who are hurt. You have not brought back those who have wandered away. You have not searched for the lost. When you ruled over them, you were mean to them. You treated them badly. 5So they were scattered because they did not have a shepherd. They became food for all of the wild animals. 6My sheep wandered all over the mountains and high hills. They were scattered over the whole earth. No one searched for them. No one looked for them.”

7“ ‘Shepherds, listen to the Lord’s message. He says, 8“My flock does not have a shepherd. Many of my sheep have been stolen. They have become food for all the wild animals. My shepherds did not care for my sheep. They did not even search for them. Instead, they only took care of themselves. And that is just as sure as I am alive,” announces the Lord and King. 9Shepherds, listen to the Lord’s message. 10The Lord and King says, “I am against the shepherds. I will hold them responsible for my flock. I will stop them from taking care of the flock. Then they will not be able to feed themselves anymore. I will save my flock from their mouths. My sheep will no longer be food for them.” ’ ”

11The Lord and King says, “I myself will search for my sheep. I will look after them. 12A shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them. And I will look after my sheep. I will save them from all the places where they were scattered on a dark and cloudy day. 13I will bring them out from among the nations. I will gather them together from other countries. I will bring them into their own land. There they will eat grass on the mountains and in the valleys. And they will eat in all the fields of Israel. 14I will take care of them in the best grasslands. They will eat grass on the highest mountains of Israel. There they will lie down in the finest grasslands. They will eat grass in the best places on Israel’s mountains. 15I myself will take care of my sheep. I will let them lie down in safety,” announces the Lord and King. 16“I will search for the lost. I will bring back those who have wandered away. I will bandage the ones who are hurt. I will make the weak ones stronger. But I will destroy those who are fat and strong. I will take good care of my sheep. I will treat them fairly.”

17The Lord and King says, “You are my flock. I will judge between one sheep and another. I will judge between rams and goats. 18You already eat in the best grasslands. Must you also stomp all over the other fields? You already drink clear water. Must you also make the rest of the water muddy with your feet? 19Must my flock have to eat the grass you have stomped on? Must they drink the water you have made muddy?”

20So the Lord and King speaks to them. He says, “I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the skinny sheep. 21You push the other sheep around with your hips and shoulders. You use your horns to butt all the weak sheep. Finally, you drive them away. 22But I will save my sheep. They will not be carried off anymore. I will judge between one sheep and another. 23I will place one shepherd over them. He will belong to the family line of my servant David. He will take good care of them. He will look after them. He will be their shepherd. 24I am the Lord. I will be their God. And my servant from David’s family line will be the prince among them. I have spoken. I am the Lord.

25“I will make a covenant with them. It promises to give them peace. I will get rid of the wild animals in the land. Then my sheep can live safely in the desert. They can sleep in the forests. 26I will make them and the places surrounding my holy mountain of Zion a blessing. I will send down rain at the right time. There will be showers of blessing. 27The trees will bear their fruit. And the ground will produce its crops. The people will be secure in their land. I will break the chains that hold them. I will save them from the power of those who made them slaves. Then they will know that I am the Lord. 28The nations will not carry them off anymore. Wild animals will no longer eat them up. They will live in safety. And no one will make them afraid. 29I will give them a land that is famous for its crops. They will never again be hungry there. The nations will not make fun of them anymore. 30Then they will know that I am with them. I am the Lord their God. And the Israelites will know that they are my people,” announces the Lord and King. 31“You are my sheep. You belong to my flock. And I am your God,” announces the Lord and King.