申命记 23 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

申命记 23:1-25




3亚扪人或摩押人及其十代以内的子孙都不可加入耶和华的会众。 4因为在你们离开埃及的途中,他们没有用水和食物款待你们,还雇用美索不达米亚毗夺人——比珥的儿子巴兰咒诅你们。 5但你们的上帝耶和华不听巴兰的话,反而把咒诅变为祝福,因为祂爱你们。 6你们一生一世永不可为他们谋求平安和好处。

7“不可憎恶以东人,因为他们是你们的弟兄;也不可憎恶埃及人,因为你们曾经在埃及寄居。 8他们的第三代子孙可以加入耶和华的会众。


9“你们出兵征战时,一定要远离恶事。 10如果有人因梦遗而不洁净,他就要离开营地住在营外。 11傍晚他要沐浴,日落才可以回营。 12要在营外指定一个地方作方便之处。 13你们每人都要有一把铲子,便溺时要挖个洞,事后要掩埋。 14因为你们的上帝耶和华常在营中巡视,要保护你们,击败你们的仇敌。军营必须保持圣洁,免得祂在你们中间看到任何污秽之事,便离开你们。


15“如果有奴隶逃到你们那里避难,不可把逃亡的奴隶送交他们的主人。 16要让他们在你们当中选择他们喜欢的城邑与你们同住,不可压迫他们。

17“任何以色列人,不论男女,都不可做庙妓。 18不可把男女庙妓的收入带到你们上帝耶和华的殿还愿,因为你们的上帝耶和华憎恶他们。

19“你们借给同胞钱、粮食或其他任何东西,都不可收取利息。 20你们可以向外族人收取利息,但不可向同胞收取。这样,在你们将要占领的土地上,你们的上帝耶和华必使你们凡事蒙福。

21“如果你们向你们的上帝耶和华许愿,不可迟迟不还愿,因为你们的上帝耶和华必追讨许愿不还的罪。 22如果你们不许愿,反倒无罪; 23但如果你们亲口许了愿,一定要向你们的上帝耶和华信守诺言。

24“如果你们进了邻居的葡萄园,可以随意吃,但不可把葡萄放在篮子里带走。 25如果你们进了邻居的麦田,可以用手摘麦穗,但不可用镰刀割麦子。

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 23:1-25

Who Can Join in Worship With the Lord’s People?

1No man whose sex organs have been crushed or cut can join in worship with the Lord’s people.

2No one born to an unmarried woman can join in worship with the Lord’s people. That also applies to the person’s children for all time to come.

3The people of Ammon and Moab can’t join in worship with the Lord’s people. That also applies to their children after them for all time to come. 4The Ammonites and Moabites didn’t come to meet you with food and water on your way out of Egypt. They even hired Balaam from Pethor in Aram Naharaim to put a curse on you. Balaam was the son of Beor. 5The Lord your God wouldn’t listen to Balaam. Instead, he turned the curse into a blessing for you. He did it because he loves you. 6So don’t make a peace treaty with the Ammonites and Moabites as long as you live.

7Don’t hate the people of Edom. They are your relatives. Don’t hate the people of Egypt. After all, you lived as outsiders in their country. 8The great-grandchildren of the Edomites and Egyptians can join in worship with the Lord’s people.

Keep the Camp of the Soldiers Pure and “Clean”

9There will be times when you are at war with your enemies. And your soldiers will be in camp. Then keep away from anything that isn’t pure and “clean.” 10Suppose semen flows from the body of one of your soldiers during the night. Then that will make him “unclean.” He must go outside the camp and stay there. 11But as evening approaches, he must wash himself. When the sun goes down, he can return to the camp.

12Choose a place outside the camp where you can go to the toilet. 13Keep a shovel among your tools. When you go to the toilet, dig a hole. Then cover up your waste. 14The Lord your God walks around in your camp. He’s there to keep you safe. He’s also there to hand your enemies over to you. So your camp must be holy. Then he won’t see anything among you that is shameful. He won’t turn away from you.

Several Other Laws

15If a slave comes to you for safety, don’t hand them over to their master. 16Let them live among you anywhere they want to. Let them live in any town they choose. Don’t treat them badly.

17A man or woman in Israel must not become a temple prostitute. 18The Lord your God hates the money that men and women get for being prostitutes. So don’t take that money into the house of the Lord to pay what you promised to give.

19Don’t charge your own people any interest. Don’t charge them when they borrow money, food or anything else. 20You can charge interest to people from another country. But don’t charge your own people. Then the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. He will bless you in the land you are entering to take as your own.

21Don’t put off giving to the Lord your God everything you promise him. He will certainly require it from you. And you will be guilty of committing a sin. 22But if you don’t make a promise, you won’t be guilty. 23Make sure you do what you promised to do. With your own mouth you made the promise to the Lord your God. No one forced you to do it.

24When you enter your neighbor’s vineyard, you can eat all the grapes you want. But don’t put any of them in your basket. 25When you enter your neighbor’s field, you can pick heads of grain. But don’t cut down their standing grain.