以西结书 38 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

以西结书 38:1-23


1耶和华对我说: 2“人子啊,你要面向玛各地区的歌革,就是米设土巴的首领,说预言斥责他, 3告诉他,主耶和华这样说,‘米设土巴的首领歌革啊,我要与你为敌。 4我要把你调转过来,用钩子钩住你的腮,把你和你那些全副武装、拿着大小盾牌、挥动刀剑的军队、马匹和骑兵都拖出来。 5你的军队中有拿着盾牌、戴着头盔的波斯人、古实人和人, 6还有歌篾的军队和从遥远的北方来的陀迦玛军队。许多国家的军队都与你在一起。

7“‘你和你的联军都要预备好,你要做他们的统帅。 8再过多日,你必被征召出战。在以后的岁月,你将去攻打一片从战争中恢复的土地,以色列久已荒凉的山上有从各国招聚来的百姓。他们从列国中被领回来,如今都在那里安然居住。 9你和你的军队以及各国的联军一起上来,如暴风来临,又如密云覆盖大地。’

10“‘主耶和华说,“那时你必心起歹念,筹划恶谋。 11你必说,我要攻打那没有围墙和城门保护的乡村,毁灭那毫无戒备、安然居住的百姓。 12我要抢掠他们的财物,下手攻击那曾是废墟的城邑和从各国归来的百姓。他们住在世界的中心,牲畜货物甚多。 13示巴人、底但人以及他施的客商和首领都必问,你是来抢掠吗?你聚集军队是来抢夺金银财宝,掳掠牲畜和货物吗?”’

14“人子啊,你要发预言告诉歌革,主耶和华这样说,‘到那天,当我的以色列子民安然居住的时候,难道你会不知道吗? 15你召集各国联军,组成庞大的军队,骑着马从遥远的北方来。 16歌革啊,你必如密云一样遮天蔽日,前来攻击我的以色列子民。将来,我要领你来攻击我的土地,我要在列国面前借着你彰显我的圣洁,使他们认识我。’

17“主耶和华说,‘歌革啊,我从前借我的仆人——以色列的先知所预言的那位就是你,那时他们预言我要领你上来攻击以色列18歌革上来攻击以色列的时候,我必发烈怒。这是主耶和华说的。 19我要在义愤和烈怒中宣告,那天在以色列必有大地震。 20海里的鱼,空中的鸟,田野的走兽,地上的一切动物和人类都要在我面前战栗。山岭必倒塌,悬崖必崩裂,墙垣必坍塌。 21我要在我的山岭上叫刀剑攻击歌革人,使他们自相残杀。这是主耶和华说的。 22我要用瘟疫、杀戮、暴雨、冰雹、烈火和硫磺惩罚他们和他们的联军。 23我要彰显我的权能和圣洁,使各国的人都认识我。这样他们就知道我是耶和华。’

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 38:1-23

The Lord Will Have Great Victory Over the Nations

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, turn your attention to Gog. He is from the land of Magog. He is the chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. Prophesy against him. 3Tell him, ‘The Lord and King says, “Gog, I am against you. You are the chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. 4But I will turn you around. I will put hooks in your jaws. I will bring you out of your land along with your whole army. Your horses will come with you. Your horsemen will be completely armed. Your huge army will carry large and small shields. All of them will be ready to use their swords. 5The men of Persia, Cush and Put will march out with them. All of them will have shields and helmets. 6Gomer and all its troops will be there too. Beth Togarmah from the far north will also come with all its troops. Many nations will help you.

7“ ‘ “Get ready. Be prepared. Take command of the huge armies gathered around you. 8After many years you will be called together to fight. Later, you will march into a land that has not had war for a while. Its people were gathered together from many nations. They came to the mountains of Israel. No one had lived in those mountains for a long time. So the people had been brought back from other nations. Now all the people live in safety. 9You, all your troops and the many nations with you will march up to attack them. All of you will advance like a storm. You will be like a cloud covering their land.”

10“ ‘The Lord and King says, “At that time some ideas will come to you. You will make evil plans. 11You will say, ‘I will march out against a land whose villages don’t have walls around them. I’ll attack those peaceful people. I’ll do this when they aren’t expecting it. None of their villages has walls or gates with metal bars on them. 12I will rob those people. I’ll steal everything they have. Then I’ll turn my attention to the destroyed houses where people are living again. They have returned there from other nations. Now they are rich. They have plenty of livestock and all kinds of goods. They are living in Israel. It is the center of the earth.’ 13The people of Sheba and Dedan will speak to you. So will the traders of Tarshish and all its villages. They will say, ‘Have you come to rob us? Have you gathered your huge army together to steal our silver and gold? Are you going to take away from us our livestock and goods? Do you plan to carry off everything we have?’ ” ’

14“Son of man, prophesy. Tell Gog, ‘The Lord and King says, “A time is coming when my people Israel will be living in safety. You will see that it is a good time to attack them. 15So you will come from your place in the far north. Many nations will join you. All their men will be riding on horses. You will have a huge and mighty army. 16They will advance against my people Israel. They will be like a cloud covering their land. Gog, in days to come I will bring you against my land. Then the nations will know me. I will use you to prove to them how holy I am.”

17“ ‘Here is what the Lord and King says to Gog. “In the past I spoke about you through my servants, the prophets of Israel. At that time they prophesied for years that I would bring you against them. 18Here is what will happen in days to come. You will attack the land of Israel. That will stir up my burning anger,” announces the Lord and King. 19“At that time my burning anger will blaze out at you. There will be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky and the wild animals will tremble with fear. They will tremble with fear because of what I will do. So will every creature that moves along the ground. And so will all the people on earth. The mountains will come crashing down. The cliffs will break into pieces. Every wall will fall to the ground. 21I will punish you on all my mountains,” announces the Lord and King. “Your men will use their swords against one another. 22I will judge you. I will send a plague against you. A lot of blood will be spilled. I will send heavy rain, hailstones and burning sulfur down to the earth. They will fall on you and your troops. They will also come down on the many nations that are helping you. 23That will show how great and holy I am. I will make myself known to many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.” ’