Luka 7 – CRO & NIRV

Knijga O Kristu

Luka 7:1-50

Vjera rimskoga stotnika

(Mt 8:5-13)

1Kad je završio s govorom pred ljudima, Isus ode u Kafarnaum. 2Ondje je nekom stotniku bio nasmrt bolestan sluga kojega je veoma cijenio,. 3Kad je stotnik čuo za Isusa, pošalje k njemu židovske starješine s molbom da mu dođe iscijeliti slugu. 4Oni usrdno zamole Isusa: “On zaslužuje da mu to učiniš 5jer voli naš narod. Čak nam je i sinagogu izgradio.”

6Isus tako pođe s njima. Kad su već stigli nadomak kući, stotnik pošalje prijatelje s porukom: “Gospodine, ne muči se. Nisam dostojan da uđeš u moju kuću. 7Nisam dostojan ni da dođem k tebi, nego samo reci da moj sluga ozdravi i on će ozdraviti! 8Jer i ja moram slušati svoje nadređene. A podređenom vojniku kažem: ‘Idi!’ i on ode, te drugome: ‘Dođi!’ i dođe; a sluzi kažem: ‘Učini to!’ i on učini.”

9Kad je to čuo, Isus se zadivi. Okrene se mnoštvu koje je išlo za njim te reče: “Kažem vam, takve vjere nisam vidio ni u koga u cijelom Izraelu!” 10Kad su se stotnikovi prijatelji vratili kući, našli su slugu posve zdrava.

Isus uskrisuje udovičina sina

11Nakon toga Isus ode u gradić zvan Nain. Pratili su ga učenici i silno mnoštvo ljudi. 12Kad su se približili gradskim vratima, naiđe pogrebna povorka. Pokapali su sina jedinca majke udovice. Majku je pratilo mnogo ljudi iz grada. 13Kad ju je Gospodin opazio, sažali se nad njom te joj reče: “Ne plači!” 14Priđe zatim nosilima i dotakne ih. Nosioci zastanu, a on reče: “Mladiću, tebi govorim, ustani!” 15Mrtvi mladić ustane i progovori, a Isus ga dade majci.

16Sve obuzme silan strah te su slavili Boga govoreći: “Velik je prorok ustao među nama. Bog pohodi svoj narod!” 17I glas o tome Isusovu djelu pronese se svom Judejom i okolicom.

Isus i Ivan Krstitelj

(Mt 11:2-19)

18Učenici Ivana Krstitelja javili su Ivanu o Isusovim djelima. Ivan pozove dvojicu svojih učenika 19i pošalje ih Gospodinu da ga upitaju: “Jesi li ti zaista onaj koji treba doći ili da čekamo drugoga?”

20Oni dođu k Isusu. “Ivan Krstitelj poslao nas je da te upitamo: ‘Jesi li ti zaista onaj koji treba doći ili da čekamo drugoga?’”

21Upravo tada Isus mnoge iscijeli od bolesti, oslobodi zloduha i mnogim slijepcima vrati vid. 22Zatim odgovori Ivanovim učenicima: “Idite Ivanu i ispričajte što ste čuli i vidjeli: slijepcima se vraća vid, hromi hodaju, gubavci ozdravljaju, gluhi čuju, mrtvi ustaju i Radosna vijest se propovijeda siromasima. 23Recite mu i ovo: ‘Blago onome tko se zbog mene ne sablazni!’”

24Kad su Ivanovi glasnici otišli, Isus počne govoriti mnoštvu o Ivanu. “Kad ste izišli u pustinju, što ste išli gledati? Samo trsku kako se povija na vjetru? 25Ili ste išli vidjeti raskošno odjevena čovjeka? Ali takvi žive u kraljevskim palačama. 26Ili ste išli vidjeti proroka? Da, on je i više od proroka. 27Jer Ivan je čovjek o kojemu u Svetome pismu piše:

‘Gledajte, šaljem pred vas svojega glasnika

i on će vam pripraviti put.’7:27 Malahija 3:1.

28Zaista vam kažem, od svih ljudi koji su ikada rođeni nije bilo većega od Ivana. Pa ipak, i najmanji u kraljevstvu Božjemu veći je od njega!”

