Miyambo 22 – CCL & NIV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Miyambo 22:1-29

1Mbiri yabwino ndi yofunika kuposa chuma chambiri;

kupeza kuyanja nʼkwabwino kuposa siliva kapena golide.

2Wolemera ndi wosauka ndi ofanana;

onsewa anawalenga ndi Yehova.

3Munthu wochenjera akaona choopsa amabisala,

koma munthu wopusa amangopitirira ndipo amadzanongʼoneza bondo.

4Mphotho ya munthu wodzichepetsa

ndi woopa Yehova ndi chuma, ulemu ndi moyo.

5Mʼnjira za anthu oyipa muli minga ndi misampha,

koma amene amasala moyo wake adzazipewa zonsezo.

6Mwana muzimuphunzitsa njira yake,

ndipo akadzakalamba sadzachokamo.

7Wolemera amalamulira wosauka,

ndipo wokongola zinthu amakhala kapolo wa womukongozayo.

8Amene amafesa zoyipa amakolola mavuto,

ndipo ndodo yaukali wake idzathyoka.

9Amene ali ndi diso lachifundo adzadalitsika,

pakuti iye amagawana chakudya chake ndi anthu osauka.

10Chotsani munthu wonyoza, ndipo kukangana kudzatha;

mapokoso ndi zonyoza zidzaleka.

11Amene amakonda kukhala woyera mtima ndi kumayankhula mawu abwino,

adzakhala bwenzi la mfumu.

12Maso a Yehova amakhala pa anthu odziwa bwino zinthu,

koma Iye adzalepheretsa mawu a anthu osakhulupirika.

13Munthu waulesi amati,

“Kunjaku kuli mkango. Ine ndidzaphedwa mʼmisewu!”

14Pakamwa pa mkazi wachigololo pali ngati dzenje lozama;

amene Yehova wamukwiyira adzagwamo.

15Uchitsiru umakhala mu mtima mwa mwana,

koma ndodo yomulangira mwanayo idzachotsa uchitsiruwo.

16Amene amapondereza anthu osauka kuti awonjezere chuma chake,

ndiponso amene amapereka mphatso kwa anthu olemera onsewa adzasauka.

Malangizo a Anthu Anzeru

17Utchere khutu lako ndipo umvere mawu anzeru;

uyike mtima wako pa zimene ndikukuphunzitsa kuti udziwe.

18Zidzakhala zokondweretsa ngati uzisunga mu mtima mwako

ndi wokonzeka kuziyankhula.

19Ndakuphunzitsa zimenezi lero

koma makamaka uziopa Yehova.

20Kodi suja ndinakulembera malangizo makumi atatu

okuchenjeza ndi okupatsa nzeru,

21malangizo okudziwitsa zolungama

ndi zoona

ndi kuti ukawayankhe zoona amene akutumawo?

22Mʼmphawi usamubere chifukwa ndi osauka,

ndipo usawapondereze anthu osowa mʼbwalo la milandu,

23pakuti Yehova adzawateteza pa mlandu wawo

ndipo adzalanda moyo onse amene amawalanda iwo.

24Usapalane naye ubwenzi munthu wosachedwa kupsa mtima

ndipo usayanjane ndi munthu amene sachedwa kukwiya

25kuopa kuti iwe ungadzaphunzire njira zake

ndi kukodwa mu msampha.

26Usakhale munthu wopereka chikole

kapena kukhala mboni pa ngongole;

27ngati ulephera kupeza njira yolipirira

adzakulanda ngakhale bedi lako lomwe.

28Usasunthe mwala wamʼmalire akalekale

amene anayikidwa ndi makolo ako.

29Kodi ukumuona munthu waluso pa ntchito yake?

Iye adzatumikira mafumu;

sadzatumikira anthu wamba.

New International Version

Proverbs 22:1-29

1A good name is more desirable than great riches;

to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

2Rich and poor have this in common:

The Lord is the Maker of them all.

3The prudent see danger and take refuge,

but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

4Humility is the fear of the Lord;

its wages are riches and honor and life.

5In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls,

but those who would preserve their life stay far from them.

6Start children off on the way they should go,

and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

7The rich rule over the poor,

and the borrower is slave to the lender.

8Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity,

and the rod they wield in fury will be broken.

9The generous will themselves be blessed,

for they share their food with the poor.

10Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife;

quarrels and insults are ended.

11One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace

will have the king for a friend.

12The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge,

but he frustrates the words of the unfaithful.

13The sluggard says, “There’s a lion outside!

I’ll be killed in the public square!”

14The mouth of an adulterous woman is a deep pit;

a man who is under the Lord’s wrath falls into it.

15Folly is bound up in the heart of a child,

but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.

16One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth

and one who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty.

Thirty Sayings of the Wise

Saying 1

17Pay attention and turn your ear to the sayings of the wise;

apply your heart to what I teach,

18for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart

and have all of them ready on your lips.

19So that your trust may be in the Lord,

I teach you today, even you.

20Have I not written thirty sayings for you,

sayings of counsel and knowledge,

21teaching you to be honest and to speak the truth,

so that you bring back truthful reports

to those you serve?

Saying 2

22Do not exploit the poor because they are poor

and do not crush the needy in court,

23for the Lord will take up their case

and will exact life for life.

Saying 3

24Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person,

do not associate with one easily angered,

25or you may learn their ways

and get yourself ensnared.

Saying 4

26Do not be one who shakes hands in pledge

or puts up security for debts;

27if you lack the means to pay,

your very bed will be snatched from under you.

Saying 5

28Do not move an ancient boundary stone

set up by your ancestors.

Saying 6

29Do you see someone skilled in their work?

They will serve before kings;

they will not serve before officials of low rank.