利未记 18 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

利未记 18:1-30


1耶和华对摩西说: 2“你把以下条例告诉以色列人。

“我是你们的上帝耶和华。 3你们曾经住在埃及,但不可效法埃及人的行为。我要把你们带到迦南,但你们不可效法迦南人的行为,不可随从他们的风俗。 4你们必须遵行我的典章,持守我的律例。我是你们的上帝耶和华。 5你们要遵守我的典章和律例。遵行的人必存活。我是耶和华。

6“你们任何人不可与近亲乱伦。我是耶和华。 7不可与你母亲乱伦而羞辱你父亲。她是你的母亲,不可与她乱伦。 8不可与你父亲的妻妾乱伦,那会羞辱你的父亲。 9不可与你的姊妹乱伦。不论是同父异母的,还是同母异父的,成长在同一家庭,还是不同家庭,都不可与她乱伦。 10不可与孙女或外孙女乱伦,那会自取羞辱。 11不可与你父亲妻妾的女儿乱伦。她是你的姊妹,不可与她乱伦。 12不可与姑母乱伦,她是你父亲的亲人。 13不可与姨母乱伦,她是你母亲的亲人。 14不可与伯母或婶母乱伦而羞辱你伯父或叔父。 15不可与儿媳乱伦。她是你儿子的妻子,不可与她乱伦。 16不可与兄嫂或弟媳乱伦,她是你兄弟的妻子。

17“不可与一个女人性交,又与她女儿性交,也不可与她孙女或外孙女性交。她们是她的近亲。这都是邪恶行为。 18妻子还在世时,不可娶她的姊妹,与她的姊妹性交,使她们彼此作对。 19女人在月经期间不洁净,不可与她性交。 20不可与邻居的妻子性交,那会玷污自己。 21不可把儿女当作祭物献给假神摩洛,不可亵渎你上帝的名。我是耶和华。 22男人不可与男人性交,像和女人一样,这是可憎的。 23不可与兽类交合,玷污自己。女人也不可与兽类交合。这是变态行为。

24“你们不可做这些事玷污自己。因为我要在你们面前赶走的各国正是因为这些行为而玷污了自己。 25他们居住的土地也都被玷污了,所以我因他们的罪恶而惩罚那片土地,我要使那片土地吐出他们。 26你们必须遵守我的律例和典章。不论你们还是寄居在你们中间的外族人,都不可做这些可憎之事。 27因为在你们之前居住在那里的人做了这些可憎之事,玷污了那片土地。 28如果你们玷污了那片土地,它也会像吐出从前的居民一样把你们吐出去。 29凡做这些可憎之事的,要将他从民中铲除。 30你们要遵守我的命令,不要效法那片土地上居民的恶俗,以致玷污自己。我是你们的上帝耶和华。”

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 18:1-30

Do Not Commit Sexual Sins

1The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 2“Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘I am the Lord your God. 3Do not do what the people of Egypt do. You used to live there. And do not do what the people of Canaan do. I am bringing you into their land. Do not follow their practices. 4Obey my laws. Be careful to follow my rules. I am the Lord your God. 5Keep my rules and laws. The one who obeys them will benefit from living by them. I am the Lord.

6“ ‘Do not have sex with any of your close relatives. I am the Lord.

7“ ‘Do not bring shame on your father by having sex with your mother. Do not have sex with her. She is your mother.

8“ ‘Do not have sex with any other wife of your father. That would bring shame on your father.

9“ ‘Do not have sex with your sister. It does not matter whether she is your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter. It does not matter whether she was born in the same home as you were or somewhere else.

10“ ‘Do not have sex with your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter. That would bring shame on you.

11“ ‘Do not have sex with the daughter of your father’s wife. She was born to your father. She is your sister.

12“ ‘Do not have sex with your father’s sister. She is a close relative on your father’s side.

13“ ‘Do not have sex with your mother’s sister. She is a close relative on your mother’s side.

14“ ‘Do not bring shame on your father’s brother by having sex with his wife. She is your aunt.

15“ ‘Do not have sex with your daughter-in-law. She is your son’s wife. Do not have sex with her.

16“ ‘Do not have sex with your brother’s wife. That would bring shame on your brother.

17“ ‘Do not have sex with both a woman and her daughter. Do not have sex with either her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter. They are close relatives on her side. Having sex with them is an evil thing.

18“ ‘Do not take your wife’s sister as another wife and have sex with her. Do not do it while your wife is still living.

19“ ‘Do not have sex with a woman during her monthly period. She is “unclean” at that time.

20“ ‘Do not have sex with your neighbor’s wife. That would make you “unclean.”

21“ ‘Do not hand over any of your children to be sacrificed to the god Molek. That would be treating my name as if it were not holy. I am the Lord your God.

22“ ‘Do not have sex with a man as you would have sex with a woman. I hate that.

23“ ‘Do not have sex with an animal. Do not make yourself “unclean” by doing that. A woman must not offer herself to an animal to have sex with it. That is a wrong use of sex.

24“ ‘Do not make yourselves “unclean” in any of these ways. That is how other nations became “unclean.” So I am going to drive those nations out of the land to make room for you. 25Even their land was not “clean.” So I punished it because of its sin. The land itself threw out the people who lived there. 26But you must keep my rules and my laws. You must not do any of the things I hate. It does not matter whether you are Israelites or outsiders. 27All these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you. That is how the land became “unclean.” 28If you make the land “unclean,” it will throw you out. It will get rid of you just as it got rid of the nations there before you.

29“ ‘Suppose you do any of the things I hate. Then you must be separated from your people. 30Do exactly what I require. When you arrive in Canaan, do not follow any of the practices of its people. I hate the things they do. Do not make yourselves “unclean” by doing them. I am the Lord your God.’ ”