利未记 8 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

利未记 8:1-36


1耶和华对摩西说: 2“你把亚伦父子们带来,也要带圣衣、膏油、一头作赎罪祭的公牛、两只公绵羊和一篮无酵饼, 3然后把全体会众招聚到会幕门前。” 4摩西按照耶和华的指示行事,会众都聚集在会幕门前。

5摩西告诉会众:“这是耶和华吩咐我做的事。” 6他把亚伦父子们带来,用水洗他们。 7摩西亚伦穿上内袍,束上腰带,穿上外袍,套上以弗得,用精巧的带子把以弗得系在亚伦身上, 8然后给他戴上胸牌,把乌陵和土明放在胸牌内, 9再把礼冠戴在他头上,在礼冠前系上金牌,即圣冠,都遵照耶和华的吩咐。

10摩西拿膏油抹圣幕和圣幕里的一切物件,使它们圣洁; 11再用膏油在祭坛上洒七次,又抹祭坛和祭坛上的器具、洗濯盆和盆座,使它们圣洁。 12然后,摩西把膏油倒在亚伦头上膏立他,使他圣洁。 13摩西又把亚伦的儿子们带来,给他们穿上内袍,束上腰带,裹上头巾,都遵照耶和华的吩咐。

14摩西牵来那头作赎罪祭的公牛,亚伦父子们把手放在牛头上。 15摩西宰了牛,用手指蘸一些牛血抹在祭坛的四角上,以洁净祭坛;把剩下的血倒在祭坛脚旁,使祭坛圣洁。 16他取出遮盖内脏的脂肪、肝叶、两个肾脏和肾脏上的脂肪,放在坛上焚烧, 17又照耶和华的吩咐,把公牛的皮、肉和粪便带到营外烧掉。

18然后,摩西献上作燔祭的公绵羊,亚伦父子们把手放在羊头上。 19摩西宰了那只羊,将羊血洒在祭坛周围; 20把羊切成块,焚烧羊头、肉块和脂肪; 21用水洗净羊的内脏和腿,放在坛上焚烧,作蒙耶和华悦纳的馨香火祭,都遵照耶和华的吩咐。

22摩西献上另一只为授圣职而献的公绵羊。亚伦父子们把手放在羊头上。 23摩西宰了羊,将一些羊血抹在亚伦的右耳垂、右手大拇指和右脚大脚趾上。 24他又把亚伦的儿子们带来,将一些血抹在他们的右耳垂、右手大拇指和右脚大脚趾上,然后把剩下的血都洒在祭坛四周。 25他取下羊的右腿和脂肪,即肥尾巴、遮盖内脏的脂肪、肝叶、两个肾脏和肾脏上的脂肪, 26又从放在耶和华面前盛无酵饼的篮子中取一个无酵饼、一个油饼和一个薄饼,放在羊的右腿和脂肪上。 27他把这些放在亚伦父子们的手上,作为摇祭在耶和华面前摇一摇。 28随后,他从他们手上拿过这些祭物,放在祭坛的燔祭上焚烧,作为授圣职时献的祭。这是蒙耶和华悦纳的馨香火祭。 29摩西又把祭牲的胸肉作为摇祭在耶和华面前摇一摇,这是他授圣职时所应得之份,都遵照耶和华的吩咐。


31摩西亚伦父子们说:“你们要照我的指示在会幕门口煮祭肉吃,也要吃篮子里为授圣职而献的饼。 32吃剩的肉和饼,你们要烧掉。 33你们的圣职礼为期七天,这七天之内,你们不可走出会幕门口。 34今天所做的这一切都是耶和华吩咐的,是为你们赎罪。 35七天之内,你们必须日夜待在会幕门口,要遵守耶和华的吩咐,免得你们死亡。这是耶和华对我的吩咐。” 36于是,亚伦父子们遵行了耶和华借摩西吩咐的一切。

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 8:1-36

Preparing the Priests to Serve the Lord

1The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 2“Bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance to the tent of meeting. Bring their clothes and the anointing oil. Bring the bull for the sin offering. Also bring two rams. And bring the basket with the bread made without yeast. 3Then gather the whole community at the entrance to the tent of meeting.” 4Moses did just as the Lord had commanded him. All the people gathered together at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

5Moses said to the people, “Here is what the Lord has commanded us to do.” 6Then Moses brought Aaron and his sons to the people. He washed Aaron and his sons with water. 7He put the inner robe on Aaron. He tied the belt around him. He dressed him in the outer robe. He put the linen apron on him. He took the skillfully made waistband and tied the apron on him with it. He wanted to make sure it was securely tied to him. 8Moses placed the chest cloth on Aaron. He put the Urim and Thummim in the chest cloth. 9Then he placed the turban on Aaron’s head. On the front of the turban he put the gold plate. It was a sacred crown. Moses did everything just as the Lord had commanded him.

