以西結書 23 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

以西結書 23:1-49


1耶和華對我說: 2「人子啊,有一對同胞姊妹, 3她們在埃及做娼妓,年輕時就淫亂,任人撫摸她們的胸,玩弄她們的乳。 4姐姐名叫阿荷拉,妹妹名叫阿荷利巴。後來她們都歸屬了我,並且生兒育女。阿荷拉撒瑪利亞阿荷利巴耶路撒冷

5阿荷拉歸屬我後仍然淫亂,貪戀她的情人——亞述人。 6他們都是身穿紫衣的省長和總督,都是英俊的年輕騎士。 7她便與這些亞述的精英放縱情慾,拜他們的偶像,玷污自己。 8她沒有放棄在埃及的淫蕩行為,她年輕的時候就任人玩弄、發洩情慾。 9因此,我把她交在她所戀慕的亞述人手裡。 10他們扒光她的衣服,奪去她的兒女,用刀殺了她。她受了報應,成了婦女口中的笑柄。

11「她妹妹阿荷利巴看見這一切,不但沒有引以為戒,反而更加放蕩淫亂。 12她貪戀亞述的省長和總督,那些衣著華麗、英俊的年輕騎士。 13我看見她玷污了自己,與姐姐的行徑如出一轍。 14她還變本加厲地放蕩淫亂,看見牆上用朱砂畫著迦勒底人的像, 15腰間束帶,頭巾飄揚,都像是來自迦勒底巴比倫人的將領, 16便戀上了他們,差遣使者到他們那裡。 17巴比倫人便來上她的床,放縱情慾玷污了她。之後,她便厭棄他們。 18她繼續公開地淫亂,在眾人面前赤身露體,我厭棄她,像厭棄她姐姐一樣。 19她卻更加淫亂,懷念自己年輕時在埃及為娼的日子, 20怎樣與那些體壯精足、如驢似馬的情人縱淫, 21渴望重溫早年的淫行,任埃及人摸胸弄乳。

22「因此,主耶和華對阿荷利巴這樣說,『我要使那些被你離棄的情人從四面八方來攻擊你。 23他們是巴比倫人,還有從比割書亞哥亞來的迦勒底人以及亞述人,都是騎馬的省長和總督及年輕英俊的有名將領。 24他們率領大隊人馬,帶著兵器、戰車和軍需車來攻擊你。他們頂盔貫甲,手拿盾牌從四面八方進攻你。我要讓他們懲罰你,他們會按自己的律例來審判你。 25我要藉著他們向你傾倒我的義憤,他們要在憤怒中對付你,割去你的鼻子和耳朵,擄去你的兒女,城中剩下的人都要死於刀下,被火吞噬。 26他們要剝下你的衣服,奪去你的珠寶。 27我要藉此制止你從埃及染上的淫亂和放蕩,使你不再嚮往埃及28我要把你交在你所厭惡的人手中, 29他們必滿懷仇恨地對付你,奪去你努力得來的一切,留下你赤身露體,使你淫蕩的醜惡公佈於眾。 30因為你與各國苟合,被他們的偶像玷污,這些事必臨到你身上。 31你既然步你姐姐的後塵,我要讓你喝她喝的那杯。』












36耶和華又對我說:「人子啊,你要審判阿荷拉阿荷利巴,指出她們的醜行。 37她們淫蕩,手上沾滿血腥,與偶像淫亂,把為我所生的兒女燒死獻給偶像。 38同時,她們還在同一天玷污我的聖所,褻瀆我的安息日, 39她們焚燒自己的兒女獻祭給偶像,並在當天進入我的聖所,褻瀆聖所。這就是她們在我聖所裡的惡行。

40「她們甚至派使者請來遠方的人,並且沐浴洗身,描眉畫眼,佩戴首飾, 41坐在華麗的床上,面前的桌子上擺設著我的香料和膏油。 42她們屋裡傳出眾人的安樂聲,從曠野來的酒徒和粗漢把鐲子戴在這對姊妹的手腕上,把華冠戴在她們的頭上。 43我說,『她們縱慾無度、年老色衰,這些人還與她們淫亂。 44他們與這對淫婦阿荷拉阿荷利巴淫亂,好像與娼妓淫亂一樣。 45她們是雙手沾滿血腥的淫婦,必有義人按她們應得的報應審判她們。』

46「主耶和華說,『我要使許多人起來攻擊、搶掠她們,叫她們膽戰心驚。 47這些人要用石頭打死她們,用刀殺戮她們和她們的兒女,用火燒毀她們的房屋。 48這樣,我便制止了這地方的淫亂,所有的婦女都引以為戒,不敢效法她們。 49她們淫亂,必得報應;她們拜偶像,必受懲罰。這樣,你們就知道我是主耶和華。』」

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 23:1-49

Samaria and Jerusalem Are Like Two Impure Sisters

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, once there were two women. They had the same mother. 3They became prostitutes in Egypt. They have been unfaithful to me since they were young. In that land they allowed their breasts to be touched. They permitted their virgin breasts to be kissed. 4The older sister was named Oholah. The younger one was Oholibah. They belonged to me. Sons and daughters were born to them. Oholah stands for Samaria. And Oholibah stands for Jerusalem.

5“Oholah was unfaithful to me even while she still belonged to me. She longed for her Assyrian lovers. They included soldiers 6who wore blue uniforms. They also included governors and commanders. All of them were young and handsome. They rode horses. 7She gave herself as a prostitute to all Assyria’s finest warriors. She made herself impure with the statues of the gods of everyone she longed for. 8She started being a prostitute in Egypt. And she never stopped. When she was young, men had sex with her. They kissed her virgin breasts. They used up all their sinful desires on her.

