以西結書 41 – CCBT & NIVUK

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

以西結書 41:1-26

1那人帶我進入殿堂,量兩邊的牆柱,各三米寬。 2殿的入口寬五米,兩邊的牆各寬二點五米。殿堂面積長二十米,寬十米。 3他到內殿的入口,量兩邊的牆柱,各一米寬,門寬三米,兩邊的牆各寬三點五米。 4他量了內殿,長寬各十米。他對我說:「這是至聖所。」

5他又量殿牆,厚三米,殿的週邊有廂房,每間寬二米。 6廂房是一層疊一層的,共有三層,每層有三十個房間。殿牆週邊有支撐廂房梁木的牆坎,以免梁木插入殿牆中。 7這些廂房的設計是階梯形的;因此,廂房越往上層越寬,有樓梯自下層經過中層到上層。 8殿的周圍有突出的平臺,高一竿,構成廂房的根基。 9-10廂房外牆厚二點五米,廂房與祭司房之間的空地寬十米。 11有兩個門從空地通往廂房,一南一北。廂房周圍與空地相連的平臺寬二點五米。


13他量了殿,長五十米。殿的院子,那棟建築物和牆共長五十米。 14殿東邊的空地寬五十米。


16聖所、至聖所、院子對面的門廊及它們周圍的門檻、格子窗和走廊從地面到窗沿都鑲有木板。 17殿的入口和裡外四周的牆也按尺寸鑲著木板。 18木板上刻著基路伯天使和棕樹,兩者彼此相間排列。基路伯天使有兩個面孔: 19一個是人的臉,面向一邊的棕樹;一個是獅子的臉,面向另一邊的棕樹。 20從地板到門以上殿內牆壁上都刻著基路伯天使和棕樹。

21聖所的門框是方形的,至聖所前的門框也一樣。 22裡面有一座木頭做的祭壇,高一點五米,寬一米,壇的四角、底及四面都是木造的。他對我說:「這是耶和華面前的桌子。」

23聖所和至聖所各有一道雙扇的門, 24每扇都是可以折疊的雙頁門, 25上面也刻有基路伯天使和棕樹,與殿內牆上所刻的一樣。門廊上有木造的廊簷。 26聖殿門廊的牆壁上有格子窗和棕樹雕刻,廂房都有房檐。

New International Version – UK

Ezekiel 41:1-26

1Then the man brought me to the main hall and measured the jambs; the width of the jambs was six cubits41:1 That is, about 3.2 metres; also in verses 3, 5 and 8 on each side.41:1 One Hebrew manuscript and Septuagint; most Hebrew manuscripts side, the width of the tent 2The entrance was ten cubits41:2 That is, about 5.3 metres wide, and the projecting walls on each side of it were five cubits41:2 That is, about 2.7 metres; also in verses 9, 11 and 12 wide. He also measured the main hall; it was forty cubits long and twenty cubits wide.41:2 That is, about 21 metres long and 11 metres wide

3Then he went into the inner sanctuary and measured the jambs of the entrance; each was two cubits41:3 That is, about 1.1 metres; also in verse 22 wide. The entrance was six cubits wide, and the projecting walls on each side of it were seven cubits41:3 That is, about 3.7 metres wide. 4And he measured the length of the inner sanctuary; it was twenty cubits, and its width was twenty cubits across the end of the main hall. He said to me, ‘This is the Most Holy Place.’

5Then he measured the wall of the temple; it was six cubits thick, and each side room round the temple was four cubits41:5 That is, about 2.1 metres wide. 6The side rooms were on three levels, one above another, thirty on each level. There were ledges all round the wall of the temple to serve as supports for the side rooms, so that the supports were not inserted into the wall of the temple. 7The side rooms all round the temple were wider at each successive level. The structure surrounding the temple was built in ascending stages, so that the rooms widened as one went upwards. A stairway went up from the lowest floor to the top floor through the middle floor.

8I saw that the temple had a raised base all round it, forming the foundation of the side rooms. It was the length of the rod, six long cubits. 9The outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits thick. The open area between the side rooms of the temple 10and the priests’ rooms was twenty cubits wide all round the temple. 11There were entrances to the side rooms from the open area, one on the north and another on the south; and the base adjoining the open area was five cubits wide all round.

12The building facing the temple courtyard on the west side was seventy cubits41:12 That is, about 37 metres wide. The wall of the building was five cubits thick all round, and its length was ninety cubits.41:12 That is, about 48 metres

13Then he measured the temple; it was a hundred cubits41:13 That is, about 53 metres; also in verses 14 and 15 long, and the temple courtyard and the building with its walls were also a hundred cubits long. 14The width of the temple courtyard on the east, including the front of the temple, was a hundred cubits.

15Then he measured the length of the building facing the courtyard at the rear of the temple, including its galleries on each side; it was a hundred cubits.

The main hall, the inner sanctuary and the portico facing the court, 16as well as the thresholds and the narrow windows and galleries round the three of them – everything beyond and including the threshold was covered with wood. The floor, the wall up to the windows, and the windows were covered. 17In the space above the outside of the entrance to the inner sanctuary and on the walls at regular intervals all round the inner and outer sanctuary 18were carved cherubim and palm trees. Palm trees alternated with cherubim. Each cherub had two faces: 19the face of a human being towards the palm tree on one side and the face of a lion towards the palm tree on the other. They were carved all round the whole temple. 20From the floor to the area above the entrance, cherubim and palm trees were carved on the wall of the main hall.

21The main hall had a rectangular door-frame, and the one at the front of the Most Holy Place was similar. 22There was a wooden altar three cubits41:22 That is, about 1.5 metres high and two cubits square41:22 Septuagint; Hebrew long; its corners, its base41:22 Septuagint; Hebrew length and its sides were of wood. The man said to me, ‘This is the table that is before the Lord.’ 23Both the main hall and the Most Holy Place had double doors. 24Each door had two leaves – two hinged leaves for each door. 25And on the doors of the main hall were carved cherubim and palm trees like those carved on the walls, and there was a wooden overhang on the front of the portico. 26On the side walls of the portico were narrow windows with palm trees carved on each side. The side rooms of the temple also had overhangs.