腓立比書 4 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

腓立比書 4:1-23


1我所親愛、所想念的弟兄姊妹,你們就是我的喜樂,我的冠冕。我親愛的弟兄姊妹,你們要靠主堅定不移。 2我懇求友阿蝶循都姬要在主裡同心。 3忠心的同工啊,請你幫助她們二人,因為她們曾與我、革利免和其他同工一起為福音辛勞,這些人的名字都記錄在生命冊上了。

4你們要靠主常常喜樂!我再說,你們要喜樂! 5要讓眾人都知道你們是謙和寬容的人。主快來了。 6你們應該一無掛慮,凡事要藉著禱告和祈求,以感恩的心將你們的需要告訴上帝。 7這樣,上帝那超越人所能理解的平安必在基督耶穌裡保守你們的心思意念。

8最後,弟兄姊妹,你們要思想一切真實、可敬、公義、純潔、可愛、有好名聲、有美德和值得讚許的事情。 9你們從我身上學習、領受、看到和聽到的,都要照著去行。這樣,賜平安的上帝就必與你們同在。


10我在主裡真是非常喜樂,因為你們現在又一次關心我。其實你們向來都很關心我,只是沒有機會。 11我並非有缺乏才這樣說,因為我已經學會在任何處境中都能知足。 12我知道如何過貧窮的日子,也知道如何過富足的日子。我學到了秘訣,不論飽足或饑餓,豐裕或缺乏,在任何情況下都可以處之泰然。 13靠著賜我力量的那位,我凡事都能做。

14然而,你們與我共患難,真是太好了。 15腓立比人啊!你們也知道,在我離開馬其頓傳福音的初期,除了你們以外,沒有別的教會供應我的需要。 16即使我在帖撒羅尼迦的時候,你們也不止一次供應過我的需要。 17我不求得到你們的饋贈,只希望你們所做的會帶給你們更大的賞賜。 18我現在樣樣都有,豐富有餘。我從以巴弗提手上收到了你們送給我的禮物,已經充足了。這些饋贈是蒙上帝悅納的馨香祭物。 19我的上帝必按照祂在基督耶穌裡的榮耀,豐豐富富地賜給你們所需用的一切。



21請代我問候在基督耶穌裡的眾聖徒。我這裡的弟兄姊妹也問候你們。 22所有的聖徒,特別是在凱撒宮裡工作的人,都問候你們。


New International Reader’s Version

Philippians 4:1-23

Remain Strong in the Lord

1My brothers and sisters, in this way remain strong in the Lord. I love you and long for you. Dear friends, you are my joy and my crown.

2Here is what I’m asking Euodia and Syntyche to do. I’m asking them to work together in the Lord. That’s because they both belong to the Lord. 3My true companion, here is what I ask you to do. Help these women, because they have served at my side. They have worked with me to spread the good news. So have Clement and the rest of those who have worked together with me. Their names are all written in the book of life.

Final Commands

4Always be joyful because you belong to the Lord. I will say it again. Be joyful! 5Let everyone know how gentle you are. The Lord is coming soon. 6Don’t worry about anything. No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to him. 7Then God’s peace will watch over your hearts and your minds. He will do this because you belong to Christ Jesus. God’s peace can never be completely understood.

8Finally, my brothers and sisters, always think about what is true. Think about what is noble, right and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect. If anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about those kinds of things. 9Do what you have learned or received or heard from me. Follow my example. The God who gives peace will be with you.

Paul Gives Thanks for the Philippians’ Gifts

10At last you are concerned about me again. That makes me very happy. We belong to the Lord. I know that you were concerned. But you had no chance to show it. 11I’m not saying this because I need anything. I have learned to be content no matter what happens to me. 12I know what it’s like not to have what I need. I also know what it’s like to have more than I need. I have learned the secret of being content no matter what happens. I am content whether I am well fed or hungry. I am content whether I have more than enough or not enough. 13I can do all this by the power of Christ. He gives me strength.

14But it was good of you to share in my troubles. 15And you believers at Philippi know what happened when I left Macedonia. Not one church helped me in the matter of giving and receiving. You were the only one that did. That was in the early days when you first heard the good news. 16Even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me help when I needed it. And you did it more than once. 17It is not that I want your gifts. What I really want is what is best for you. 18I have received my full pay and have more than enough. I have everything I need. That’s because Epaphroditus brought me the gifts you sent. They are a sweet-smelling offering. They are a gift that God accepts. He is pleased with it. 19My God will meet all your needs. He will meet them in keeping with his wonderful riches. These riches come to you because you belong to Christ Jesus.

20Give glory to our God and Father for ever and ever. Amen.

Final Greetings

21Greet all God’s people. They belong to Christ Jesus.

The brothers and sisters who are with me send greetings.

22All God’s people here send you greetings. Most of all, those who live in the palace of Caesar send you greetings.

23May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.