Matej 4 – CRO & NIVUK

Knijga O Kristu

Matej 4:1-25

Isusove kušnje

(Mk 1:12-13; Lk 4:1-13)

1Zatim Sveti Duh odvede Isusa u pustinju da ga ondje kuša đavao. 2Ništa nije jeo četrdeset dana i četrdeset noći pa je nakon toga vrlo ogladnio. 3Tada mu pristupi napasnik i reče mu: “Ako si Božji Sin, reci da ovo kamenje postane kruhom.” 4Ali Isus mu odgovori: “U Svetome pismu piše:

‘Ne živi čovjek samo o kruhu,

već i o svakoj riječi što izlazi iz Božjih usta.4:4 Ponovljeni zakon 8:3.’”

5Tada ga đavao odvede u Sveti grad4:5 u Jeruzalem, na vrh Hrama 6i reče: “Ako si Božji Sin, skoči! Jer Sveto pismo kaže:

‘On zapovijeda svojim anđelima za tebe’

i ‘oni će te svojim rukama zadržati

da ni nogom o kamen ne udariš.’”4:6 Psalam 91:11-12.

7Isus mu odgovori: “Sveto pismo također kaže: ‘Ne iskušavaj Gospodina Boga svojega!’”4:7 Ponovljeni zakon 6:16.

8Đavao ga zatim povede na vrh vrlo visoke gore te mu pokaže sve narode svijeta i svu njihovu slavu. 9“Sve ću ti ovo dati”, reče mu, “ako mi se ničice pokloniš!”

10“Odlazi, Sotono!” reče mu Isus. “U Svetome pismu piše:

‘Klanjaj se samo Bogu i njemu jedinome služi!4:10 Ponovljeni zakon 6:13.’”

11Tada đavao ode, a dođu mu služiti anđeli.

Početak Isusove službe

(Mk 1:14-15; Lk 4:14-15)

12Kad je Isus čuo da su Ivana zatvorili, povuče se u Galileju. 13Ode iz Nazareta te se nastani u Kafarnaumu, uz more, na Zebulunovu i Naftalijevu području. 14Tako se ispunilo Izaijino proročanstvo:

15“U zemlji Zebulunovoj i Naftalijevoj,

uz more, s one strane Jordana,

u poganskoj Galileji,

16narod koji je u tmini živio

ugleda veliku svjetlost;

onima što su prebivali u mračnom predjelu smrti

zasjalo je jarko svjetlo.”4:15-16 Izaija 9:1-2.

17Otada Isus počne propovijedati: “Pokajte se za grijehe i obratite se Bogu jer je nebesko kraljevstvo blizu!”

Prvi učenici

(Mk 1:16-20; Lk 5:2-11; Iv 1:35-42)

18Prolazeći jednom obalom uz Galilejsko jezero, Isus opazi dvojicu braće—Šimuna, zvanoga još i Petar, i Andriju—kako bacaju mrežu u more. Bili su, naime, ribari. 19Reče im: “Pođite za mnom i ja ću vas učiniti ribarima ljudi!” 20Oni smjesta ostave svoje mreže te pođu za njim.

21Malo dalje ugleda drugu dvojicu braće, Jakova i Ivana, kako sjede u lađici sa svojim ocem Zebedejem i krpaju mreže. Pozove i njih. 22Oni smjesta ostave lađicu i oca te pođu za njim.

Isusova služba u Galileji

(Mk 3:7-12; Lk 6:17-19)

23Isus je putovao cijelom Galilejom poučavajući u židovskim sinagogama, propovijedajući Radosnu vijest o nebeskom kraljevstvu te iscjeljujući svaku vrstu bolesti i nemoći u narodu. 24Glas o njemu pronese se po svoj Siriji, pa su mu ljudi čak i odande dovodili sve koje je mučila kakva bolest i patnja: opsjednute, mjesečare i uzete, a on ih je ozdravljao. 25Za njim je nagrnulo silno mnoštvo iz Galileje, Dekapolisa4:25 Deset gradova., Jeruzalema i cijele Judeje, pa čak i s druge strane Jordana.

New International Version – UK

Matthew 4:1-25

Jesus is tested in the wilderness

1Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted4:1 The Greek for tempted can also mean tested. by the devil. 2After fasting for forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3The tempter came to him and said, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.’

4Jesus answered, ‘It is written: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”4:4 Deut. 8:3

5Then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the highest point of the temple. 6‘If you are the Son of God,’ he said, ‘throw yourself down. For it is written:

‘ “He will command his angels concerning you,

and they will lift you up in their hands,

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”4:6 Psalm 91:11,12

7Jesus answered him, ‘It is also written: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”4:7 Deut. 6:16

8Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. 9‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’

10Jesus said to him, ‘Away from me, Satan! For it is written: “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”4:10 Deut. 6:13

11Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

Jesus begins to preach

12When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee. 13Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali – 14to fulfil what was said through the prophet Isaiah:

15‘Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali,

the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan,

Galilee of the Gentiles –

16the people living in darkness

have seen a great light;

on those living in the land of the shadow of death

a light has dawned.’4:16 Isaiah 9:1,2

17From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’

Jesus calls his first disciples

18As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ 20At once they left their nets and followed him.

21Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, 22and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.

Jesus heals the sick

23Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and illness among the people. 24News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralysed; and he healed them. 25Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis,4:25 That is, the Ten Cities Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan followed him.