2 Mafumu 12 – CCL & NIVUK

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

2 Mafumu 12:1-21

Yowasi Akonzanso Nyumba ya Yehova

1Mʼchaka chachisanu ndi chiwiri cha Yehu, Yowasi anakhala mfumu, ndipo analamulira mu Yerusalemu zaka makumi anayi. Amayi ake anali Zibiya wa ku Beeriseba. 2Yowasi anachita zolungama pamaso pa Yehova masiku onse amene wansembe Yehoyada ankamulangiza. 3Komabe sanachotse malo opembedzerapo mafano ndipo anthu anapitiriza kupereka nsembe ndi kufukiza lubani ku malo opembedzerako mafanowo.

4Yowasi anati kwa ansembe, “Tolerani ndalama zonse zimene zimaperekedwa monga chopereka chopatulika ku Nyumba ya Yehova, ndalama zonse zamsonkho wa munthu aliyense, ndalama zomwe munthu amapereka akalonjeza ndiponso ndalama zimene munthu amapereka mwaufulu ku Nyumba ya Yehova. 5Wansembe aliyense alandire ndalamazo kuchokera kwa abwenzi ake, ndipo zigwiritsidwe ntchito yokonzera chilichonse chimene chipezeke kuti ndi chowonongeka mʼnyumbayo.”

6Koma pofika chaka cha 23 cha ufumu wa Yowasi, ansembewo anali asanakonze nyumbayo. 7Choncho Mfumu Yowasi inayitanitsa wansembe Yehoyada ndi ansembe ena ndipo inafunsa kuti, “Chifukwa chiyani simukukonza malo owonongeka a mʼnyumbayi? Musasungenso ndalama zina zochokera kwa abwenzi anu, koma muzipereke kuti akonzere nyumbayi.” 8Ansembe anavomera kuti salandiranso ndalama kuchokera kwa anthu ndipo kuti sindiwo amene ati akonzenso nyumbayo.

9Koma wansembe Yehoyada anatenga bokosi ndipo anabowola chivundikiro chake. Anayika bokosilo pambali pa guwa lansembe, kudzanja lamanja la aliyense amene akulowa mʼNyumba ya Yehovayo. Ansembe amene ankalondera pa khomopo ankaponya mʼbokosi ndalama zonse zimene ankabwera nazo ku nyumba ya Yehova. 10Nthawi zonse akaona kuti mʼbokosimo muli ndalama zambiri, mlembi wa mfumu ndi mkulu wa ansembe ankabwera ndipo ankawerenga ndalama zomwe anthu ankabwera nazo ku Nyumba ya Yehova ndi kuziyika mʼmatumba. 11Ankati akadziwa kuti ndalamazo zilipo zingati, ankazipereka kwa anthu amene ankayangʼanira ntchito yokonza nyumbayo. Ndalamazo ankalipira anthu amene ankagwira ntchito yokonza Nyumba ya Yehova, amisiri a matabwa ndi amisiri omanga nyumba, 12amisiri a miyala ndiponso anthu ophwanya miyala. Iwo ankagula matabwa ndi miyala yosema yokonzera Nyumba ya Yehova ndipo ankalipira zinthu zonse zofunika pokonzanso nyumbayo.

13Koma ndalama zomwe anthu ankabwera nazo ku nyumbayo sanagulire siliva wopangira mabeseni, zozimitsira nyale, mbale zowazira magazi, malipenga kapena ziwiya zina zilizonse zagolide kapena zasiliva za ku Nyumba ya Yehova. 14Ndalamazi anazipereka kwa anthu antchito amene anazigwiritsa ntchito yokonzera nyumbayo. 15Koma sanawafunse kuti afotokoze kagwiritsidwe ntchito ka ndalama zolipira amene ankagwira ntchito, chifukwa anthuwo ankagwira ntchitoyo mokhulupirika kwambiri. 16Ndalama zomwe zinkaperekedwa pa nsembe yopepesera machimo ndi nsembe yoperekedwa chifukwa cha tchimo sanabwere nazo ku Nyumba ya Yehova pakuti zinali za ansembe.

