1 Mafumu 7 – CCL & NIVUK

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

1 Mafumu 7:1-51

Solomoni Amanga Nyumba Yake Yaufumu

1Solomoni anamanga nyumba yake yaufumu kwa zaka 13. 2Iye anamanga nyumba yaufumu yotchedwa Nkhalango ya Lebanoni yomwe mulitali mwake inali mamita 44, mulifupi mwake mamita 22, msinkhu wake mamita 13 ndi theka; ndipo inakhazikika pa mizere inayi ya mapanda a mkungudza yokhala ndi mitanda ya mkungudza yotanthalika pa mapandawo. 3Pamwamba pa mitandapo panali matabwa a mkungudza amene anaphimba zipinda zimene zinamangidwa pa nsanamira 45, pa mzere uliwonse nsanamira 15. 4Mazenera a nyumbayo anali mmwamba mʼmizere itatu, zenera kuyangʼanana ndi zenera linzake. 5Zitseko zonse ndi mazenera omwe, maferemu ake anali ofanana mbali zonse. Mulitali mwake ndi mulifupi mwake, ndipo zenera linkapenyana ndi zenera linzake pa mizere itatu.

6Iye anapanga Chipinda cha Nsanamira. Mulitali mwake munali mamita 22, mulifupi mwake munali mamita 13 ndi theka. Patsogolo pake panali khonde ndi nsanamira zokhala ndi denga.

7Anamanga chipinda cha mpando waufumu, Chipinda cha Chilungamo, modzaweruziramo milandu ndipo anayikutira ndi matabwa a mkungudza kuchokera pansi mpaka ku denga. 8Ndipo nyumba yake yodzakhalamo anayimanga kumbuyo kwa chipindacho. Nyumbayo anayimanga mofanana ndi Chipindacho. Solomoni anamanga nyumba inanso yofanana ndi chipindachi, kumangira mkazi wake mwana wa Farao.

9Nyumba zonsezi, kuyambira kunja mpaka ku bwalo lalikulu ndiponso kuchokera pa maziko mpaka pamwamba pa khoma, zinapangidwa ndi miyala yabwino kwambiri imene anayisema potengera miyeso yake yoyenera ndipo anayisalaza ndi macheka mʼkati ndi kunja komwe. 10Maziko ake anali a miyala yabwino kwambiri, kutalika kwa miyala ina kunali mamita atatu ndi theka, inanso mamita anayi. 11Pamwamba pake panali pa miyala yabwino kwambiri, yosemedwa potengera miyeso yake. Pamwamba pa miyalayo panali matabwa a mkungudza. 12Bwalo lalikulu lozungulira nyumbayi linali ndi khoma la mizere itatu ya miyala yosemedwa ndi mzere umodzi wa matabwa a mkungudza. Bwalo la mʼkati la Nyumba ya Yehova ndiponso khonde lake anazimanga mofanana.

Zipangizo za mʼNyumba ya Mulungu

13Mfumu Solomoni anatuma anthu ku Turo ndipo anakabwera ndi Hiramu, 14mwana wa mkazi wamasiye wa fuko la Nafutali ndipo abambo ake anali a ku Turo, mʼmisiri wa mkuwa. Hiramu anali munthu wa luso lalikulu ndiponso wodziwa kupanga zinthu za mkuwa. Iye anabwera kwa Mfumu Solomoni ndi kugwira ntchito zonse zimene anamupatsa.

15Iye anawumba nsanamira ziwiri za mkuwa, nsanamira iliyonse msinkhu wake unali mamita asanu ndi atatu ndipo thunthu lake akazunguliza chingwe, linali mamita asanu ndi theka. 16Anapanganso mitu iwiri ya mkuwa ndi kuyiika pamwamba pa nsanamira zija; mutu uliwonse unali wotalika kupitirirapo mamita awiri. 17Pa mitu ya pa nsanamirazo anakolekapo maunyolo awiri olukanalukana ndi oyangayanga. Mutu uliwonse unali ndi maunyolo oterewa asanu ndi awiri. 18Anapanga mizere iwiri ya zinthu zonga makangadza mozungulira pamwamba pa maunyolo kukongoletsa mitu ya nsanamirazo. Anachita chimodzimodzi ndi mutu uliwonse. 19Mitu imene inali pamwamba pa nsanamira mʼkhonde inali yooneka ngati maluwa okongola kwambiri. Kutalika kwake kunali pafupifupi mamita awiri. 20Pa mitu yonse iwiri ya pamwamba pa nsanamira, pamwamba pa chigawo chonga mʼphika pafupi ndi cholukidwa ngati ukonde, panali makangadza 200 okhala mozungulira mʼmizere. 21Anayimika nsanamirazo pa khonde la Nyumba ya Mulungu. Nsanamira ya kumpoto anayitcha Yakini ndipo ya kummwera anayitcha Bowazi. 22Mitu ya pamwamba pa nsanamirazo inali yooneka ngati maluwa okongola kwambiri. Motero anamaliza ntchito ya nsanamirazo.