9“So I handed her over to her Assyrian lovers. She longed for them. 10They stripped her naked. They took away her sons and daughters. And they killed her with their swords. Other women laughed when that happened. I was the one who had punished her.

11“Her sister Oholibah saw it. But her evil desire for sexual sin was worse than her sister’s. 12She too longed for the men of Assyria. They included governors and commanders. They included soldiers who wore fancy uniforms. They also included men who rode horses. All of them were young and handsome. 13I saw that she too made herself impure. So both sisters did the same evil things.

14“But Oholibah went even further with her sexual sins. She saw pictures of men drawn on a wall. They were figures of Babylonians drawn in red. 15They had belts around their waists. They wore flowing turbans on their heads. All of them looked like Babylonian chariot officers. They were from the land of the Chaldeans. 16As soon as she saw the pictures, she longed for the men. So she sent messengers to them in Babylon. 17Then the Babylonians came to her. They went to bed with her. They had sex with her. They made her impure when they had sex with her. After they did it, she became sick of them. So she turned away from them. 18She acted like a prostitute who had no shame at all. She openly showed her naked body. I became sick of what she was doing. So I turned away from her. I had also turned away from her sister. 19But Oholibah offered her body to her lovers again and again. She remembered the days when she was a young prostitute in Egypt. 20There she had longed for her lovers. Their private parts seemed as big as those of donkeys. And their flow of semen appeared to be as much as that of horses. 21So you wanted to return to the days when you were young. You longed for the time when you first became impure in Egypt. That was when you allowed your breasts to be kissed. And you permitted your young breasts to be touched.”

22So the Lord and King says, “Oholibah, I will stir up your lovers against you. You became sick of them. You turned away from them. But I will bring them against you from every side. 23They include the Babylonians and all the Chaldeans. They include the men from Pekod, Shoa and Koa. They also include all the Assyrians. They are young and handsome. Some of them are governors and commanders. Others are chariot officers. Still others are very high officials. All of them ride horses. 24So a huge army will come against you with weapons, chariots and wagons. They will take up positions against you on every side. They will carry large and small shields. They will wear helmets. I will turn you over to them to be punished. They will punish you in their own way. 25I will pour out my jealous anger on you. And the army’s anger will burn against you. They will cut off your noses and ears. Some of you who are left will be killed by swords. They will take away your sons and daughters. Others of you who are left will be burned up. 26The army will also strip off your clothes. They will take your fine jewelry away from you. 27You became an impure prostitute in Egypt. But I will put a stop to all of that. You will no longer want to do any of it. You will not remember Egypt anymore.”

28The Lord and King says, “I am about to hand you over to people you hate. You became sick of them. You turned away from them. 29They will punish you because they hate you so much. They will take away from you everything you have worked for. They will leave you completely naked. Then everyone will see that you are a prostitute who has no shame at all. You were impure. You offered your body to your lovers again and again. 30That is why you will be punished. You longed for lovers in other nations. You made yourself impure by worshiping their gods. 31You did the same things your sister Oholah did. So I will put her cup in your hand. It is filled with the wine of my anger.”

32The Lord and King says to Oholibah,

“You will drink from your sister’s cup.

It is large and deep.

It is filled with the wine of my anger.

So others will laugh at you.

They will make fun of you.

33You will become drunk and sad.

The cup of my anger will completely destroy you.

It is the same cup your sister Samaria drank from.

34You will drink from it until it is empty.

Then you will chew on its pieces.

And you will claw at your breasts.

I have spoken,” announces the Lord and King.

35So the Lord and King says, “You have forgotten me. You have turned your back on me. You have been impure. You have acted like a prostitute. So I will punish you.”

36The Lord said to me, “Son of man, are you going to judge Oholah and Oholibah? Then tell them they have done many evil things. I hate those things. 37They have committed adultery. Their hands are covered with the blood of the people they have murdered. They have worshiped other gods. They have not been faithful to me. They have even sacrificed their children as food to other gods. Those children belonged to me. 38Here are some other things the sisters have done to me. They have made my temple ‘unclean.’ They have misused my Sabbath days. 39They have sacrificed their children to their gods. On that same day they entered my temple and made it ‘unclean.’ That is what they have done in my house.

40“They even sent messengers to bring men from far away. When the men arrived, Oholibah took a bath. She put makeup on her eyes. She put her jewelry on. 41She sat down on a beautiful couch. A table was in front of it. There she put the incense and olive oil that belonged to me.

42“The noise of a carefree crowd was all around her. Men who drink too much were brought from the desert. Other men were brought along with them. They put bracelets on the wrists of the two sisters. They put beautiful crowns on their heads. 43Then I spoke about Oholibah. She was worn out by adultery. I said, ‘Let them use her as a prostitute. After all, that is what she is.’ 44So they slept with her. In fact, they slept with both of these impure women, Oholah and Oholibah. They slept with them just as men sleep with prostitutes. 45But judges who are right with God will sentence the sisters to be punished. They will be punished in the same way as women who commit adultery and murder. After all, they have committed adultery. And their hands are covered with the blood of the people they have murdered.”

46The Lord and King says, “Bring an angry crowd against the sisters. Hand them over to those who will terrify them and steal everything they have. 47The crowd will kill them by throwing stones at them. They will use swords to cut them down. They will kill their sons and daughters. And they will burn down their houses.

48“So I will put an end to impurity in the land. Then all its women will be warned. They will not want to be like the sisters. 49Those sisters will be punished because of the impure things they have done. They will be judged because they have worshiped other gods. Then they will know that I am the Lord and King.”