1 Korinćanima 1 – CRO & NIRV Parallel Bible

Knijga O Kristu

1 Korinćanima 1:1-31

Pavlovi pozdravi

1Od Pavla, pozvanoga po Božjoj volji za apostola Isusa Krista, i od brata Sostena,

2Božjoj crkvi u Korintu, vama koje je Bog pozvao da budete njegov sveti narod. Posvetio vas je u Kristu Isusu, kao i sve ostale koji bilo gdje prizivlju ime njihova i našega Gospodina Isusa Krista.

3Neka vam je milost i mir od našega Boga Oca i Gospodina Isusa Krista.

Pavao zahvaljuje Bogu

4Uvijek zahvaljujem Bogu na milosti kojom vas je obdario sada kad pripadate Kristu Isusu. 5U njemu ste obogaćeni u svemu—u svakovrsnoj riječi i spoznaji. 6Svjedočanstvo o Kristu utvrdilo se među vama 7pa sada ne oskudijevate ni u jednome duhovnom daru iščekujući povratak našega Gospodina Isusa Krista. 8On će vas učiniti postojanima sve do konca i sačuvat će vas neporočnima sve do svojega povratka, 9jer Bog vjerno ispunjava obećanja, a on vas je sam pozvao da imate zajedništvo s našim Gospodinom Isusom Kristom.

Podjele u Crkvi

10Draga braćo i sestre, zaklinjem vas imenom našega Gospodina Isusa Krista da se prestanete međusobno prepirati. Neka među vama vlada sloga i neka ne bude razdora u Crkvi. Molim vas da budete jedinstveni u mislima iu osjećajima. 11Klojini su mi ukućani rekli da se međusobno prepirete. 12Neki od vas, naime, kažu: “Ja sam Pavlov sljedbenik”, a drugi: “Ja sam Apolonov”, ili “Ja sam Petrov”1:12 U grčkome: Kefin., ili “Ja slijedim samo Krista.” 13Zar je Krist razdijeljen?

Jesam li ja, Pavao, raspet za vas? Je li tko od vas kršten u Pavlovo ime? 14Hvala Bogu što ja nisam krstio nikoga od vas osim Krispa i Gaja 15da sada nitko ne može reći kako je kršten u moje ime. 16A da, krstio sam i Stefanine ukućane. Ne sjećam se da sam osim njih ikoga više krstio. 17Jer Krist me nije poslao krstiti, nego propovijedati Radosnu vijest, i to ne mudrim riječima da Kristov križ ne izgubi snagu.

Božja mudrost

18Govor o križu zvuči kao ludost onima koji su na putu propasti, ali mi koji smo spašeni prepoznajemo u toj poruci Božju silu. 19U Svetome pismu stoji da je Bog rekao:

“Učinit ću da propadne mudrost mudraca

i da se pomrači umnost umnika.”1:19 Izaija 29:14.

20Ali što je s učenim glavama, s ljudima vičnim raspravama, znanstvenicima? Bog je učinio da se njihova mudrost čini beskorisnom ludošću. 21Bog je u svojoj mudrosti znao da ga svijet nikada neće pronaći ljudskom mudrošću, pa je odlučio one koji vjeruju spasiti ludošću propovijedanja. 22U taj Božji način spasenja Židovi odbijaju povjerovati jer za dokaz traže znak s neba, a Grci zato što vjeruju samo u ono što ne proturječi njihovoj vlastitoj mudrosti. 23Zato naše propovijedanje raspetoga Krista Židove sablažnjava, a pogani ga smatraju ludošću. 24Ali onima koje je Bog pozvao na spasenje, i Židovima i poganima, Krist je Božja sila i Božja mudrost. 25Taj “budalast” Božji plan mnogo je mudriji od najmudrijih ljudskih planova, a Božja je “slabost” mnogo jača od najjače ljudske snage.

