启示录 17 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

启示录 17:1-18


1拿着七碗的七位天使中有一位前来对我说:“你过来!我要让你看那坐在众水之上的大淫妇将要遭受的刑罚。 2地上的君王与她行淫,地上其他人也因喝了她淫乱的酒而酩酊大醉。”

3那时,我被圣灵感动,被天使带到旷野,在那里见到一个妇人骑着一只朱红色的怪兽。怪兽有七头十角,浑身写满亵渎上帝的名号。 4那妇人身穿紫色和朱红色的袍子,用黄金、宝石及珍珠装扮自己。她手中拿着金杯,里面盛满了她淫乱的污秽、可憎之物。 5在她额上还写了一个神秘的名号:“大巴比伦——地上淫妇及可憎事物之母”。 6我又见她醉了,因她喝了众圣徒的血,就是为耶稣做见证之人的血。

我看见她,非常惊奇。 7天使对我说:“你为什么这样惊奇呢?我要将这妇人和她骑的七头十角怪兽的奥秘告诉你。 8你看见的这怪兽以前出现过,现今没有出现,将来要从无底坑上来,然后走向灭亡。那些住在地上、自创世以来名字没有记在生命册上的人,都因见到这只从前出现过、现今没有出现、将来会再出现的怪兽而感到惊奇。 9这里需要智慧才能明白,它的七个头代表那妇人坐镇的七座山,又代表七个王。 10其中五个已经衰亡,一个还在,另外一个还未来到,他来后只能短暂存留。 11那从前出现过、现今没有出现的怪兽是第八个王,他是七个王之一,也要走向灭亡。 12你看见的那十个角象征另外十个还没有得势的王,他们将取得王权和那怪兽一同统治短暂的一段时期。 13他们一致同意把自己所有的能力和权柄交给那怪兽。 14他们将与羔羊交战,但羔羊必胜过他们,因为羔羊是万主之主,万王之王。那些跟随羔羊的是被呼召、蒙拣选、忠心耿耿的人。”

15天使又对我说:“你看见的那淫妇所坐的众水象征来自各民族、各国家、各语言族群的人。 16怪兽和它头上的十角必憎恨那淫妇,使她赤身露体、景况凄凉。它们要吃她的肉,最后用火将她烧尽。 17因为上帝使众王定意这样做,好完成祂的旨意。他们便同心将政权交给那怪兽,直到上帝的话得到实现。 18你看见的那妇人就是那掌管世上众王的大城。”

New International Reader’s Version

Revelation 17:1-18

Babylon the Great Prostitute Sits on the Beast

1One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came to me. He said, “Come. I will show you how the great prostitute will be punished. She is the one who sits by many waters. 2The kings of the earth took part in her evil ways. The people living on earth were drunk with the wine of her terrible sins.”

3Then in a vision the angel carried me away to a desert. There the Holy Spirit showed me a woman sitting on a bright red beast. It was covered with names that say evil things about God. It had seven heads and ten horns. 4The woman was dressed in purple and bright red. She was gleaming with gold, jewels and pearls. In her hand she held a golden cup filled with things that God hates. It was filled with her terrible, dirty sins. 5The name written on her forehead was a mystery. Here is what it said.

The Great City of Babylon

The Mother of Prostitutes

The Mother of Everything on Earth that God Hates

6I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people. They are the ones who are witnesses about Jesus.

When I saw her, I was very amazed. 7Then the angel said to me, “Why are you amazed? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman. And I will explain the mystery of the beast she rides on. The beast is the one who has the seven heads and ten horns. 8The beast that you saw used to exist and now does not. Yet it will come up out of the Abyss and be destroyed. Some people on the earth will be amazed when they see the beast. Their names have not been written in the book of life from the time the world was created. They will be amazed at the beast. That’s because it will come again even though it used to exist and now does not.

9“Here is a problem that you have to be wise to understand. The seven heads are seven hills that the woman sits on. 10They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is ruling, and the other has still not come. When he does come, he must remain for only a little while. 11The beast who used to exist, and now does not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the other seven. He will be destroyed.

12“The ten horns you saw are ten kings. They have not yet received a kingdom. But for one hour they will receive authority to rule together with the beast. 13They have only one purpose. So they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14They will make war against the Lamb. But the Lamb will have victory over them. That’s because he is the most powerful Lord of all and the greatest King of all. His appointed, chosen and faithful followers will be with him.”

15Then the angel spoke to me. “You saw the waters the prostitute sits on,” he said. “They stand for all the nations of the world, no matter what their race or language is. 16The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will destroy her and leave her naked. They will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. 17God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose. So they agreed to give the beast their royal authority. They will give him this authority until God’s words come true. 18The woman you saw stands for the great city of Babylon. That city rules over the kings of the earth.”