10Then Moses took the anointing oil and poured it on the holy tent. He also poured it on everything in it. That’s how he set apart those things for the Lord. 11He sprinkled some of the oil on the altar seven times. He poured oil on the altar and all its tools. He poured it on the large bowl and its stand. He did it to set them apart. 12He poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron’s head. He anointed him to set him apart to serve the Lord. 13Then Moses brought Aaron’s sons to the people. He put the inner robes on them. He tied belts around them. He put caps on their heads. He did everything just as the Lord had commanded him.

14Then he brought the bull for the sin offering. Aaron and his sons placed their hands on its head. 15Moses killed the bull. He dipped his finger into some of the blood. He put it on the horns that stick out from the upper four corners of the altar. He did it to make the altar pure. He poured out the rest of the blood at the bottom of the altar. So he set it apart to make it pure. 16Moses also removed all the fat around the inside parts of the bull. He removed the long part of the liver. He took both kidneys and their fat. Then he burned all of it on the altar. 17But he burned the rest of the bull outside the camp. He burned up its hide, its meat and its guts. He did it just as the Lord had commanded him.

18Then Moses brought the ram for the burnt offering. Aaron and his sons placed their hands on its head. 19Moses killed the ram. He splashed the blood against the sides of the altar. 20He cut the ram into pieces. He burned the head, the other pieces and the fat. 21He washed the inside parts and the legs with water. He burned the whole ram on the altar as a burnt offering. It had a pleasant smell. It was a food offering presented to the Lord. Moses did everything just as the Lord had commanded him.

22Then he brought the other ram. It was sacrificed to prepare the priests for serving the Lord. Aaron and his sons placed their hands on its head. 23Moses killed the ram. He put some of its blood on Aaron’s right earlobe. He put some on the thumb of Aaron’s right hand. He also put some on the big toe of Aaron’s right foot. 24Then Moses brought Aaron’s sons to the people. He put some of the blood on their right earlobes. He put some on the thumbs of their right hands. He also put some on the big toes of their right feet. Then he splashed the rest of the blood against the sides of the altar. 25He removed the fat, the fat tail and all the fat around the inside parts. He removed the long part of the liver. He removed both kidneys and their fat. And he removed the right thigh. 26Then he took a thick loaf of bread from the basket of bread made without yeast. The basket was in front of the Lord. Moses took a thick loaf of bread made with olive oil. He also took a thin loaf of bread. He put all of it on the fat parts of the ram and on its right thigh. 27He put everything in the hands of Aaron and his sons. He told them to lift it up and wave it in front of the Lord as a wave offering. 28Then Moses took it from their hands. He burned it on the altar on top of the burnt offering. It was the offering that was sacrificed to prepare the priests for serving the Lord. It had a pleasant smell. It was a food offering presented to the Lord. 29Moses also lifted up the ram’s breast and waved it in front of the Lord as a wave offering. The breast was Moses’ share of the ram that was sacrificed to prepare the priests for serving the Lord. Moses did everything just as the Lord had commanded him.

30Then Moses took some of the anointing oil. He also took some of the blood from the altar. He sprinkled some of the oil and blood on Aaron and his clothes. He also sprinkled some on Aaron’s sons and their clothes. That’s how he set apart Aaron and his clothes. And that’s how he set apart Aaron’s sons and their clothes.

31Then Moses spoke to Aaron and his sons. He said, “Cook the meat at the entrance to the tent of meeting. Eat it there along with the bread from the basket of the offerings that are brought to prepare the priests for serving the Lord. Do it just as I was commanded. I was told, ‘Aaron and his sons must eat it.’ 32Then burn up the rest of the meat and the bread. 33Don’t leave the entrance to the tent of meeting for seven days. Don’t leave until the days that are required to prepare you for serving the Lord have been completed. Stay here for the full seven days. 34The Lord commanded what has been done here today. It was done to pay for your sin. 35Stay at the entrance to the tent of meeting for seven days. Stay here day and night. Do what the Lord requires. Then you won’t die. That’s the command the Lord gave me.”

36So Aaron and his sons did everything just as the Lord had commanded through Moses.