26Možete vidjeti, draga braćo, kako među vama koji ste izabrani nema mnogo onih koji ste po tjelesnom podrijetlu mudri, moćni ili plemenita roda. 27Bog je, naprotiv, izabrao one koje svijet smatra budalastima da posrami njegove mudrace, i slabe u očima svijeta da posrami njegove moćnike. 28Ono što je neplemenito i prezreno u očima svijeta, pa čak i ono čega nema, Bog je izabrao da obezvrijedi ono što svijet smatra vrijednim, 29zato da se nijedan smrtnik ne može hvaliti pred Bogom.

30Sam vam je Bog omogućio da budete u Kristu Isusu. Za našu je dobrobit Bog učinio Krista mudrošću. On nas opravdava pred Bogom. Čini nas svetima. Otkupio nas je. 31Kao što piše u Svetome pismu:

“Ako se tko hvali, neka se hvali jedino time

što je Gospodin učinio.”1:31 Vidjeti: Jeremija 9:24.

New International Reader’s Version

1 Corinthians 1:1-31

1I, Paul, am writing this letter. I have been chosen to be an apostle of Christ Jesus just as God planned. Our brother Sosthenes joins me in writing.

2We are sending this letter to you, the members of God’s church in Corinth. You have been made holy because you belong to Christ Jesus. God has chosen you to be his holy people. He has done the same for all people everywhere who pray to our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is their Lord and ours.

3May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

Paul Gives Thanks

4I always thank my God for you. I thank him because of the grace he has given to you who belong to Christ Jesus. 5You have been blessed in every way because of him. You have been blessed in all your speech and knowledge. 6God has shown that what we have spoken to you about Christ is true. 7There is no gift of the Holy Spirit that you don’t have. You are full of hope as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to come again. 8God will also keep you strong in faith to the very end. Then you will be without blame on the day our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 9God is faithful. He has chosen you to share life with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Taking Sides in the Church

10Brothers and sisters, I make my appeal to you. I do this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I ask that all of you agree with one another in what you say. I ask that you don’t take sides. I ask that you are in complete agreement in all that you think. 11My brothers and sisters, I have been told you are arguing with one another. Some people from Chloe’s house have told me this. 12Here is what I mean. One of you says, “I follow Paul.” Another says, “I follow Apollos.” Another says, “I follow Peter.” And still another says, “I follow Christ.”

13Does Christ take sides? Did Paul die on the cross for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul? 14I thank God that I didn’t baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius. 15No one can say that you were baptized in my name. 16It’s true that I also baptized those who live in the house of Stephanas. Besides that, I don’t remember if I baptized anyone else. 17Christ did not send me to baptize. He sent me to preach the good news. He commanded me not to preach with wisdom and fancy words. That would take all the power away from the cross of Christ.

Christ Is God’s Power and Wisdom

18The message of the cross seems foolish to those who are lost and dying. But it is God’s power to us who are being saved. 19It is written,

“I will destroy the wisdom of those who are wise.

I will do away with the cleverness of those who think they are so smart.” (Isaiah 29:14)

20Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where are the great thinkers of our time? Hasn’t God made the wisdom of the world foolish? 21God wisely planned that the world would not know him through its own wisdom. It pleased God to use the foolish things we preach to save those who believe. 22Jews require signs. Greeks look for wisdom. 23But we preach about Christ and his death on the cross. That is very hard for Jews to accept. And everyone else thinks it’s foolish. 24But there are those God has chosen, both Jews and Greeks. To them Christ is God’s power and God’s wisdom. 25The foolish things of God are wiser than human wisdom. The weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

26Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when God chose you. Not many of you were considered wise by human standards. Not many of you were powerful. Not many of you belonged to important families. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28God chose the things of this world that are common and looked down on. God chose things considered unimportant to do away with things considered important. 29So no one can boast to God. 30Because of what God has done, you belong to Christ Jesus. He has become God’s wisdom for us. He makes us right with God. He makes us holy and sets us free. 31It is written, “The one who boasts should boast about what the Lord has done.” (Jeremiah 9:24)