Zakariasʼ Bog 1 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Zakariasʼ Bog 1:1-17

Et kald til folket om at vende om til Gud

1I den ottende måned i kong Dareios1,1 Dareios Hystaspes, konge i Persien fra 522-486 f.Kr. af Persiens andet regeringsår talte Herren til Israels folk gennem profeten Zakarias, der var søn af Berekja og barnebarn af Iddo:

2-4„Hør, hvad jeg, Herren den Almægtige, siger: Hvis I vil vende om og komme til mig, vil jeg komme jer i møde. Vær ikke som jeres forfædre, som jeg var nødt til at straffe hårdt. Jeg advarede dem gennem mine profeter om at vende om fra deres ugudelige levemåde og onde handlinger, men de nægtede at lytte til mig. 5Nu er de alle sammen borte, og profeterne er døde. 6Men det, jeg sagde til dem gennem mine tjenere, profeterne, gik i opfyldelse, og de måtte angrende erkende: ‚Herren straffede os for vores onde levevis og handlinger, akkurat som han sagde, at han ville!’ ”

Herren opmuntrer Israels folk

7Den 24. dag i den 11. måned1,7 Teksten tilføjer: „Shebat måned”. samme år, talte Herren til mig i et syn om natten. 8Jeg så en mand sidde på en rød hest mellem nogle myrtebuske i en kløft. Bag ham var der mange ryttere på røde, brune og hvide heste. 9Ved siden af mig stod en engel. „Hvad betyder alle de heste?” spurgte jeg englen. „Det vil du få at se!” svarede han.

10„Herren sendte dem ud for at inspicere hele jorden,” forklarede englen på den røde hest, 11der stod mellem myrtebuskene. Derefter aflagde de øvrige ryttere rapport: „Vi har været overalt på jorden, og alle vegne er der fred og ro.” 12Da sagde englen på den røde hest: „Almægtige Herre, i 70 år har du været vred på de landflygtige fra Jerusalem og Judas byer. Hvornår vil du gribe ind og vise dem barmhjertighed?”

13Herren talte nu til englen, som stod ved min side, 14hvorpå englen henvendte sig til mig og sagde: „Forkynd følgende budskab fra Herren, den Almægtige: ‚Jerusalem og Zions bjerg har en særlig plads i mit hjerte. 15Jeg er vred på de selvsikre, gudløse folkeslag, for selv om jeg brugte dem til at straffe mit folk, gik de alt for langt i deres skånselsløse opførsel. 16Derfor erklærer jeg, Herren: Jeg kommer Jerusalem i møde med barmhjertighed. Mit tempel skal genrejses, og hele Jerusalem skal genopbygges. Ja, siger jeg, Herren den Almægtige: 17Jeg vil igen velsigne Israels byer med velstand, trøste Jerusalems indbyggere og bosætte mig på Zions bjerg.’ ”

New International Reader’s Version

Zechariah 1:1-21

The Lord Wants His People to Return to Him

1A message from the Lord came to Zechariah the prophet. Zechariah was the son of Berekiah. Berekiah was the son of Iddo. It was the eighth month of the second year that Darius was king of Persia. Here is what Zechariah said.

2The Lord who rules over all was very angry with your people of long ago. 3And now he says to us, “Return to me. Then I will return to you,” announces the Lord. 4“Do not be like your people of long ago. The earlier prophets gave them my message. I said, ‘Stop doing what is evil. Turn away from your sinful practices.’ But they would not listen to me. They would not pay any attention,” announces the Lord. 5“Where are those people now? And what about my prophets? Do they live forever? 6I commanded my servants the prophets what to say. I told them what I planned to do. But your people refused to obey me. So I had to punish them.

“Then they had a change of heart. They said, ‘The Lord who rules over all has punished us because of how we have lived. He was fair and right to do that. He has done to us just what he decided to do.’ ”

A Vision of a Horseman Among Some Myrtle Trees

7A message from the Lord came to Zechariah the prophet. Zechariah was the son of Berekiah. Berekiah was the son of Iddo. The message came during the second year that Darius was king. It was the 24th day of the 11th month. That’s the month of Shebat.

8I had a vision at night. I saw a man sitting on a red horse. He was standing among the myrtle trees in a valley. Behind him were red, brown and white horses.

9An angel was talking with me. I asked him, “Sir, what are these?”

He answered, “I will show you what they are.”

10Then the man standing among the myrtle trees spoke. He said, “They are the messengers the Lord has sent out. He told them to go all through the earth.”

11They brought a report to the angel of the Lord. He was standing among the myrtle trees. They said to him, “We have gone all through the earth. We’ve found the whole world enjoying peace and rest.”

12Then the angel of the Lord spoke up. He said, “Lord, you rule over all. How long will you keep from showing your tender love to Jerusalem? How long will you keep it from the towns of Judah? You have been angry with them for 70 years.” 13So the Lord replied with kind and comforting words. He spoke them to the angel who talked with me.

14Then the angel said, “Announce this message. Say, ‘The Lord who rules over all says, “I am very jealous for my people in Jerusalem and Zion. 15And I am very angry with the nations that feel secure. I was only a little angry with my people. But the nations went too far and tried to wipe them out.”

16“ ‘So the Lord says, “I will return to Jerusalem. I will show its people my tender love. My temple will be rebuilt there. Workers will use a measuring line when they rebuild Jerusalem,” announces the Lord.

17“ ‘He says, “My towns will be filled with good things once more. I will comfort Zion. And I will choose Jerusalem again.” ’ ”

A Vision of Four Horns and Four Skilled Workers

18Then I looked up and saw four animal horns. 19I spoke to the angel who was talking with me. “What are these horns?” I asked.

He said, “They are the powerful nations that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem.”

20Then the Lord showed me four skilled workers. 21I asked, “What are they coming to do?”

He answered, “The horns are the powerful nations that scattered the people of Judah. That made Judah helpless. But these four skilled workers have come to terrify the horns. The workers will destroy the power of those nations. Those nations had used their power to scatter Judah’s people.”