2 Crónicas 6 – CST & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional (Castilian)

2 Crónicas 6:1-42

1Entonces Salomón declaró:

«Señor, tú has dicho que habitarías en la oscuridad de una nube, 2y yo te he construido un excelso templo, un lugar donde habites para siempre».

3Luego se puso de frente para bendecir a toda la asamblea de Israel que estaba allí de pie, 4y dijo:

«Bendito sea el Señor, Dios de Israel, que con su mano ha cumplido ahora lo que con su boca le había prometido a mi padre David cuando le dijo: 5“Desde el día en que saqué de la tierra de Egipto a mi pueblo, no elegí ninguna ciudad de las tribus de Israel para que en ella se me construyera un templo donde yo habitara, ni elegí a nadie para que gobernara a mi pueblo Israel. 6Más bien, elegí a Jerusalén para habitar en ella, y a David para que gobernara a mi pueblo Israel”.

7»Pues bien, mi padre David tuvo mucho interés en construir un templo en honor del Señor, Dios de Israel, 8pero el Señor le dijo: “Me agrada que te hayas interesado en construir un templo en mi honor. 9Sin embargo, no serás tú quien me lo construya, sino un hijo de tus entrañas; él será quien construya el templo en mi honor”.

10»Ahora el Señor ha cumplido su promesa: Tal como lo prometió, he sucedido a mi padre David en el trono de Israel, y he construido el templo en honor del Señor, Dios de Israel. 11Allí he colocado el arca, en la cual está el pacto que el Señor hizo con los israelitas».

Oración de Salomón

6:12-401R 8:22-53

6:41-42Sal 132:8-10

12A continuación, Salomón se puso ante el altar del Señor y, en presencia de toda la asamblea de Israel, extendió las manos. 13Había mandado construir y colocar en medio del atrio una plataforma de bronce cuadrada, que medía dos metros con veinticinco centímetros por lado, y un metro con treinta y cinco centímetros de alto. Allí, sobre la plataforma, se arrodilló y, extendiendo las manos al cielo, 14oró así:

«Señor, Dios de Israel, no hay Dios como tú en el cielo ni en la tierra, pues tú cumples tu pacto de amor con quienes te sirven y te siguen de todo corazón. 15Has llevado a cabo lo que le dijiste a tu siervo David, mi padre; y este día has cumplido con tu mano lo que con tu boca prometiste.

16»Y ahora, Señor, Dios de Israel, cumple también la promesa que le hiciste a tu siervo, mi padre David, cuando le dijiste: “Si tus hijos observan una buena conducta, viviendo de acuerdo con mi ley como tú lo has hecho, nunca te faltará un descendiente que ocupe el trono de Israel en mi presencia”. 17Señor, Dios de Israel, ¡confirma ahora esta promesa que le hiciste a tu siervo David!

18»Pero ¿será posible que tú, Dios mío, habites en la tierra con la humanidad? Si los cielos, por altos que sean, no pueden contenerte, ¡mucho menos este templo que he construido! 19Sin embargo, Señor mi Dios, atiende la oración y la súplica de este siervo tuyo. Oye el clamor y la oración que elevo en tu presencia. 20¡Que tus ojos estén abiertos día y noche sobre este templo, el lugar donde decidiste habitar,6:20 habitar. Lit. poner tu nombre. para que oigas la oración que tu siervo te eleva aquí! 21Oye las súplicas de tu siervo y de tu pueblo Israel cuando oren en este lugar. Oye desde el cielo, donde habitas; ¡escucha y perdona!

22»Si alguien peca contra su prójimo y se le exige venir a este templo para jurar delante de tu altar, 23óyelo tú desde el cielo y juzga a tus siervos. Condena al culpable y haz que reciba su merecido; absuelve al inocente y vindícalo por su rectitud.

24»Si tu pueblo Israel es derrotado por el enemigo por haber pecado contra ti, y luego se vuelve a ti para honrar tu nombre y ora y te suplica en este templo, 25óyelo tú desde el cielo, y perdona su pecado y hazlo regresar a la tierra que les diste a ellos y a sus antepasados.

26»Cuando tu pueblo peque contra ti y tú lo aflijas cerrando el cielo para que no llueva, si luego ellos oran en este lugar y honran tu nombre y se arrepienten de su pecado, 27óyelos tú desde el cielo y perdona el pecado de tus siervos, de tu pueblo Israel. Guíalos para que sigan el buen camino, y envía la lluvia sobre esta tierra, que es tuya, pues tú se la diste a tu pueblo por herencia.