17Pa nthawi imeneyo, Hazaeli, mfumu ya Aramu anapita kukathira nkhondo mzinda wa Gati nawulanda. Kenaka Hazaeli anatembenuka kupita kukathira nkhondo mzinda wa Yerusalemu. 18Koma Yowasi mfumu ya Yuda anatenga zinthu zonse zopatulika zomwe anazipatula Yehosafati, Yehoramu, ndi Ahaziya abambo ake, mafumu a Yuda ndi mphatso zonse zomwe iye mwini anazipereka: golide yense amene anapezeka mʼnyumba yosungiramo chuma cha mʼnyumba ya Yehova ndi zomwe zinali mʼnyumba ya mfumu, nazipereka kwa Hazaeli mfumu ya Aramu. Pamenepo iye anachoka ku Yerusalemuko.

19Ndipo ntchito zina za Yowasi ndi zonse zimene anachita, kodi sizinalembedwe mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Yuda? 20Akuluakulu ake anamuchitira chiwembu ndi kumupha ku Beti Milo, pa njira yotsikira ku Silo. 21Yozakara mwana wa Simeati ndi Yehozabadi mwana wa Someri atumiki ake anamukantha nafa. Ndipo anamuyika mʼmanda pamodzi ndi makolo ake mu Mzinda wa Davide. Ndipo Amaziya mwana wake analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.

New International Version – UK

2 Kings 12:1-21

Joash repairs the temple

In Hebrew texts 12:1-21 is numbered 12:2-22 1In the seventh year of Jehu, Joash12:1 Hebrew Jehoash, a variant of Joash; also in verses 2, 4, 6, 7 and 18 became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for forty years. His mother’s name was Zibiah; she was from Beersheba. 2Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all the years Jehoiada the priest instructed him. 3The high places, however, were not removed; the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there.

4Joash said to the priests, ‘Collect all the money that is brought as sacred offerings to the temple of the Lord – the money collected in the census, the money received from personal vows and the money brought voluntarily to the temple. 5Let every priest receive the money from one of the treasurers, then use it to repair whatever damage is found in the temple.’

6But by the twenty-third year of King Joash the priests still had not repaired the temple. 7Therefore King Joash summoned Jehoiada the priest and the other priests and asked them, ‘Why aren’t you repairing the damage done to the temple? Take no more money from your treasurers, but hand it over for repairing the temple.’ 8The priests agreed that they would not collect any more money from the people and that they would not repair the temple themselves.

9Jehoiada the priest took a chest and bored a hole in its lid. He placed it beside the altar, on the right side as one enters the temple of the Lord. The priests who guarded the entrance put into the chest all the money that was brought to the temple of the Lord. 10Whenever they saw that there was a large amount of money in the chest, the royal secretary and the high priest came, counted the money that had been brought into the temple of the Lord and put it into bags. 11When the amount had been determined, they gave the money to the men appointed to supervise the work on the temple. With it they paid those who worked on the temple of the Lord – the carpenters and builders, 12the masons and stonecutters. They purchased timber and blocks of dressed stone for the repair of the temple of the Lord, and met all the other expenses of restoring the temple.

13The money brought into the temple was not spent for making silver basins, wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, trumpets or any other articles of gold or silver for the temple of the Lord; 14it was paid to the workers, who used it to repair the temple. 15They did not require an accounting from those to whom they gave the money to pay the workers, because they acted with complete honesty. 16The money from the guilt offerings and sin offerings12:16 Or purification offerings was not brought into the temple of the Lord; it belonged to the priests.

17About this time Hazael king of Aram went up and attacked Gath and captured it. Then he turned to attack Jerusalem. 18But Joash king of Judah took all the sacred objects dedicated by his predecessors – Jehoshaphat, Jehoram and Ahaziah, the kings of Judah – and the gifts he himself had dedicated and all the gold found in the treasuries of the temple of the Lord and of the royal palace, and he sent them to Hazael king of Aram, who then withdrew from Jerusalem.

19As for the other events of the reign of Joash, and all he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah? 20His officials conspired against him and assassinated him at Beth Millo, on the road down to Silla. 21The officials who murdered him were Jozabad son of Shimeath and Jehozabad son of Shomer. He died and was buried with his ancestors in the City of David. And Amaziah his son succeeded him as king.