瑪拉基書 2 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

瑪拉基書 2:1-17

1祭司們啊,這誡命是傳給你們的。 2萬軍之耶和華說:「如果你們不聽從我的話,也不從內心尊崇我的名,我必使咒詛臨到你們,把你們的福氣變成咒詛。事實上,因為你們不把我的誡命放在心上,我已經咒詛了你們。 3我必斥責你們的子孫,把你們祭牲的糞便抹在你們臉上,又把你們和糞便一同丟掉, 4你們便知道我這樣告誡你們,是為了維持我與你們祖先利未所立的約。這是萬軍之耶和華說的。 5我與他所立的是生命和平安之約,我將生命和平安賜給他,使他心存敬畏。他就尊崇我,敬畏我的名。 6他口中教導真理,嘴裡毫無詭詐。他與我同行,過著平安正直的生活,並引導許多人遠離罪惡。 7祭司的嘴唇應持守知識,人民應從他口中尋求訓誨,因為他是萬軍之耶和華的使者。 8然而,你們卻偏離正道,你們的教導使許多人跌倒,破壞了我和利未所立的約。」這是萬軍之耶和華說的。 9「因此,我必使你們在眾人面前遭藐視、輕賤。因為你們不遵守我的道,在教導上偏心待人。」

10難道我們不是出於同一位父親,由同一位上帝所造嗎?為何我們竟彼此欺騙,背棄上帝與我們祖先所立的約呢? 11猶大人不忠貞,在以色列耶路撒冷做了可憎的事,他們娶信奉外邦神明的女子為妻,褻瀆了耶和華所愛的聖所。 12願耶和華從雅各的帳篷中剷除所有做這事並獻供物給萬軍之耶和華的人!

13另外,你們哀哭悲歎,眼淚甚至淹沒了耶和華的祭壇,因為耶和華不再理會你們的供物,不再悅納你們所獻的。 14你們還問為什麼。因為耶和華在你和你的髮妻中間作證,她是你的配偶,是你盟約的妻子,你卻對她不忠。 15上帝不是把你們結合為一體,叫你們肉體和心靈都歸祂嗎2·15 此句希伯來文語意不清。?祂為何這樣做?是為了得敬虔的後裔。所以,你們要小心謹慎,不可對自己的髮妻不忠。 16以色列的上帝耶和華說:「我憎惡休妻和以暴虐待妻子的人。所以要守護你們的心,不可有不忠的行為。」這是萬軍之耶和華說的。 17你們說的話使耶和華厭煩,然而,你們還說:「我們在何事上令祂厭煩呢?」因為你們說:「耶和華將所有作惡者視為好人,並且喜悅他們」,還說:「公義的上帝在哪裡?」

New International Reader’s Version

Malachi 2:1-17

The Lord Warns the Priests

1“Now I am giving this warning to you priests. 2Listen to it. Honor me with all your heart,” says the Lord who rules over all. “If you do not, I will send a curse on you. I will turn your blessings into curses. In fact, I have already done that because you have not honored me with all your heart.

3“Because of what you have done, I will punish your children. I will smear the waste from your sacrifices on your faces. And you will be carried off to the dump along with it. 4You will know that I have given you this warning. I have warned you so that my covenant with Levi will continue,” says the Lord who rules over all. 5“My covenant promised Levi life and peace. So I gave them to him. I required him to respect me. And he had great respect for my name. 6True teaching came from his mouth. Nothing but the truth came from his lips. He walked with me in peace. He did what was right. He turned many people away from their sins.

7“The lips of a priest should guard knowledge. After all, he is the messenger of the Lord who rules over all. And people seek instruction from his mouth. 8But you have turned away from the right path. Your teaching has caused many people to trip and fall. You have broken my covenant with Levi,” says the Lord who rules over all. 9“So I have caused all the people to hate you. They have lost respect for you. You have not done what I told you to do. Instead, you have favored one person over another in matters of the law.”

Breaking the Covenant Through Divorce

10People of Judah, all of us have one Father. One God created us. So why do we break the covenant the Lord made with our people of long ago? We do this by being unfaithful to one another.

11And Judah has been unfaithful. A hateful thing has been done in Israel and Jerusalem. The Lord loves his temple. But Judah has made it impure. Their men have married women who worship other gods. 12May the Lord punish the man who marries a woman like this. It doesn’t matter who that man is. May the Lord who rules over all remove him from the tents of Jacob’s people. May the Lord remove him even if he brings an offering to him.

13Here’s something else you do. You flood the Lord’s altar with your tears. You weep and cry because your offerings don’t please him anymore. He doesn’t accept them with pleasure from your hands. 14You ask, “Why?” It’s because the Lord is holding you responsible. He watches how you treat the wife you married when you were young. You have been unfaithful to her. You did it even though she’s your partner. You promised to stay married to her. And the Lord was a witness to it.

15Hasn’t the one God made the two of you one also? Both of you belong to him in body and spirit. And why has the one God made you one? Because he wants his children to be like him. So be careful. Don’t be unfaithful to the wife you married when you were young.

16“Suppose a man hates and divorces his wife,” says the Lord God of Israel. “Then he is harming the one he should protect,” says the Lord who rules over all.

So be careful. And don’t be unfaithful.

Breaking the Covenant by Treating Others Unfairly

17You have worn out the Lord by what you keep saying.

“How have we worn him out?” you ask.

You have done it by saying, “All those who do evil things are good in the Lord’s sight. And he is pleased with them.” Or you ask, “Is God really fair?”