以西結書 2 – CCBT & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

以西結書 2:1-10


1那聲音對我說:「人子啊,你站起來,我要對你說話。」 2正說的時候,耶和華的靈就進入我裡面,使我站起來。我聽見那聲音對我說: 3「人子啊,我派你去那背叛我的以色列人那裡。他們和他們的祖先至今仍背叛我。 4我派你到那些頑固不化的人那裡,向他們宣告,『主耶和華這樣說。』 5不管那群叛逆的人聽不聽,他們都會知道有一位先知在他們當中。 6人子啊,不要怕他們和他們的話,雖然你周圍佈滿荊棘和毒蠍,也不要害怕。他們是一群叛逆的人,你不要怕他們的話,也不要因為他們的臉色而驚慌。 7他們是叛逆的,不論他們聽不聽,你都要把我的話告訴他們。

8「人子啊,你要聽我對你說的話,不要像他們那樣叛逆,要張開口吃我賜給你的。」 9這時我看見一隻手向我伸來,手中拿著書卷。 10那隻手把那書卷打開,書卷的兩面都寫滿了哀傷、歎息、悲痛的話。

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 2:1-10

The Lord Appoints Ezekiel to Speak for Him

1He said to me, “Son of man, stand up on your feet. I will speak to you.” 2As he spoke, the Spirit of the Lord came into me. He raised me to my feet. I heard him speaking to me.

3He said, “Son of man, I am sending you to the people of Israel. That nation has refused to obey me. They have turned against me. They and their people of long ago have been against me to this day. 4The people I am sending you to are very stubborn. Tell them, ‘Here is what the Lord and King says.’ 5They might listen, or they might not. After all, they refuse to obey me. But whether they listen or not, they will know that a prophet was among them. 6Son of man, do not be afraid of them or of what they say. Do not be afraid, even if thorns and bushes are all around you. Do not be afraid, even if you live among scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say. Do not be terrified by them. They always refuse to obey me. 7You must give them my message. They might listen, or they might not. After all, they refuse to obey me. 8Son of man, listen to what I tell you. Do not be like those who refuse to obey me. Open your mouth. Eat what I give you.”

9Then I looked up. I saw a hand reach out to me. A scroll was in it. 10He unrolled it in front of me. Both sides had words written on them. They spoke about sadness, sorrow and trouble.