23Kenaka iye anapanga mbiya yayikulu yachitsulo. Inali yozungulira ndipo pakamwa pake panali pa mamita anayi ndi theka, poyeza modutsa pakati pake. Msinkhu wake unali wopitirirapo mamita awiri. Thunthu lake linali mamita 13. 24Mʼmunsi mwa mkombero wa mbiyayo anajambulamo tizikho kuzungulira thunthu lonse la mbiyayo, tizikho khumi pa theka la mita. Tizikhoto tinali mʼmizere iwiri ndipo anatipangira kumodzi ndi mbiyayo.

25Mbiyayo anayisanjika pa ngʼombe zamkuwa khumi ndi ziwiri, zitatu zoyangʼana kumpoto, zitatu zoyangʼana kumadzulo, zitatu zoyangʼana kummwera ndipo zitatu zoyangʼana kummawa. Mbiyayo inakhazikika pamwamba pa ngʼombezo, ndipo miyendo yake yonse yakumbuyo ya ngʼombezo inkaloza mʼkati. 26Mbiyayo inali yonenepa ngati chikhatho ndipo mkombero wake unali ngati mkombero wa chikho, ngati duwa lokongola kwambiri. Mʼmbiyamo munkalowa madzi okwana malita 40,000.

27Iye anapanganso maphaka khumi a mkuwa. Phaka lililonse mulitali mwake linali pafupifupi mamita awiri, mulifupi mwake linali pafupifupi mamita awiri, ndipo msinkhu wake unali kupitirirapo mita imodzi. 28Maphakawo anapangidwa motere: Anali ndi matabwa a mʼmbali amene ankalowa mʼmaferemu. 29Pakati pa matabwa a mʼmbali ndi maferemu panali zithunzi za mikango, ngʼombe zazimuna ndi akerubi. Pa maferemuwo, pamwamba ndi pansi pake pa mikangoyo ndi ngʼombe zazimunazo anajambulapo nkhata za maluwa. 30Phaka lililonse linali ndi mikombero ya mkuwa inayi ndi mitandanso ya mkuwa, ndipo phaka lililonse linali ndi zogwiriziza mbale zosambira pa ngodya zake zinayi, zopangidwa limodzi ndi nkhata za maluwa mbali zake zonse. 31Mʼkati mwa phakalo munali malo otsekuka amene anali ndi feremu yozungulira ndipo anali ozama theka la mita. Malo otsekukawa anali wozungulira, ndipo pamodzi ndi tsinde lake anali otalika masentimita 44. Kuzungulira pa malo otsekukawa panajambulidwa zokometsera. Matabwa oyimikira phakali anali ofanana mbali zonse, osati ozungulira. 32Pansi pa matabwawo panali mikombero inayi, ndipo mitanda ya mikomberoyo inalumikizidwa ku phakalo. Msinkhu wa mkombero uliwonse unali masentimita 66. 33Mikomberoyo inapangidwa ngati mikombero ya galeta; mitanda yake, marimu ake, sipokosi zake ndiponso mahabu ake, zonsezi zinali za chitsulo.

34Phaka lililonse linali ndi zogwirira zinayi; chogwirira chimodzi pa ngodya iliyonse, zolumikizidwa ku phakalo. 35Pamwamba pa phakalo panali mkombero wozungulira ndipo msinkhu wake unali masentimita 22. Pamwamba pa phakalo panali zogwiriziza ndi matabwa ake, zolumikizidwa ku phakalo. 36Paliponse pamene panali malo woti nʼkujambulapo, pa zogwiriziza ndi pa matabwa, anagobapo zithunzi za akerubi, mikango ndi mitengo ya mgwalangwa. Anajambulanso nkhata za maluwa mozungulira. 37Umu ndi mmene anapangira maphaka khumiwo. Onse anawapanga malo ofanana ndipo anali a miyeso yofanana ndiponso wooneka mofanana.

38Kenaka anapanga mabeseni akuluakulu khumi a mkuwa; beseni lililonse munkalowa madzi a malita 800, ndipo poyeza modutsa, pakamwa pake panali pafupifupi mamita awiri. Maphaka khumi aja, lililonse linali ndi beseni lake. 39Maphaka asanu anawayika mbali ya kummwera kwa Nyumba ya Mulungu, asanu enawo anawayika mbali ya kumpoto. Mbiyayo anayiyika mbali yakummwera, pa ngodya yakummwera cha kummawa kwa Nyumba ya Mulungu. 40Iye anapanganso miphika ndi mafosholo ndi mabeseni owazira magazi.

