Genesis 45 – CCL & NIRV

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Genesis 45:1-28

Yosefe Adziwulula kwa Abale Ake

1Tsono Yosefe sanathenso kuwugwira mtima kuti asalire pamaso pa antchito ake ndipo anafuwula kuti, “Aliyense achoke pamaso panga!” Motero panalibe wina aliyense pamene Yosefe anadziwulula kwa abale ake. 2Ndipo analira mokweza mwakuti Aigupto anamva. Onse a ku nyumba kwa Farao anamvanso za zimenezi.

3Yosefe anati kwa abale ake, “Ine ndine Yosefe! Kodi abambo anga akanali ndi moyo?” Koma abale ake sanathe kumuyankha chifukwa anali ndi mantha kwambiri pamaso pake.

4Ndipo Yosefe anati kwa abale ake, “Senderani pafupi nane.” Atasendera iye anati, “Ine ndine mʼbale wanu Yosefe amene munamugulitsa ku Igupto! 5Ndipo tsopano, musawawidwe mtima kapena kudzipsera mtima chifukwa choti munandigulitsa ine kuno, popeza Mulungu ananditsogoza ine kuti adzapulumutse miyoyo yanu. 6Kwa zaka ziwiri tsopano, kwakhala kuli njala mʼdziko muno, ndipo kwa zaka zisanu zikubwerazi, anthu sadzalima kapena kukolola. 7Koma Mulungu ananditsogoza kuti adzakusungeni ndi moyo ndi kuti mudzakhale ndi zidzukulu pa dziko lapansi.

8“Motero, si inu amene munanditumiza kuno koma Mulungu. Iye anandisandutsa kukhala nduna yayikulu ya Farao, ndipo zonse za mʼnyumba mwake zili mʼmanja mwangamu. Komanso amene akulamulira dziko lonse la Igupto ndi ine. 9Tsono fulumirani mubwerere kwa abambo anga ndi kuwawuza kuti, ‘Mwana wanu Yosefe akuti, Mulungu anandisandutsa kukhala mbuye wa dziko lonse la Igupto. Ndiye bwerani kuno musachedwe. 10Ndipo inu, ana anu, zidzukulu zanu, pamodzi ndi nkhosa ndi ngʼombe zanu ndi antchito anu amene muli nawo muzidzakhala mʼdziko la Goseni pafupi ndi ine. 11Ine ndizidzakupatsani zakudya kumeneko chifukwa zaka zisanu za njala zikubwera ndithu. Kupanda kutero, inu ndi mabanja anu pamodzi ndi anthu anu onse mudzasowa chakudya.’

12“Tsono inu nonse pamodzi ndi mʼbale wangayu Benjamini, mukuona kuti ndi inedi amene ndikuyankhula nanu. 13Mukawawuze abambo anga kuti ndili pa ulemerero ku dziko la Igupto kuno ndi zonse zimene mwaziona. Tsopano fulumirani kuti mukabwere nawo kuno abambo anga.”

14Kenaka Yosefe anakhumbatira Benjamini, mngʼono wake uja nayamba kulira. Nayenso Benjamini anayamba kulira atamukumbatira. 15Atatero, Yosefe anapsompsona abale ake onse aja, akulira. Pambuyo pake abale ake aja anacheza ndi Yosefe.

16Akunyumba kwa Farao atamva kuti abale ake a Yosefe abwera, Farao pamodzi ndi nduna zake zonse anakondwera. 17Farao anati kwa Yosefe, “Uwawuze abale ako kuti, ‘Senzetsani nyama zanu katundu ndi kubwerera ku dziko la Kanaani. 18Mukabwere nawo abambo anu ndi mabanja anu kuno, ndipo ine ndidzakupatsani dera lachonde kwambiri mʼdziko la Igupto. Mudzadya zokoma za mʼdzikoli.’ ”

19“Uwawuzenso kuti, ‘Tengani ngolo zingapo za kuno ku Igupto kuti mukakwezepo ana anu, akazi anu pamodzi ndi abambo ako ndi kubwera nawo kuno. 20Musadandaule zosiya katundu komweko chifukwa dziko lachonde la kuno ku Igupto lidzakhala lanu.’ ”

21Choncho ana a Israeli anachita zimenezo. Yosefe anawapatsa ngolo monga Farao analamulira, ndipo anawapatsanso chakudya cha paulendo wawo. 22Anaperekanso kwa aliyense zovala zatsopano, koma kwa Benjamini anapereka siliva wolemera pafupifupi makilogalamu anayi ndi zovala zisanu. 23Ndipo abambo ake anawatumizira izi: abulu khumi osenza zinthu zabwino kwambiri za ku Igupto, ndi abulu aakazi khumi osenza tirigu, buledi ndi zakudya zina za pa ulendo wake. 24Kenaka anawalola abale ake aja kuti azipita, ndipo akunyamuka, iye anawawuza kuti, “Osakangana mʼnjira!”

