Hoseya 2 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Hoseya 2:1-23

1“Nena kwa abale ako kuti, ‘Ndinu anthu anga,’ kwa alongo ako kuti ‘Ndinu okondedwa anga.’ ”

Kulangidwa ndi Kubwezeretsedwa kwa Israeli

2“Dzudzulani amayi anu, adzudzuleni iwo,

pakuti si mkazi wanga,

ndipo ine sindine mwamuna wake.

Iyeyo achotse maonekedwe adama pa nkhope yake,

ndi kusakhulupirika pa mawere ake.

3Akapanda kutero ndidzamuvula,

ndipo adzakhala wamaliseche monga tsiku limene anabadwa;

ndidzamuwumitsa ngati chipululu,

adzakhala ngati dziko lopanda madzi,

ndi kumupha ndi ludzu.

4Sindidzaonetsa chikondi changa pa ana ake,

chifukwa ndi ana a mʼchiwerewere.

5Amayi awo akhala akuchita zachiwerewere

ndipo anawabereka anawo akuchita zinthu zochititsa manyazi.

Iwo anati, ‘Ine ndidzatsatira zibwenzi zanga,

zimene zimandipatsa chakudya ndi madzi,

ubweya ndi thonje, mafuta ndi chakumwa.’

6Choncho njira yake ndidzayitseka ndi minga;

ndidzamuzinga ndi khoma kotero kuti sadzapezanso njira yotulukira.

7Adzathamangira zibwenzi zake koma sadzazipeza;

adzazifunafuna koma sadzazipeza.

Pamenepo iye adzati,

‘Ndibwerera kwa mwamuna wanga woyamba uja,

pakuti ndinali pabwino ndi iyeyo kusiyanitsa ndi pano.’

8Iye sanazindikire kuti ndine amene

ndinkamupatsa tirigu, vinyo watsopano ndi mafuta.

Ndine amene ndinkamukhuthulira siliva ndi golide,

zimene ankapangira mafano a Baala.

9“Choncho Ine ndidzamulanda tirigu wanga pa nthawi yokolola,

ndi vinyo wanga watsopano pa nthawi yopsinya mphesa.

Ndidzamulanda ubweya ndi thonje langa,

zomwe akanaphimba nazo umaliseche wake.

10Motero tsopano ndidzaonetsa maliseche ake

pamaso pa zibwenzi zake;

palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe adzamupulumutse mʼmanja mwanga.

11Ndidzathetsa zikondwerero zake zonse:

zikondwerero zake za chaka ndi chaka, za mwezi watsopano,

za pa masiku a Sabata ndi maphwando ake onse a pa masiku okhazikitsidwa.

12Ndidzawononga mitengo yake ya mpesa ndi mitengo yake yamkuyu,

imene iye ankanena kuti inali malipiro ake ochokera kwa zibwenzi zake.

Ndidzayisandutsa chithukuluzi,

ndipo zirombo zakuthengo zidzadya zipatsozo.

13Ndidzamulanga chifukwa cha masiku

amene anafukiza lubani kwa Abaala;

anadzikongoletsa povala mphete ndi mikanda yamtengowapatali

ndipo anathamangira zibwenzi zake,

koma Ine anandiyiwala,”

akutero Yehova.

14“Koma tsopano ndidzamukopa mkaziyo;

ndidzapita naye ku chipululu

ndipo ndidzamuyankhula mwachikondi.

15Kumeneko ndidzamubwezera minda yake ya mpesa,

ndipo ndidzasandutsa Chigwa cha Akori kukhala khomo la chiyembekezo.

Kumeneko iye adzayimba nyimbo monga mʼmasiku a ubwana wake,

monga tsiku limene anatuluka ku Igupto.

16“Tsiku limeneli,” Yehova akuti,

“udzandiyitana kuti, ‘Amuna anga;’

sudzandiyitananso kuti, ‘Mbuye wanga.’

17Ndidzachotsa mayina a Abaala pakamwa pake;

sadzatchulanso mayina awo popemphera.

18Tsiku limenelo ndidzachita pangano

ndi zirombo zakuthengo ndi mbalame zamumlengalenga

ndiponso zolengedwa zokwawa pansi kuti ziyanjane ndi anthu anga.

Ndidzachotsa mʼdzikomo uta,

lupanga ndi zida zonse zankhondo,

kuti onse apumule mwamtendere.

19Ndidzakutomera kuti ukhale mkazi wanga mpaka muyaya;

ndidzakutomera mwachilungamo, mwaungwiro,

mwachikondi ndi mwachifundo.