29Sav narod koji ga je slušao, pa čak i pokvareni ubirači poreza, uvide nato Božju pravednost i krste se Ivanovim krštenjem. 30Farizeji i zakonoznanci, naprotiv, ne dopuste da ih Ivan krsti te tako onemoguće Božju nakanu za njih.

31“S kime dakle da usporedim ovaj naraštaj? Kome li su slični? 32On je poput djece koja sjede i igraju se na gradskome trgu, pa jedna drugoj dovikuju:

‘Veselo smo vam zasvirali,

ali niste htjeli zaplesati.

Onda smo vam zapjevali tužaljke,

ali ni plakati niste htjeli.’

33Jer, došao je Ivan Krstitelj. Nije kruha jeo ni vina pio, a vi kažete: ‘Ima zloduha.’ 34Onda sam došao ja, Sin Čovječji. Jedem i pijem, pa sada kažete: ‘Izjelica je i pijanac, prijatelj je ubiračima poreza i drugim grešnicima!’ 35Ali Božja će se mudrost opravdati djelima pred svom svojom djecom.”

Grešnica pomazuje Isusa

(Mt 26:6-13; Mk 14:3-9; Iv 12:1-8)

36Neki farizej pozove Isusa k sebi na objed te Isus dođe i zauzme mjesto za stolom. 37Uto dođe neka žena koja je bila javna grešnica. Doznala je da je Isus u gradu pa je donijela alabasternu posudu mirisne pomasti. 38Plačući, klekne otraga do njegovih nogu. Suze su joj kapale po njegovim nogama pa ih je otirala svojom kosom. Zatim mu je cjelivala noge i mazala ih mirisnom pomašću.

39Kad je Isusov domaćin farizej to vidio, pomisli: “Kad bi on zaista bio prorok, znao bi kakva je ta žena koja ga dotiče. Pa ona je grešnica!”

40“Šimune, imam ti nešto reći”, nato će Isus.

“Reci, učitelju”, odgovori Šimun.

41“Neki je vjerovnik imao dvojicu dužnika. Jedan mu je dugovao petsto, a drugi pedeset srebrnjaka.7:41 U grčkome: denara (u to je doba dnevna nadnica iznosila približno 1 denar). 42Nisu mu imali odakle vratiti dug, pa ga on obojici oprosti. Što misliš, tko će ga od njih dvojice zato više voljeti?”

43“Vjerojatno onaj kojemu je više oprostio”, odgovori Šimun.

“Dobro si zaključio”, reče mu Isus. 44Okrene se zatim prema ženi i reče mu: “Pogledaj ovu ženu! Kad sam ti ušao u kuću, ti mi nisi ponudio ni vode da operem noge, a ona mi ih je oprala suzama i otrla svojom kosom. 45Ti me nisi ni pozdravio poljupcem, a ona mi nije prestala cjelivati noge otkad je došla. 46Nisi mi u znak dobrodošlice ni glavu pomazao maslinovim uljem, a ona mi je skupocjenom pomašću pomazala noge. 47Ako mi iskazuje mnogo ljubavi, to je zato što su joj oprošteni mnogi grijesi; no komu je malo oprošteno, pokazuje malo ljubavi.” 48Zatim reče ženi: “Grijesi su ti oprošteni!”

49Ljudi za stolom počnu međusobno govoriti: “Tko je ovaj da i grijehe oprašta?”

50A Isus reče ženi: “Spasila te tvoja vjera. Idi u miru.”

New International Reader’s Version

Luke 7:1-50

A Roman Commander Has Faith

1Jesus finished saying all these things to the people who were listening. Then he entered Capernaum. 2There the servant of a Roman commander was sick and about to die. His master thought highly of him. 3The commander heard about Jesus. So he sent some elders of the Jews to him. He told them to ask Jesus to come and heal his servant. 4They came to Jesus and begged him, “This man deserves to have you do this. 5He loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” 6So Jesus went with them.