25Ndipo anachoka ku Igupto nafika kwa abambo awo Yakobo mʼdziko la Kanaani. 26Iwo anawuza abambo awo kuti, “Yosefe akanali ndi moyo! Ndiponsotu, ndiye akulamulira dziko la Igupto.” Yakobo anangoti kakasi osankhulupirira. 27Komabe atamufotokozera zonse zimene Yosefe anawawuza ndipo ataona ngolo zimene Yosefe anatumiza kuti adzakweremo popita ku Igupto, mtima wa Yakobo, abambo awo unatsitsimuka. 28Ndipo Israeli anati, “Ndatsimikizadi! Mwana wanga Yosefe akanali ndi moyodi. Ndipita ndikamuone ndisanafe.”

New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 45:1-28

Joseph Tells His Brothers Who He Is

1Joseph couldn’t control himself anymore in front of all his attendants. He cried out, “Have everyone leave me!” So there wasn’t anyone with Joseph when he told his brothers who he was. 2He wept so loudly that the Egyptians heard him. Everyone in Pharaoh’s house heard about it.

3Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?” But his brothers weren’t able to answer him. They were too afraid of him.

4Joseph said to his brothers, “Come close to me.” So they did. Then he said, “I am your brother Joseph. I’m the one you sold into Egypt. 5But don’t be upset. And don’t be angry with yourselves because you sold me here. God sent me ahead of you to save many lives. 6For two years now, there hasn’t been enough food in the land. And for the next five years, people won’t be plowing or gathering crops. 7But God sent me ahead of you to keep some of you alive on earth. He sent me here to save your lives by an act of mighty power.

8“So then, it wasn’t you who sent me here. It was God. He made me like a father to Pharaoh. He made me master of Pharaoh’s entire house. God made me ruler of the whole land of Egypt. 9Now hurry back to my father. Say to him, ‘Your son Joseph says, “God has made me master of the whole land of Egypt. Come down to me. Don’t waste any time. 10You will live in the area of Goshen. You, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and everything you have will be near me. 11There I will provide everything you need. There are still five years to come when there won’t be enough food. If you don’t come down here, you and your family and everyone who belongs to you will lose everything.” ’

12“My brothers, I am Joseph. You can see for yourselves that I am the one speaking to you. My brother Benjamin can see it too. 13Tell my father about all the honor given to me in Egypt. Tell him about everything you have seen. And bring my father down here quickly.”

14Then Joseph threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept. Benjamin also hugged him and wept. 15Joseph kissed all his brothers and wept over them. After that, his brothers talked with him.

16The news reached Pharaoh’s palace that Joseph’s brothers had come. Pharaoh and all his officials were pleased. 17Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Here’s what I want you to tell your brothers. Say to them, ‘Load your animals. Return to the land of Canaan. 18Bring your father and your families back to me. I’ll give you the best land in Egypt. You can enjoy all the good things in the land.’

19“And here’s something else I want you to tell them. Say to them, ‘Take some carts from Egypt. Your children and your wives can use them. Get your father and come back. 20Don’t worry about the things you have back there. The best of everything in Egypt will belong to you.’ ”

21Then the sons of Israel did so. Joseph gave them carts, as Pharaoh had commanded. He also gave them supplies for their journey. 22He gave new clothes to each of them. But he gave Benjamin more than seven pounds of silver. He also gave him five sets of clothes. 23He sent his father ten male donkeys loaded with the best things from Egypt. He also sent ten female donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other supplies for his journey. 24Then Joseph sent his brothers away. As they were leaving he said to them, “Don’t argue on the way!”

25So they went up out of Egypt. They came to their father Jacob in the land of Canaan. 26They told him, “Joseph is still alive! In fact, he is ruler of the whole land of Egypt.” Jacob was shocked. He didn’t believe them. 27So they told him everything Joseph had said to them. Jacob saw the carts Joseph had sent to carry him back. That gave new life to their father Jacob. 28Israel said, “I believe it now! My son Joseph is still alive. I’ll go and see him before I die.”