哥林多後書 6 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

哥林多後書 6:1-18

1身為上帝的同工,我們勸你們不要辜負祂的恩典。 2因為祂說:







3為了避免有人毀謗我們的職分,我們凡事儘量不妨礙別人, 4反倒在任何事上都顯明自己是上帝的僕人。不論遭遇什麼患難、艱苦、貧窮、 5鞭打、囚禁、暴亂、辛勞、無眠或饑餓,我們都堅忍到底, 6靠著純潔、知識、忍耐、仁慈、聖靈的感動、無偽的愛心、 7真理之道、上帝的大能、左右手中的公義兵器, 8無論是得榮耀還是受羞辱,遭毀謗還是得稱讚,都顯明自己是上帝的僕人。我們被視為騙子,卻是誠實無偽; 9似乎默默無聞,卻是家喻戶曉;似乎快死了,看啊!我們卻仍然活著;受嚴刑拷打,卻沒有喪命; 10似乎鬱鬱寡歡,卻常常喜樂;似乎一貧如洗,卻使多人富足;似乎一無所有,卻樣樣都有!

11哥林多人啊!我們對你們推心置腹,開誠佈公, 12毫無保留,只是你們自己心胸太窄。 13現在請你們也向我們敞開心懷。我這樣說,是把你們當成自己的兒女。


14不要和非信徒同負一軛,因為公義和不法怎能合作呢?光明和黑暗怎能共存呢? 15基督與魔鬼6·15 魔鬼」希臘文是「彼列」。怎能相容呢?信徒與非信徒有什麼相干呢? 16上帝的殿與偶像怎能相提並論呢?因為我們就是永活上帝的殿,正如上帝說:












New International Reader’s Version

2 Corinthians 6:1-18

1We work together with God. So we are asking you not to receive God’s grace and then do nothing with it. 2He says,

“When I had mercy on you, I heard you.

On the day I saved you, I helped you.” (Isaiah 49:8)

I tell you, now is the time God has mercy. Now is the day he saves.

Paul’s Sufferings

3We don’t put anything in anyone’s way. So no one can find fault with our work for God. 4Instead, we make it clear that we serve God in every way. We serve him by standing firm in troubles, hard times and suffering. 5We don’t give up when we are beaten or put in prison. When people stir up trouble in the streets, we continue to serve God. We work hard for him. We go without sleep and food. 6We remain pure. We understand completely what it means to serve God. We are patient and kind. We serve him in the power of the Holy Spirit. We serve him with true love. 7We speak the truth. We serve in the power of God. We hold the weapons of godliness in the right hand and in the left. 8We serve God in times of glory and shame. We serve him whether the news about us is bad or good. We are true to our calling. But people treat us as if we were pretenders. 9We are known, but people treat us as if we were unknown. We are dying, but we continue to live. We are beaten, but we are not killed. 10We are sad, but we are always full of joy. We are poor, but we make many people rich. We have nothing, but we own everything.

11Believers at Corinth, we have spoken freely to you. We have opened our hearts wide to you. 12We are not holding back our love from you. But you are holding back your love from us. 13I speak to you as if you were my children. It is only fair that you open your hearts wide to us also.

Paul Warns Against Worshiping False Gods

14Do not be joined to unbelievers. What do right and wrong have in common? Can light and darkness be friends? 15How can Christ and Satan agree? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16How can the temple of the true God and the statues of other gods agree? We are the temple of the living God. God has said,

“I will live with them.

I will walk among them.

I will be their God.

And they will be my people.” (Leviticus 26:12; Jeremiah 32:38; Ezekiel 37:27)


“Come out from among them

and be separate,

says the Lord.

Do not touch anything that is not pure and ‘clean.’

Then I will receive you.” (Isaiah 52:11; Ezekiel 20:34,41)


“I will be your Father.

You will be my sons and daughters,

says the Lord who rules over all.” (2 Samuel 7:14; 7:8)