以西结书 1 – CCB & NIRV

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

以西结书 1:1-28


1第三十年四月五日,我正在迦巴鲁河畔被掳的人当中,忽然天开了,我看见了上帝的异象。 2那是约雅斤王被掳第五年的四月五日, 3就在迦勒底人境内的迦巴鲁河畔,耶和华的话特别传给了布西的儿子以西结祭司,耶和华的能力1:3 能力”希伯来文是“手”。降在他身上。

4在异象中,我看见一阵狂风从北方刮来,随后有一大朵云闪耀着火光,四周环绕着灿烂的光芒,火的中心像发光的金属。 5火中有四个像人形的活物, 6每个活物有四张不同的面孔和四个翅膀。 7他们的腿是直的,脚如同牛犊的蹄,都亮如磨光的铜。 8四面的翅膀下都有人的手,四个活物都有脸和翅膀, 9翅膀彼此相连。他们移动时不必转身,各朝前面移动。 10四个活物的面孔是这样的:正面是人的脸,右面是狮子的脸,左面是牛的脸,后面是鹰的脸。 11他们的翅膀向上展开,每个活物的一对翅膀与其他活物的翅膀相连,另外一对翅膀遮蔽身体。 12耶和华的灵往哪里去,他们也往哪里去,移动时不用转身。 13四个活物的形象如燃烧的火炭,又像火把。活物之间有火上下移动,发出耀眼的闪电。 14这些活物像闪电一样往来飞驰。

15当我观看这些活物的时候,发现每个活物旁边的地上都有一个轮子。 16四个轮子的形状和结构都一样,好像轮套轮,如同闪耀的绿宝石。 17他们可以向四面移动,移动时轮子不必转向。 18轮圈高而可畏,周围布满了眼睛。 19活物行走,轮子也在旁边行走;活物上升,轮子也上升。 20灵往哪里去,活物也往哪里去,轮子也跟着往哪里去,因为活物的灵在轮子里。 21活物行走,轮子也行走;活物站立不动,轮子也站立不动;活物上升,轮子也跟着上升,因为活物的灵在轮子里。

22活物的头上好像铺展着茫茫的穹苍,如同顶着耀眼的水晶。 23穹苍下四个活物伸展翅膀,彼此相对,各用两个翅膀遮蔽身体。 24他们移动时,翅膀发出的响声如洪涛之声,既像全能者的声音,又像军队的呐喊。活物站住的时候,便将翅膀垂下。 25他们站立垂下翅膀时,有声音从他们头顶的穹苍之上传来。

26在他们头顶的穹苍之上仿佛有蓝宝石的宝座,有一位形状像人的高高坐在宝座上。 27我看到祂的腰部以上好像烧红发亮的金属,好像有火四面环绕。腰部以下如同火焰。祂周围有耀眼的光辉, 28仿佛雨天云中的彩虹。


New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 1:1-28

The Lord Gives Ezekiel Visions of His Glory

1I was 30 years old. I was with my people. We had been taken away from our country. We were by the Kebar River in the land of Babylon. On the fifth day of the fourth month, the heavens were opened. I saw visions of God.

2It was the fifth day of the month. Jehoiachin had been king of Judah. It was the fifth year since he had been brought to Babylon as a prisoner. 3A message from the Lord came to me. I was by the Kebar River in Babylon. The power of the Lord came on me there. I am Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi.

4I looked up and saw a windstorm coming from the north. I saw a huge cloud. The fire of lightning was flashing out of it. Bright light surrounded it. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal. 5I saw in the fire something that looked like four living creatures. They appeared to have the shape of a human being. 6But each of them had four faces and four wings. 7Their legs were straight. Their feet looked like the feet of a calf. They were as bright as polished bronze. 8The creatures had human hands under their wings on their four sides. All four of them had faces and wings. 9The wings of one touched the wings of another. Each of the creatures went straight ahead. They didn’t change their direction as they moved.

10Here’s what their faces looked like. Each of the four creatures had the face of a human being. On the right side each had the face of a lion. On the left each had the face of an ox. Each one also had an eagle’s face. 11That’s what their faces looked like. They each had two wings that spread out and lifted up. Each wing touched the wing of another creature on either side. They each had two other wings that covered their bodies. 12All the creatures went straight ahead. Anywhere their spirits would lead them to go, they would go. They didn’t change their direction as they went. 13The living creatures looked like burning coals of fire or like torches. Fire moved back and forth among the creatures. It was bright. Lightning flashed out of it. 14The creatures raced back and forth like flashes of lightning.

15As I looked at the living creatures, I saw wheels on the ground beside them. Each creature had four faces. 16Here’s how the wheels looked and worked. They gleamed like topaz. All four of them looked alike. Each one seemed to be made like a wheel inside another wheel at right angles. 17The wheels could go in any one of the four directions the creatures faced. The wheels didn’t change their direction as the creatures moved. 18Their rims were high and terrifying. All four rims were full of eyes all the way around them.

19When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved. When the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose. 20Anywhere their spirits would lead them to go, they would go. And the wheels would rise along with them. That’s because the spirits of the living creatures were in the wheels. 21When the living creatures moved, the wheels also moved. When the creatures stood still, they also stood still. When the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose along with them. That’s because the spirits of the living creatures were in the wheels.

22Something that looked like a huge space was spread out above the heads of the living creatures. It gleamed like crystal. It was terrifying. 23The wings of the creatures were spread out under the space. They reached out toward one another. Each creature had two wings covering its body. 24When the living creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings. It was like the roar of rushing waters. It sounded like the thundering voice of the Mighty God. It was like the loud noise an army makes. When the creatures stood still, they lowered their wings.

25Then a voice came from above the huge space over their heads. They stood with their wings lowered. 26Above the space over their heads was something that looked like a throne made out of lapis lazuli. On the throne high above was a figure that appeared to be a man. 27From his waist up he looked like glowing metal that was full of fire. From his waist down he looked like fire. Bright light surrounded him. 28The glow around him looked like a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day.

That’s what the glory of the Lord looked like. When I saw it, I fell with my face toward the ground. Then I heard the voice of someone speaking.