利未记 16 – CCB & NIV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

利未记 16:1-34


1亚伦的两个儿子死在耶和华面前以后, 2耶和华对摩西说:“告诉你哥哥亚伦,他不可随意进入幔子里面的至圣所,走到约柜上的施恩座前,免得死亡,因为我要在施恩座之上的云彩中显现。 3亚伦进入圣所时,要带一只作赎罪祭的公牛犊和一只作燔祭的公绵羊。 4他要穿上圣洁的细麻内袍、细麻裤子,束上细麻腰带,戴上细麻礼冠。这些是圣洁的衣物,他必须沐浴后才可穿戴。 5他要从以色列会众那里取两只公山羊作赎罪祭、一只公绵羊作燔祭。 6亚伦要先献上那头公牛犊作赎罪祭,为自己和全家赎罪。 7然后,他要把两只公山羊带到会幕门口,放在耶和华面前, 8抽签决定哪只归耶和华、哪只归阿撒泻勒16:8 阿撒泻勒”是希伯来文的音译,意义不确定。9亚伦要献上那只归耶和华的公山羊作赎罪祭, 10要将那只归阿撒泻勒的公山羊活着献给耶和华,然后把它放到旷野归阿撒泻勒,用来赎罪。

11亚伦要把那只为他作赎罪祭的公牛犊牵来宰杀,为自己和全家赎罪, 12然后拿一个香炉,盛满从耶和华面前的祭坛上取的火炭,再拿两把磨细的香带进幔子里。 13他要在耶和华面前烧香,使香的烟笼罩约柜上的施恩座,免得他死亡。 14他要取一些牛血,用手指弹洒在施恩座的东面,也要在施恩座前用手指弹洒七次。 15然后,亚伦要出去宰杀那只为民众作赎罪祭的公山羊,把羊血带进幔子里,像洒牛血一样洒在施恩座的上面和前面。 16以色列人的污秽、叛逆和罪恶,他要这样为至圣所赎罪。他也要同样为会幕赎罪,因为会幕座落在以色列人中间,处在他们的污秽中。 17从他进入圣所为自己全家和以色列全体会众赎罪开始,直到他赎完罪出来为止,任何人都不可待在会幕里。 18之后,他要来到耶和华面前的祭坛那里,为祭坛赎罪。他要取一些牛血和羊血,抹在祭坛的四角上, 19用手指向祭坛洒血七次,除掉以色列人的污秽,使祭坛圣洁。

20“他为至圣所、会幕和祭坛赎罪后,要牵来那只活山羊, 21把双手放在羊头上,承认以色列人的过犯、叛逆和罪恶,将这一切罪归到公山羊的头上,然后派人把它送到旷野。 22这只公山羊担当他们的一切罪,将这一切罪带到荒无人烟的地方。

23亚伦要走进会幕,脱下他进至圣所时穿的细麻衣服,放在会幕里。 24他要在圣洁之处沐浴,穿上平时的衣服出去为自己和民众献燔祭,为自己和民众赎罪。 25他要将赎罪祭牲的脂肪焚烧在坛上。 26把羊送交阿撒泻勒的人要洗衣、沐浴,然后才可回到营里。 27作赎罪祭的公牛和公山羊的血被带进圣所用来赎罪,要把公牛和公山羊带到营外,用火焚烧它们的皮、肉和粪。 28负责焚烧的人要洗衣、沐浴,然后才可回到营里。

29“每年七月十日,不论是你们,还是寄居在你们中间的外族人,都要禁食,停止所有工作。这是你们要永远遵守的律例。 30因为在这一天要为你们赎罪,使你们在耶和华面前洁净。 31这天是你们的安息日,你们要禁食。这是一条永远不变的律例。 32那受膏、承受圣职、替代父亲做大祭司的要献祭赎罪。他要穿上圣洁的细麻衣, 33为至圣所、会幕和祭坛赎罪,也要为祭司和全体会众赎罪。 34这是你们要永远遵守的律例——每年一次为以色列人赎罪。”


New International Version

Leviticus 16:1-34

The Day of Atonement

1The Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they approached the Lord. 2The Lord said to Moses: “Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place behind the curtain in front of the atonement cover on the ark, or else he will die. For I will appear in the cloud over the atonement cover.