Kotero Hiramu anatsiriza ntchito yonse ya ku Nyumba ya Yehova imene ankagwirira Mfumu Solomoni:

41nsanamira ziwiri;

mbale ziwiri za mitu yapamwamba pa nsanamirazo;

maukonde awiri okongoletsera mbale ziwiri za mitu yapamwamba pa nsanamirazo;

42makangadza 400 a maukonde awiri okongoletserawo (mizere iwiri ya makangadza pa ukonde uliwonse, kukongoletsa mbale za mitu yapamwamba pa nsanamira);

43maphaka khumi pamodzi ndi mabeseni khumi pa maphakawo;

44mbiya pamodzi ndi ngʼombe khumi ndi ziwiri zazimuna zosanjikapo mbiyayo;

45miphika, mafosholo ndi mbale zowazira magazi.

Ziwiya zonsezi za ku Nyumba ya Yehova, zimene Hiramu anapangira Mfumu Solomoni, zinali zamkuwa wonyezimira. 46Mfumu inapangitsa zimenezi mʼchigwa cha Yorodani, ku malo amtapo amene anali pakati pa Sukoti ndi Zaretani. 47Solomoni sanayeze ziwiya zonsezi chifukwa zinali zambiri ndipo kulemera kwa mkuwa sikunadziwike.

48Solomoni anapanganso ziwiya zonse zimene zinali mʼNyumba ya Yehova:

guwa lansembe lagolide;

tebulo lagolide pamene ankayikapo buledi woperekedwa kwa Mulungu;

49zoyikapo nyale zagolide weniweni (dzanja lamanja zisanu ndipo zisanu zina ku dzanja lamanzere, mʼkati mwenimweni mwa malo opatulika);

maluwa agolide, nyale ndi mbaniro;

50mbale zagolide weniweni, zozimitsira nyale, mbale zowazira magazi, mbale ndi zofukizira;

ndiponso zomangira zitseko zagolide za chipinda chamʼkati mwenimweni, Malo Opatulika Kwambiri, ndiponso za zitseko za chipinda chachikulu cha Nyumba ya Mulungu.

51Pamene ntchito yonse imene Mfumu Solomoni inagwira pa Nyumba ya Yehova inatha, anabwera ndi zinthu zonse zimene abambo ake Davide anazipereka: siliva, golide ndi ziwiya. Anaziyika mʼzipinda zosungiramo chuma cha ku Nyumba ya Yehova.

New International Version – UK

1 Kings 7:1-51

Solomon builds his palace

1It took Solomon thirteen years, however, to complete the construction of his palace. 2He built the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon a hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high,7:2 That is, about 45 metres long, 23 metres wide and 14 metres high with four rows of cedar columns supporting trimmed cedar beams. 3It was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the columns – forty-five beams, fifteen to a row. 4Its windows were placed high in sets of three, facing each other. 5All the doorways had rectangular frames; they were in the front part in sets of three, facing each other.7:5 The meaning of the Hebrew for this verse is uncertain.

6He made a colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty wide.7:6 That is, about 23 metres long and 14 metres wide In front of it was a portico, and in front of that were pillars and an overhanging roof.

7He built the throne hall, the Hall of Justice, where he was to judge, and he covered it with cedar from floor to ceiling.7:7 Vulgate and Syriac; Hebrew floor 8And the palace in which he was to live, set farther back, was similar in design. Solomon also made a palace like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had married.

9All these structures, from the outside to the great courtyard and from foundation to eaves, were made of blocks of high-grade stone cut to size and smoothed on their inner and outer faces. 10The foundations were laid with large stones of good quality, some measuring ten cubits7:10 That is, about 4.5 metres; also in verse 23 and some eight.7:10 That is, about 3.6 metres 11Above were high-grade stones, cut to size, and cedar beams. 12The great courtyard was surrounded by a wall of three courses of dressed stone and one course of trimmed cedar beams, as was the inner courtyard of the temple of the Lord with its portico.

The temple’s furnishings

13King Solomon sent to Tyre and brought Huram,7:13 Hebrew Hiram, a variant of Huram; also in verses 40 and 45 14whose mother was a widow from the tribe of Naphtali and whose father was from Tyre and a skilled craftsman in bronze. Huram was filled with wisdom, with understanding and with knowledge to do all kinds of bronze work. He came to King Solomon and did all the work assigned to him.

