出埃及記 23 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

出埃及記 23:1-33


1「不可散佈謠言,也不可與惡人一起作偽證陷害別人。 2不可隨眾行惡。在法庭作證時不可附和多數人,顛倒是非。 3在訴訟的事上不可偏袒窮人。

4「倘若看見仇人的牛或驢走迷了路,總要牽回去交給他。 5倘若遇見仇人的驢被馱的重物壓倒,不可逕自走開,總要幫助仇人抬開重物。

6「不可在訴訟案中冤枉窮人。 7不可誣告別人,不可殺害正直無辜的人,因為我必懲罰作惡之人。 8不可收受賄賂,因為賄賂蒙蔽人的眼目,使人顛倒是非。 9不可欺凌在你們中間寄居的人,因為你們也曾經在埃及寄居,知道身在異鄉的滋味。


10「六年之內你要耕種收割, 11第七年要讓土地休息,不耕不種,你們當中的窮人可以吃田中長出來的,剩下的可以留給動物吃。你也要這樣耕作葡萄園和橄欖園。 12六天之內,你要工作,但第七天要休息。這樣,牛、驢可以歇息,你家裡的奴僕和寄居的也可以休息。 13你們要謹慎遵從我對你們說的話。不可提其他神明的名字,不可從你口中聽到它們的名字。


14「你每年要向我守三個節期。 15要守除酵節,照我的吩咐在每年亞筆月所定的日期連續吃七天的無酵餅,因為你是在這個月離開了埃及。誰也不可空手來朝拜我。 16要在耕種後、收取初熟之物的時候守收割節。要在年終從田間收取勞動成果時守收藏節。 17以色列所有的男子都要在這三個節期上來朝見主耶和華。

18「不可把祭牲的血和有酵的餅一起獻給我,也不可把祭牲的脂肪留到第二天早晨。 19要把田中最好的初熟之物送到你們的上帝耶和華的殿中。不可用母山羊的奶煮牠的小羊羔。


20「看啊,我要差遣天使走在你前面,在路上保護你,帶領你平安地到達我為你預備的地方。 21他是奉我的名來的,你們要謹遵他的話,不可悖逆,不然他必不赦免你們的過犯。

22「你若認真聽從他的吩咐,遵行我的話,我就與你的仇敵為敵,與你的對頭作對。 23我的天使要走在你前面,帶領你去亞摩利人、人、比利洗人、迦南人、希未人和耶布斯人所住的地方,我會把他們全部消滅。 24不可叩拜他們的神明,不可供奉它們,也不可效法他們的行為,要徹底拆毀神像,打碎他們的神柱。 25你們要事奉你們的上帝耶和華,我必賜給你日用的飲食,使你們身體健康,不受疾病的侵害, 26在你境內必沒有人流產或不育,我會使你壽終正寢。 27你所到之處,我必使那裡的人惶恐不安,使你一切的仇敵都在你面前轉身逃跑。 28我要派黃蜂做你的先鋒,趕走那些希未人、迦南人和人。 29我不會在一年之內把這些人全部趕走,免得土地荒涼,野獸肆虐。 30我會逐漸地趕走他們,直到你們人丁興旺,可以佔據那片土地。 31我給你定下國界,從紅海到非利士海岸,從曠野到幼發拉底河。我要把其中所有的人都交在你手中,你要把他們全部趕出去。 32不可跟這些民族及其神明立約, 33也不可讓這些民族住在你的土地上,免得他們使你得罪我,你若供奉他們的神明,必因此而陷入網羅。」

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 23:1-33

Laws About Mercy and Fairness

1“Do not spread reports that are false. Do not help a guilty person by telling lies in court.

2“Do not follow the crowd when they do what is wrong. When you are a witness in court, do not turn what is right into what is wrong. Do not go along with the crowd. 3Do not show favor to a poor person in court.

4“Suppose you come across your enemy’s ox or donkey wandering away. Then be sure to return it. 5Suppose you see that the donkey of someone who hates you has fallen down under its load. Then do not leave it there. Be sure you help them with it.

6“Be fair to your poor people in their court cases. 7Do not have anything to do with a false charge. Do not put to death people not guilty of doing anything wrong. I will not let guilty people go free.

8“Do not take money from people who want special favors. It makes you blind to the truth. It twists the words of good people.

9“Do not treat outsiders badly. You yourselves know how it feels to be outsiders. Remember, you were outsiders in Egypt.

Sabbath Laws

10“For six years plant your fields and gather your crops. 11But during the seventh year do not plow your land or use it. Then the poor people among you can get food from it. The wild animals can eat what is left over. Do the same thing with your vineyards and your groves of olive trees.

12“Do all your work in six days. But do not do any work on the seventh day. Then your oxen and donkeys can rest. The slaves born in your house can be renewed. And so can the outsiders who live among you.

13“Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not speak the names of other gods. Do not even let them be heard on your lips.

Laws About Celebrating the Three Main Feasts

14“Three times a year you must celebrate a feast in my honor.

15“Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread. For seven days, eat bread made without yeast, just as I commanded you. Do it at the appointed time in the month of Aviv. You came out of Egypt in that month.

“You must not come to worship me with your hands empty.

16“Celebrate the Feast of Weeks. Bring the first share of your crops from your fields.

“Celebrate the Feast of Booths. Hold it in the fall when you gather in your crops from your fields.

17“Three times a year all your men must come to worship me. I am your Lord and King.

18“Do not include anything made with yeast when you offer me the blood of a sacrifice.

“Suppose the fat from sacrifices is left over from my feasts. Then do not keep it until morning.

19“Bring the best of the first share of your crops to my house. I am the Lord your God.

“Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.

God’s Angel Will Prepare the Way

20“I am sending an angel ahead of you. He will guard you along the way. He will bring you to the place I have prepared. 21Pay attention to him. Listen to what he says. Do not refuse to obey him. He will not forgive you if you turn against him. He has my full authority. 22Listen carefully to what he says. Do everything I say. Then I will be an enemy to your enemies. I will fight against those who fight against you. 23My angel will go ahead of you. He will bring you into the land of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites. I will wipe them out. 24Do not do what they do. Do not bow down to their gods or worship them. You must destroy the statues of their gods. You must break their sacred stones to pieces. 25Worship the Lord your God. Then he will bless your food and water. I, the Lord, will take away any sickness you may have. 26In your land no woman will give birth to a dead baby. Every woman will be able to have children. I will give you a long life.

27“I will send my terror ahead of you. I will throw every nation you meet into a panic. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run away. 28I will send hornets ahead of you. They will drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way. 29But I will not drive them out in just one year. If I did, the land would be deserted. There would be too many wild animals for you. 30I will drive them out ahead of you little by little. I will do that until there are enough of you to take control of the land.

31“I will make your borders secure from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. They will go from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will hand over to you the people who live in the land. You will drive them out to make room for yourselves. 32Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. 33Do not let them live in your land. If you do, they will cause you to sin against me. If you worship their gods, that will certainly be a trap for you.”