28»Cuando en el país haya hambre, peste, sequía, o plagas de langostas o saltamontes en los sembrados, o cuando el enemigo sitie alguna de nuestras ciudades; en fin, cuando venga cualquier calamidad o enfermedad, 29si luego en su dolor cualquier israelita, consciente de su culpa,6:29 culpa. Lit. plaga. extiende sus manos hacia este templo y ora y te suplica, 30óyelo tú desde el cielo, donde habitas, y perdónalo. Págale a cada uno según su conducta, la cual tú conoces, puesto que solo tú escudriñas el corazón humano. 31Así todos tendrán temor de ti y andarán en tus caminos mientras vivan en la tierra que les diste a nuestros antepasados.

32»Trata de igual manera al extranjero que no pertenece a tu pueblo Israel, pero que, atraído por tu gran fama y por tus despliegues de fuerza y poder, ha venido de lejanas tierras. Cuando ese extranjero venga y ore en este templo, 33óyelo tú desde el cielo, donde habitas, y concédele cualquier petición que te haga. Así todos los pueblos de la tierra conocerán tu nombre y, al igual que tu pueblo Israel, tendrán temor de ti y comprenderán que en este templo que he construido se invoca tu nombre.

34»Cuando saques a tu pueblo para combatir a sus enemigos, sea donde sea, si el pueblo ora a ti y dirige la mirada hacia esta ciudad que has escogido, hacia el templo que he construido en tu honor, 35oye tú desde el cielo su oración y su súplica, y defiende su causa.

36»No hay ser humano que no peque. Si tu pueblo peca contra ti y tú te enojas con ellos y los entregas al enemigo para que se los lleven cautivos a otro país, lejano o cercano; 37y si en el destierro, en el país de los vencedores, se arrepienten y se vuelven a ti, y oran a ti diciendo: “Somos culpables, hemos pecado, hemos hecho lo malo”; 38y si en la tierra de sus captores se vuelven a ti de todo corazón y con toda el alma, y oran y dirigen la mirada hacia la tierra que les diste a sus antepasados, hacia la ciudad que has escogido y hacia el templo que he construido en tu honor, 39oye tú sus oraciones y súplicas desde el cielo, donde habitas, y defiende su causa. ¡Perdona a tu pueblo que ha pecado contra ti!

40»Ahora, Dios mío, te ruego que tus ojos se mantengan abiertos, y atentos tus oídos a las oraciones que se eleven en este lugar.

41»Levántate, Señor y Dios;

ven a descansar,

tú y tu arca poderosa.

Señor y Dios,

¡que tus sacerdotes se revistan de salvación!

¡Que tus fieles se regocijen en tu bondad!

42Señor y Dios,

no le des la espalda a6:42 no le des la espalda a. Lit. no vuelvas el rostro de. tu ungido.

¡Recuerda tu fiel amor hacia David, tu siervo!»

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 6:1-42

1Then Solomon said, “Lord, you have said you would live in a dark cloud. 2I’ve built a beautiful temple for you. You can live in it forever.”

3The whole community of Israel was standing there. The king turned around and gave them his blessing. 4Then he said,

“I praise the Lord. He is the God of Israel. With his mouth he made a promise to my father David. With his powerful hands he made it come true. He said, 5‘I brought my people out of Egypt. Since then, a temple for my Name has not been built. I have not chosen a city in any tribe of Israel for that purpose. And I have not chosen anyone to be ruler over my people Israel. 6But now I have chosen Jerusalem. I will put my Name there. And I have chosen David to rule over my people Israel.’

7“With all his heart my father David wanted to build a temple. He wanted to do it so the Name of the Lord could be there. The Lord is the God of Israel. 8But the Lord spoke to my father David. He said, ‘With all your heart you wanted to build a temple for my Name. It is good that you wanted to do that. 9But you will not build the temple. Instead, your son will build the temple for my Name. He is your own flesh and blood.’

10“The Lord has kept the promise he made. I’ve become the next king after my father David. Now I’m sitting on the throne of Israel. That’s exactly what the Lord promised would happen. I’ve built the temple for the Name of the Lord. He is the God of Israel. 11I’ve placed the ark there. The tablets of the Lord’s covenant are inside it. He made that covenant with the people of Israel.”

Solomon Prays to Set the Temple Apart to the Lord

12Then Solomon stood in front of the Lord’s altar. He stood in front of the whole community of Israel. He spread out his hands to pray. 13He had made a bronze stage. It was seven and a half feet long and seven and a half feet wide. It was four and a half feet high. He had placed it in the center of the outer courtyard. He stood on the stage. Then he got down on his knees in front of the whole community of Israel. He spread out his hands toward heaven. 14He said,

Lord, you are the God of Israel. There is no God like you in heaven or on earth. You keep the covenant you made with us. You show us your love. You do that when we follow you with all our hearts. 15You have kept your promise to my father David. He was your servant. With your mouth you made a promise. With your powerful hand you have made it come true. And today we can see it.

