民數記 21 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

民數記 21:1-35


1住在南地的迦南亞拉得王聽說以色列人取道亞他林而來,就攻打他們,俘虜了一些人。 2以色列人向耶和華許願說:「要是你將這些人交在我們手中,我們必徹底摧毀21·2 摧毀」希伯來文有「銷毀,以示奉獻給耶和華」之意。他們的城邑。」 3耶和華答應了他們的祈求,把迦南人交在他們手中,使他們徹底毀滅了迦南人及其城邑。從此,那地方叫何珥瑪21·3 何珥瑪」意思是「毀滅」。


4以色列人為了繞過以東,便從何珥山出發,沿通往紅海的路行進。途中,民眾心裡煩躁, 5埋怨上帝和摩西說:「你們為什麼把我們從埃及帶出來,叫我們死在曠野呢?這裡無糧無水,我們厭惡這難吃的東西!」

6於是,耶和華派毒蛇進入以色列人中,咬死了許多人。 7他們來找摩西,說:「我們埋怨耶和華和你,犯了罪,求你向耶和華禱告,好叫這些蛇離開我們。」摩西就為他們禱告。 8耶和華對摩西說:「你去造一條蛇掛在杆子上,凡被咬的一望這蛇,就可活命。」 9摩西就造了一條銅蛇,掛在杆子上。被蛇咬的人一望銅蛇,就保住了性命。


10以色列人繼續前行,在阿伯安營; 11又從阿伯動身,走到摩押東邊的曠野,在以耶·亞巴琳安營; 12又從那裡前行,走到撒烈谷安營; 13又從那裡出發,走到亞嫩河北岸的曠野安營。那裡毗鄰亞摩利人的邊境,亞嫩河是摩押亞摩利之間的疆界。 14因此,耶和華的戰記上說:「蘇法哇哈伯亞嫩河谷, 15以及河谷的斜坡——靠近摩押邊界並延伸到亞珥城。」

16以色列人又往前走,來到比珥21·16 比珥」意思是「井」。。耶和華曾在那裡對摩西說:「把民眾招聚起來,我要給他們水喝。」 17當時,以色列人唱了這首歌:








21以色列人派使者去見亞摩利西宏,說: 22「請允許我們從貴國經過,我們只走大路,不會踏入田地和葡萄園,也不會喝井裡的水,直到走出貴國的土地。」 23西宏拒絕了他們的請求,並招聚軍隊到曠野攻擊他們。兩軍在雅雜交鋒。 24以色列人殺了西宏,佔領了他的土地——從亞嫩河到雅博河,遠至防守嚴密的亞捫人邊界。 25以色列人攻佔了亞摩利人的所有城邑,包括希實本及其周圍的村莊,住在其中。 26希實本亞摩利西宏的都城。西宏曾與摩押的先王交戰,佔領了他所有的領土,遠至亞嫩河。 27因此有人作詩說:















31於是,以色列人住在亞摩利境內。 32摩西派人去雅謝打探,然後出兵攻佔了雅謝及其周圍的村莊,趕走那裡的亞摩利人。 33以色列人回師前往巴珊巴珊率全軍出動,在以得來迎戰以色列人。 34耶和華對摩西說:「不要怕他,因為我已把他及其眾民和土地交在你手中。你要像從前對付希實本亞摩利西宏一樣對付他。」 35於是,以色列人殺了及其兒子和人民,一個不留,並奪取了他的國土。

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 21:1-35

Israel Destroys Arad

1The Canaanite king of the city of Arad lived in the Negev Desert. He heard that Israel was coming along the road to Atharim. So he attacked the Israelites. He captured some of them. 2Then Israel made a promise to the Lord. They said, “Hand these people over to us. If you do, we will set their cities apart to you in a special way to be destroyed.” 3The Lord gave Israel what they asked for. He handed the Canaanites over to them. Israel completely destroyed them and their towns. So that place was named Hormah.

Moses Makes a Bronze Snake

4The Israelites traveled from Mount Hor along the way to the Red Sea. They wanted to go around Edom. But they grew tired on the way. 5So they spoke against God and against Moses. They said, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt? Do you want us to die here in the desert? We don’t have any bread! We don’t have any water! And we hate this awful food!”