15He cast two bronze pillars, each eighteen cubits high and twelve cubits in circumference.7:15 That is, about 8.1 metres high and 5.4 metres in circumference 16He also made two capitals of cast bronze to set on the tops of the pillars; each capital was five cubits7:16 That is, about 2.3 metres; also in verse 23 high. 17A network of interwoven chains adorned the capitals on top of the pillars, seven for each capital. 18He made pomegranates in two rows7:18 Two Hebrew manuscripts and Septuagint; most Hebrew manuscripts made the pillars, and there were two rows encircling each network to decorate the capitals on top of the pillars.7:18 Many Hebrew manuscripts and Syriac; most Hebrew manuscripts pomegranates He did the same for each capital. 19The capitals on top of the pillars in the portico were in the shape of lilies, four cubits7:19 That is, about 1.8 metres; also in verse 38 high. 20On the capitals of both pillars, above the bowl-shaped part next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates in rows all around. 21He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple. The pillar to the south he named Jakin7:21 Jakin probably means he establishes. and the one to the north Boaz.7:21 Boaz probably means in him is strength. 22The capitals on top were in the shape of lilies. And so the work on the pillars was completed.

23He made the Sea of cast metal, circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim and five cubits high. It took a line of thirty cubits7:23 That is, about 14 metres to measure round it. 24Below the rim, gourds encircled it – ten to a cubit. The gourds were cast in two rows in one piece with the Sea.

25The Sea stood on twelve bulls, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south and three facing east. The Sea rested on top of them, and their hindquarters were towards the centre. 26It was a handbreadth7:26 That is, about 7.5 centimetres in thickness, and its rim was like the rim of a cup, like a lily blossom. It held two thousand baths.7:26 That is, about 44,000 litres; the Septuagint does not have this sentence.

27He also made ten movable stands of bronze; each was four cubits long, four wide and three high.7:27 That is, about 1.8 metres long and wide and 1.4 metres high 28This is how the stands were made: they had side panels attached to uprights. 29On the panels between the uprights were lions, bulls and cherubim – and on the uprights as well. Above and below the lions and bulls were wreaths of hammered work. 30Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles, and each had a basin resting on four supports, cast with wreaths on each side. 31On the inside of the stand there was an opening that had a circular frame one cubit7:31 That is, about 45 centimetres deep. This opening was round, and with its basework it measured a cubit and a half.7:31 That is, about 68 centimetres; also in verse 32 Around its opening there was engraving. The panels of the stands were square, not round. 32The four wheels were under the panels, and the axles of the wheels were attached to the stand. The diameter of each wheel was a cubit and a half. 33The wheels were made like chariot wheels; the axles, rims, spokes and hubs were all of cast metal.

34Each stand had four handles, one on each corner, projecting from the stand. 35At the top of the stand there was a circular band half a cubit7:35 That is, about 23 centimetres deep. The supports and panels were attached to the top of the stand. 36He engraved cherubim, lions and palm trees on the surfaces of the supports and on the panels, in every available space, with wreaths all around. 37This is the way he made the ten stands. They were all cast in the same moulds and were identical in size and shape.

38He then made ten bronze basins, each holding forty baths7:38 That is, about 880 litres and measuring four cubits across, one basin to go on each of the ten stands. 39He placed five of the stands on the south side of the temple and five on the north. He placed the Sea on the south side, at the south-east corner of the temple. 40He also made the pots7:40 Many Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint, Syriac and Vulgate (see also verse 45 and 2 Chron. 4:11); many other Hebrew manuscripts basins and shovels and sprinkling bowls.

So Huram finished all the work he had undertaken for King Solomon in the temple of the Lord:

41the two pillars;

the two bowl-shaped capitals on top of the pillars;

the two sets of network decorating the two bowl-shaped capitals on top of the pillars;

42the four hundred pomegranates for the two sets of network (two rows of pomegranates for each network decorating the bowl-shaped capitals on top of the pillars);

43the ten stands with their ten basins;

44the Sea and the twelve bulls under it;

45the pots, shovels and sprinkling bowls.

All these objects that Huram made for King Solomon for the temple of the Lord were of burnished bronze. 46The king had them cast in clay moulds in the plain of the Jordan between Sukkoth and Zarethan. 47Solomon left all these things unweighed, because there were so many; the weight of the bronze was not determined.

48Solomon also made all the furnishings that were in the Lord’s temple:

the golden altar;

the golden table on which was the bread of the Presence;

49the lampstands of pure gold (five on the right and five on the left, in front of the inner sanctuary);

the gold floral work and lamps and tongs;

50the pure gold dishes, wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, dishes and censers;

and the gold sockets for the doors of the innermost room, the Most Holy Place, and also for the doors of the main hall of the temple.

51When all the work King Solomon had done for the temple of the Lord was finished, he brought in the things his father David had dedicated – the silver and gold and the furnishings – and he placed them in the treasuries of the Lord’s temple.