16Lord, you are the God of Israel. Keep the promises you made to my father David. Do it for him. He was your servant. You said to him, ‘You will always have a son from your family line to sit on Israel’s throne. He will sit in front of the Most Holy Room, where my own throne is. That will be true only if your children after you are careful in everything they do. They must live the way my law tells them to. That is the way you have lived.’ 17Lord, you are the God of Israel. So let your promise to your servant David come true.

18“But will God really live on earth with human beings? After all, the heavens can’t hold you. In fact, even the highest heavens can’t hold you. So this temple I’ve built certainly can’t hold you! 19But please pay attention to my prayer. Lord my God, be ready to help me as I make my appeal to you. Listen to my cry for help. Hear the prayer I’m praying to you. 20Let your eyes look toward this temple day and night. You said you would put your Name here. Listen to the prayer I’m praying toward this place. 21Hear me when I ask you to help us. Listen to your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Listen to us from heaven. It’s the place where you live. When you hear us, forgive us.

22“Suppose someone does something wrong to their neighbor. And the person who has done something wrong is required to give their word. They must tell the truth about what they have done. They must come and do it in front of your altar in this temple. 23When they do, listen to them from heaven. Take action. Judge between the person and their neighbor. Pay back the guilty one. Do to them what they have done to their neighbor. Deal with the one who isn’t guilty in a way that shows they are free from blame. That will prove they aren’t guilty.

24“Suppose your people Israel have lost the battle against their enemies. And suppose they’ve sinned against you. But they turn back to you and praise your name. They pray to you in this temple. And they ask you to help them. 25Then listen to them from heaven. Forgive the sin of your people Israel. Bring them back to the land you gave to them and their people who lived long ago.

26“Suppose your people have sinned against you. And because of that, the sky is closed up and there isn’t any rain. But your people pray toward this place. They praise you by admitting they’ve sinned. And they turn away from their sin because you have made them suffer. 27Then listen to them from heaven. Forgive the sin of your people Israel. Teach them the right way to live. Send rain on the land you gave them as their share.

28“Suppose there isn’t enough food in the land. And a plague strikes the land. The hot winds completely dry up our crops. Or locusts or grasshoppers come and eat them up. Or enemies surround one of our cities and get ready to attack it. Or trouble or sickness comes. 29But suppose one of your people prays to you. They ask you to help them. They are aware of how much they are suffering. And they spread out their hands toward this temple to pray. 30Then listen to them from heaven. It’s the place where you live. Forgive them. Deal with everyone in keeping with everything they do. You know their hearts. In fact, you are the only one who knows every human heart. 31Your people will have respect for you. They will live the way you want them to. They’ll live that way as long as they are in the land you gave our people long ago.

32“Suppose an outsider who doesn’t belong to your people Israel has come from a land far away. They have come because they’ve heard about your great name. They have heard that you reached out your mighty hand and powerful arm. So they come and pray toward this temple. 33Then listen to them from heaven. It’s the place where you live. Do what that outsider asks you to do. Then all the nations on earth will know you. They will have respect for you. They’ll respect you just as your own people Israel do. They’ll know that your Name is in this house I’ve built.

34“Suppose your people go to war against their enemies. It doesn’t matter where you send them. And suppose they pray to you toward this city you have chosen. They pray toward the temple I’ve built for your Name. 35Then listen to them from heaven. Listen to their prayer. Listen to them when they ask you to help them. Stand up for them.

36“Suppose they sin against you. After all, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t sin. And suppose you get angry with them. You hand them over to their enemies. They take them as prisoners to another land. It doesn’t matter whether that land is near or far away. 37But suppose your people change their ways in the land where they are held as prisoners. They turn away from their sins. They beg you to help them in the land where they are prisoners. They say, ‘We have sinned. We’ve done what is wrong. We’ve done what is evil.’ 38And they turn back to you with all their heart and soul. Suppose it happens in the land where they were taken as prisoners. There they pray toward the land you gave their people long ago. They pray toward the city you have chosen. And they pray toward the temple I’ve built for your Name. 39Then listen to them from heaven. It’s the place where you live. Listen to their prayer. Listen to them when they ask you to help them. Stand up for them. Your people have sinned against you. Please forgive them.

40“My God, let your eyes see us. Let your ears pay attention to the prayers offered in this place.

41Lord God, rise up and come to your resting place.

Come in together with the ark.

It’s the sign of your power.

Lord God, may your priests put on salvation as if it were their clothes.

May your faithful people be glad because you are so good.

42Lord God, don’t turn your back on your anointed king.

Remember the great love you promised to your servant David.”