When Jesus came near the house, the Roman commander sent friends to him. He told them to say, “Lord, don’t trouble yourself. I am not good enough to have you come into my house. 7That is why I did not even think I was fit to come to you. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8I myself am a man who is under authority. And I have soldiers who obey my orders. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes. I tell that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

9When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at the commander. Jesus turned to the crowd that was following him. He said, “I tell you, even in Israel I have not found anyone whose faith is so strong.” 10Then the men who had been sent to Jesus returned to the house. They found that the servant was healed.

Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son From the Dead

11Some time later, Jesus went to a town called Nain. His disciples and a large crowd went along with him. 12He approached the town gate. Just then, a dead person was being carried out. He was the only son of his mother. She was a widow. A large crowd from the town was with her. 13When the Lord saw her, he felt sorry for her. So he said, “Don’t cry.”

14Then he went up and touched the coffin. Those carrying it stood still. Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” 15The dead man sat up and began to talk. Then Jesus gave him back to his mother.

16The people were all filled with wonder and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people.” 17This news about Jesus spread all through Judea and the whole country.

Jesus and John the Baptist

18John’s disciples told him about all these things. So he chose two of them. 19He sent them to the Lord. John told them to ask him, “Are you the one who is supposed to come? Or should we look for someone else?”

20The men came to Jesus. They said, “John the Baptist sent us to ask you, ‘Are you the one who is supposed to come? Or should we look for someone else?’ ”

21At that time Jesus healed many people. They had illnesses, sicknesses and evil spirits. He also gave sight to many who were blind. 22So Jesus replied to the messengers, “Go back to John. Tell him what you have seen and heard. Blind people receive sight. Disabled people walk. Those who have skin diseases are made ‘clean.’ Deaf people hear. Those who are dead are raised to life. And the good news is announced to those who are poor. 23Blessed is anyone who does not give up their faith because of me.”

24So John’s messengers left. Then Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John. He said, “What did you go out into the desert to see? Tall grass waving in the wind? 25If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No. Those who wear fine clothes and have many expensive things are in palaces. 26Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. 27He is the one written about in Scripture. It says,

“ ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you.

He will prepare your way for you.’ (Malachi 3:1)

28I tell you, no one more important than John has ever been born. But the least important person in God’s kingdom is more important than John is.”

29All the people who heard Jesus’ words agreed that God’s way was right. Even the tax collectors agreed. These people had all been baptized by John. 30But the Pharisees and the authorities on the law did not accept for themselves God’s purpose. So they had not been baptized by John.

31Jesus went on to say, “What can I compare today’s people to? What are they like? 32They are like children sitting in the market and calling out to each other. They say,

“ ‘We played the flute for you.

But you didn’t dance.

We sang a funeral song.

But you didn’t cry.’

33That is how it has been with John the Baptist. When he came to you, he didn’t eat bread or drink wine. And you say, ‘He has a demon.’ 34But when the Son of Man came, he ate and drank as you do. And you say, ‘This fellow is always eating and drinking far too much. He’s a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ 35All who follow wisdom prove that wisdom is right.”

A Sinful Woman Pours Perfume on Jesus

36One of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him. So he went to the Pharisee’s house. He took his place at the table. 37There was a woman in that town who had lived a sinful life. She learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house. So she came there with a special jar of perfume. 38She stood behind Jesus and cried at his feet. And she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair. She kissed them and poured perfume on them.

39The Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this. He said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him. He would know what kind of woman she is. She is a sinner!”

40Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.”

“Tell me, teacher,” he said.

41“Two people owed money to a certain lender. One owed him 500 silver coins. The other owed him 50 silver coins. 42Neither of them had the money to pay him back. So he let them go without paying. Which of them will love him more?”

43Simon replied, “I suppose the one who owed the most money.”

“You are right,” Jesus said.

44Then he turned toward the woman. He said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water to wash my feet. But she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45You did not give me a kiss. But this woman has not stopped kissing my feet since I came in. 46You did not put any olive oil on my head. But she has poured this perfume on my feet. 47So I tell you this. Her many sins have been forgiven. She has shown that she understands this by her great acts of love. But whoever has been forgiven only a little loves only a little.”

48Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

49The other guests began to talk about this among themselves. They said, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”

50Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”