20Ndidzakutomera mokhulupirika

ndipo udzadziwa Yehova.

21“Tsiku limenelo Ine ndidzayankha,”

akutero Yehova.

“Ndidzayankha mlengalenga pempho lake lofuna mitambo

ndipo mvula idzagwa pa dziko lapansi;

22ndipo nthaka idzamvera kupempha kwa tirigu,

vinyo ndi mafuta,

ndipo zidzamvera Yezireeli.

23Ndidzadzala Israeli mʼdziko kuti akhale wanga:

ndidzaonetsa chikondi changa kwa anthu amene ndinkawatchula dzina loti, ‘Sakondedwa.’

Ndidzawawuza amene ndinkawatchula dzina loti, ‘Si anthu anga,’ kuti, ‘Ndinu anthu wanga;’

ndipo adzanena kuti, ‘ndinu Mulungu wathu,’ ”

New International Reader’s Version

Hosea 2:1-23

1“People of Israel, call your brothers ‘My people.’ And call your sisters ‘My loved ones.’

Israel Is Punished and Brought Back to the Lord

2“Tell your mother she is wrong.

Tell her she is wrong.

She isn’t acting like a wife to me anymore.

She no longer treats me as her husband.

Tell her to stop looking and acting like a prostitute.

Tell her not to let her lovers

lie on her breasts anymore.

3If she doesn’t stop it, I will strip her naked.

I’ll make her as bare as she was on the day she was born.

I’ll make her like a desert.

She will become like dry land.

And I’ll let her die of thirst.

4“I won’t show my love to her children.

They are the children of other men.

5Their mother hasn’t been faithful to me.

She who became pregnant with them

has brought shame on herself.

She said, ‘I will chase after my lovers.

They give me my food and water.

They provide me with wool and linen.

They give me olive oil and wine.’

6So I will block her path with bushes that have thorns.

I’ll build a wall around her.

Then she can’t go to her lovers.

7She will still chase after her lovers.

But she won’t catch them.

She’ll look for them.

But she won’t find them.

Then she’ll say,

‘I’ll go back to my husband.

That’s where I was at first.

I was better off then than I am now.’

8She wouldn’t admit that I was the one

who gave her everything she had.

I provided her with grain, olive oil and fresh wine.

I gave her plenty of silver and gold.

But she used it to make statues of Baal.

9“So I will take away my grain when it gets ripe.

I’ll take my fresh wine when it’s ready.

I’ll take back my wool and my linen.

I gave them to her to cover her naked body.

10So now I’ll uncover her body.

All her lovers will see it.

No one can stop me from punishing her.

11I will put a stop to the special times she celebrates.

I’ll bring an end to the feasts she celebrates each year.

I’ll stop her New Moon feasts and her Sabbath days.

I’ll bring all her appointed feasts to an end.

12I will destroy her vines and her fig trees.

She said they were her pay from her lovers.

I’ll make them like clumps of bushes and weeds.

Wild animals will eat them up.

13Israel burned incense to the gods

that were named Baal.

I will punish her

for all the times she did that.

She decorated herself with rings and jewelry.

Then she went after her lovers.

But she forgot all about me,”

declares the Lord.

14“So now I am going to draw her back to me.

I will lead her into the desert.

There I will speak tenderly to her.

15I will give her back her vineyards.

I will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope for her.

Then she will love me, as she did when she was young.

She will love me just as she did

when she came up out of Egypt.

16“A new day is coming,” announces the Lord.

“Israel will call me ‘my husband.’

She will no longer call me ‘my master.’

17She will no longer speak about the gods

that are named Baal.

She will not pray to them for help anymore.

18At that time I will make a covenant

for the good of my people.

I will make it with the wild animals

and the birds in the sky.

It will also be made with the creatures

that move along the ground.

I will remove bows and swords

and other weapons of war from the land.

Then my people can lie down in safety.

19I will make Israel my own.

She will belong to me forever.

I will do to her what is right and fair.

I will love her tenderly.

20I will be faithful to her.

And she will recognize me as the Lord.

21“So at that time I will answer her,”

announces the Lord.

“I will command the skies

to send rain on the earth.

22Then the earth will produce grain, olive oil and fresh wine.

And Israel will be called Jezreel.

That’s because I will answer her prayers.

23I will plant her in the land for myself.

I will show my love to the one I called Not My Loved One.

I will say, ‘You are my people’

to those who were called Not My People.

And they will say, ‘You are my God.’ ”