3“This is how Aaron is to enter the Most Holy Place: He must first bring a young bull for a sin offering16:3 Or purification offering; here and throughout this chapter and a ram for a burnt offering. 4He is to put on the sacred linen tunic, with linen undergarments next to his body; he is to tie the linen sash around him and put on the linen turban. These are sacred garments; so he must bathe himself with water before he puts them on. 5From the Israelite community he is to take two male goats for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering.

6“Aaron is to offer the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household. 7Then he is to take the two goats and present them before the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 8He is to cast lots for the two goats—one lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat.16:8 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain; also in verses 10 and 26. 9Aaron shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the Lord and sacrifice it for a sin offering. 10But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the Lord to be used for making atonement by sending it into the wilderness as a scapegoat.

11“Aaron shall bring the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household, and he is to slaughter the bull for his own sin offering. 12He is to take a censer full of burning coals from the altar before the Lord and two handfuls of finely ground fragrant incense and take them behind the curtain. 13He is to put the incense on the fire before the Lord, and the smoke of the incense will conceal the atonement cover above the tablets of the covenant law, so that he will not die. 14He is to take some of the bull’s blood and with his finger sprinkle it on the front of the atonement cover; then he shall sprinkle some of it with his finger seven times before the atonement cover.

15“He shall then slaughter the goat for the sin offering for the people and take its blood behind the curtain and do with it as he did with the bull’s blood: He shall sprinkle it on the atonement cover and in front of it. 16In this way he will make atonement for the Most Holy Place because of the uncleanness and rebellion of the Israelites, whatever their sins have been. He is to do the same for the tent of meeting, which is among them in the midst of their uncleanness. 17No one is to be in the tent of meeting from the time Aaron goes in to make atonement in the Most Holy Place until he comes out, having made atonement for himself, his household and the whole community of Israel.

18“Then he shall come out to the altar that is before the Lord and make atonement for it. He shall take some of the bull’s blood and some of the goat’s blood and put it on all the horns of the altar. 19He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times to cleanse it and to consecrate it from the uncleanness of the Israelites.

20“When Aaron has finished making atonement for the Most Holy Place, the tent of meeting and the altar, he shall bring forward the live goat. 21He is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelites—all their sins—and put them on the goat’s head. He shall send the goat away into the wilderness in the care of someone appointed for the task. 22The goat will carry on itself all their sins to a remote place; and the man shall release it in the wilderness.

23“Then Aaron is to go into the tent of meeting and take off the linen garments he put on before he entered the Most Holy Place, and he is to leave them there. 24He shall bathe himself with water in the sanctuary area and put on his regular garments. Then he shall come out and sacrifice the burnt offering for himself and the burnt offering for the people, to make atonement for himself and for the people. 25He shall also burn the fat of the sin offering on the altar.

26“The man who releases the goat as a scapegoat must wash his clothes and bathe himself with water; afterward he may come into the camp. 27The bull and the goat for the sin offerings, whose blood was brought into the Most Holy Place to make atonement, must be taken outside the camp; their hides, flesh and intestines are to be burned up. 28The man who burns them must wash his clothes and bathe himself with water; afterward he may come into the camp.

29“This is to be a lasting ordinance for you: On the tenth day of the seventh month you must deny yourselves16:29 Or must fast; also in verse 31 and not do any work—whether native-born or a foreigner residing among you— 30because on this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you. Then, before the Lord, you will be clean from all your sins. 31It is a day of sabbath rest, and you must deny yourselves; it is a lasting ordinance. 32The priest who is anointed and ordained to succeed his father as high priest is to make atonement. He is to put on the sacred linen garments 33and make atonement for the Most Holy Place, for the tent of meeting and the altar, and for the priests and all the members of the community.

34“This is to be a lasting ordinance for you: Atonement is to be made once a year for all the sins of the Israelites.”

And it was done, as the Lord commanded Moses.