申命記 11 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

申命記 11:1-32


1「你們要愛你們的上帝耶和華,時刻遵守祂的吩咐、律例、典章和誡命。 2要記住,我現在是對你們,而不是對你們的孩子說話。他們沒有親身經歷、親眼見過你們上帝耶和華的管教、威嚴、大能的手和伸出的臂膀; 3祂怎樣在埃及行神蹟奇事對付法老及其國家; 4怎樣使紅海淹沒追趕你們的埃及軍隊和車馬,將他們永遠毀滅; 5怎樣在曠野一路看顧你們,一直來到這裡; 6怎樣對付呂便以利押的兒子大坍亞比蘭,使大地在以色列人當中裂開,吞沒了他們及其家人、帳篷和所有隨從。 7你們親眼目睹了耶和華的這些偉大作為。

8「因此,你們要遵守我今天吩咐你們的誡命,以便有力量過河攻取你們將要攻取的土地, 9長久居住在耶和華起誓賜給你們祖先及其後裔的奶蜜之鄉。 10那片土地不像你們離開的埃及。在埃及你們撒種後,要像澆菜園一樣辛勤灌溉11·10 辛勤灌溉」希伯來文是「用腳灌溉」。11而你們將要佔領的那片土地卻有山有谷,雨水充足, 12你們的上帝耶和華從歲首到年終時時看顧那裡。

13「如果你們謹遵我今天吩咐你們的誡命,全心全意地愛你們的上帝耶和華,事奉祂, 14祂就會按時降下秋雨和春雨,使你們收穫穀物、新酒和油, 15有草場飼養牲畜,豐衣足食。 16你們要謹慎,免得被迷惑,轉而祭拜、供奉其他神明。 17否則,耶和華必向你們發怒,使天不下雨、地無出產,以致你們在祂賜給你們的佳美之地上迅速滅亡。

18「所以,你們要把我的這些吩咐銘記在心,繫在手上,戴在額上作記號; 19要用這些話教導你們的兒女,無論在家在外、或起或臥,都要講論; 20也要寫在城門上和自家的門框上。 21這樣,你們及子孫就可以生活在耶和華起誓賜給你們祖先的土地上,與天地同長。 22如果你們謹遵我吩咐你們的這一切誡命——愛你們的上帝耶和華,遵行祂的旨意,依靠祂, 23耶和華就會為你們趕走那些比你們強大的民族,你們也必佔領他們的土地。 24你們腳掌踏過的地方都要歸你們。你們的疆界南到曠野,北到黎巴嫩,東到幼發拉底河,西到地中海。 25所到之處無人能抵擋你們,因為你們的上帝耶和華會使那些地方的人對你們充滿懼怕,正如祂對你們的應許。

26「看啊,我今天把祝福和咒詛擺在你們面前。 27你們若遵行我今天吩咐你們的誡命,就會得到祝福。 28你們若不遵行你們的上帝耶和華的誡命,偏離我今天吩咐你們當走的道路,隨從不認識的神明,必受咒詛。 29你們的上帝耶和華帶領你們進入並佔領那片土地時,你們要在基利心山上宣告祝福,在以巴路山上宣告咒詛。 30基利心山和以巴路山屬於住在亞拉巴迦南人,位於約旦河西岸的日落之處,在吉甲對面,靠近摩利橡樹。 31你們穿過約旦河,佔領耶和華賜給你們的土地,定居下來以後, 32要謹遵我今天頒佈給你們的一切律例和典章。

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 11:1-32

Love and Obey the Lord

1Love the Lord your God. Do what he requires. Always obey his rules, laws and commands. 2Remember today that your children weren’t the ones the Lord your God guided and corrected. They didn’t see his majesty. They weren’t in Egypt when he reached out his mighty hand and powerful arm. 3They didn’t see the signs and the other things he did in Egypt. They didn’t see what he did to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and to his whole country. 4They weren’t there when the Lord destroyed the army of Egypt and its horses and chariots. He swept the waters of the Red Sea over the Egyptians while they were chasing you. He wiped them out forever. 5Your children didn’t see what he did for you in the desert before you arrived here. 6They didn’t see what he did to Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. Eliab was from the tribe of Reuben. The earth opened its mouth right in the middle of the Israelite camp. It swallowed up Dathan and Abiram. It swallowed them up together with their families, tents and every living thing that belonged to them. 7But with your own eyes you saw all the great things the Lord has done.

8So obey all the commands I’m giving you today. Then you will be strong enough to go in and take over the land. You will go across the Jordan River and take the land as your own. 9You will live there for a long time. It’s the land the Lord promised to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children after them. He gave his word when he made that promise. The land has plenty of milk and honey. 10You will enter it and take it over. It isn’t like the land of Egypt. That’s where you came from. You planted your seeds there. You had to water them, just as you have to water a vegetable garden. 11But you will soon go across the Jordan River. The land you are going to take over has mountains and valleys in it. It drinks rain from heaven. 12It’s a land the Lord your God takes care of. His eyes always look on it with favor. He watches over it from the beginning of the year to its end.

13So be faithful. Obey the commands the Lord your God is giving you today. Love him. Serve him with all your heart and with all your soul. 14Then the Lord will send rain on your land at the right time. He’ll send rain in the fall and in the spring. You will be able to gather your grain. You will also be able to make olive oil and fresh wine. 15He’ll provide grass in the fields for your cattle. You will have plenty to eat.

16But be careful. Don’t let anyone tempt you to do something wrong. Don’t turn away and worship other gods. Don’t bow down to them. 17If you do, the Lord will be very angry with you. He’ll close up the sky. It won’t rain. The ground won’t produce its crops. Soon you will die. You won’t live to enjoy the good land the Lord is giving you. 18So keep my words in your hearts and minds. Write them down and tie them on your hands as a reminder. Also tie them on your foreheads. 19Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home. Talk about them when you walk along the road. Speak about them when you go to bed. And speak about them when you get up. 20Write them on the doorframes of your houses. Also write them on your gates. 21Then you and your children will live for a long time in the land. The Lord promised to give the land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Your family line will continue as long as the heavens remain above the earth.

22So be careful. Obey all the commands I’m giving you to follow. Love the Lord your God. Live exactly as he wants you to live. Remain true to him. 23Then the Lord will drive out all the nations to make room for you. They are larger and stronger than you are. But you will take their land. 24Every place you walk on will belong to you. Your territory will go all the way from the desert to Lebanon. It will go from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea. 25No one will be able to stand up against you. The Lord your God will throw the whole land into a panic because of you. He’ll do it everywhere you go, just as he promised you.

26Listen to me. I’m setting a blessing and a curse in front of you today. 27I’m giving you the commands of the Lord your God today. You will be blessed if you obey them. 28But you will be cursed if you don’t obey them. So don’t turn away from the path I’m now commanding you to take. Don’t turn away by worshiping other gods you didn’t know before. 29The Lord your God will bring you into the land to take it over. When he does, you must announce the blessings from Mount Gerizim. You must announce the curses from Mount Ebal. 30As you know, those mountains are across the Jordan River. They are on the west side of the Jordan toward the setting sun. They are near the large trees of Moreh. The mountains are in the territory of the Canaanites, who live in the Arabah Valley near Gilgal. 31You are about to go across the Jordan River. You will enter the land and take it over. The Lord your God is giving it to you. You will take it over and live there. 32When you do, make sure you obey all the rules and laws I’m giving you today.