6Then the Lord sent poisonous snakes among the Israelites. The snakes bit them. Many of the people died. 7The others came to Moses. They said, “We sinned when we spoke against the Lord and against you. Pray that the Lord will take the snakes away from us.” So Moses prayed for the people.

8The Lord said to Moses, “Make a snake. Put it up on a pole. Then anyone who is bitten can look at it and remain alive.” 9So Moses made a bronze snake. He put it up on a pole. Then anyone who was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake remained alive.

The People Continue On to Moab

10The Israelites moved on. They camped at Oboth. 11Then they started out from Oboth. They camped in Iye Abarim. It’s in the desert on the eastern border of Moab. 12From there they moved on. They camped in the Zered Valley. 13They started out from there and camped by the Arnon River. It’s in the desert that spreads out into the territory of the Amorites. The Arnon is the border of Moab. It’s between Moab and the Amorites. 14Here is what the Book of the Wars of the Lord says about it.

“Sing about Zahab in Suphah and the valleys.

Sing about the Arnon 15and the slopes of the valleys.

They lead to the settlement called Ar.

They lie along the border of Moab.”

16From there the Israelites continued on to Beer. That was the well where the Lord spoke to Moses. He said, “Gather the people together. I will give them water to drink.”

17Then Israel sang a song. They said,

“Spring up, you well!

Sing about it.

18Sing about the well the princes dug.

Sing about the well the nobles of the people dug.

All their rulers were holding their scepters and walking sticks.”

Then the Israelites went from the desert to Mattanah. 19They went from Mattanah to Nahaliel. They went from Nahaliel to Bamoth. 20And they went from Bamoth to a valley in Moab. It’s the valley where the highest slopes of Pisgah look out over a dry and empty land.

Israel Wins the Battle Over Sihon and Og

21The Israelites sent messengers to speak to Sihon. He was the king of the Amorites. The messengers said to him,

22“Let us pass through your country. We won’t go off the road into any field or vineyard. We won’t drink water from any well. We’ll travel along the King’s Highway. We’ll just go straight through your territory.”

23But Sihon wouldn’t let Israel pass through his territory. He gathered his whole army together. Then he marched out into the desert against Israel. When he reached Jahaz, he fought against Israel. 24But Israel put him to death with their swords. They took over his land. They took everything from the Arnon River to the Jabbok River. But they didn’t take over any of the land of the Ammonites. That’s because the Ammonites had built strong forts along their border. 25The Israelites captured all the cities of the Amorites. Then they settled down in them. They captured the city of Heshbon. They also captured all the settlements around it. 26Sihon, the king of the Amorites, ruled in Heshbon. He had fought against an earlier king of Moab. Sihon had taken from him all his land all the way to the Arnon River.

27That’s why the poets say,

“Come to Heshbon. Let it be built again.

Let Sihon’s city be made as good as new.

28“Fire went out from Heshbon.

A blaze went out from the city of Sihon.

It burned up Ar in Moab.

It burned up the citizens who lived on Arnon’s hills.

29Moab, how terrible it is for you!

People of Chemosh, you are destroyed!

Chemosh has deserted his sons and daughters.

His sons have run away from the battle.

His daughters have become prisoners.

He has handed all of them over to Sihon,

the king of the Amorites.

30“But we have taken them over.

Heshbon’s rule has been destroyed all the way to Dibon.

We have destroyed them as far as Nophah.

Nophah goes all the way to Medeba.”

31So Israel settled in the land of the Amorites.

32Moses sent spies to the city of Jazer. The Israelites captured the settlements around it. They drove out the Amorites who were there. 33Then they turned and went up along the road toward Bashan. Og was the king of Bashan. He and his whole army marched out. They went to fight against Israel at Edrei.

34The Lord said to Moses, “Do not be afraid of Og. I have handed him over to you. I have given you his whole army. I have also given you his land. Do to him what you did to Sihon, the king of the Amorites. He ruled in Heshbon.”

35So the Israelites struck down Og and his sons. And they wiped out his whole army. They didn’t leave anyone alive. They took over his land for themselves.