Salmernes Bog 96 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Salmernes Bog 96:1-13

Herren er jordens konge og dommer

1Syng en ny sang for Herren,

lad hele jorden synge med.

2Syng Herrens pris og lov hans navn,

fortæl om hans frelse hver eneste dag.

3Lad alle folk høre om hans vældige undere,

fortæl om de forunderlige ting, han har gjort.

4For Herren er stor, og æren er hans,

ingen andre guder er værd at tilbede.

5Andre folks guder er falske guder,

men Herren har skabt både himlen og jorden.

6Han udstråler kongelig værdighed,

styrke og skønhed kommer fra hans nærvær.

7Pris Herren, alle verdens folk,

forstå hans herlighed og magt.

8Giv Herren den ære, der tilkommer ham,

bring jeres gaver og tilbed i hans tempel.

9Tilbed Herren i helligt skrud,

bøj knæ for ham, alle jordens folk.

10Fortæl folkeslagene, at Herren er konge,

han skabte jorden på et sikkert fundament,

og han vil dømme alle folkeslag retfærdigt.

11Lad himlen glæde sig og jorden juble,

lad havene bruse i lovprisning,

12lad marken med sin afgrøde juble,

lad lovsangen suse i skovens træer,

13for Herren kommer,

han er på vej for at dømme jorden.

Han dømmer verden med retfærdighed,

alle jordens folk får en fair behandling.

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 96:1-13

Psalm 96

1Sing a new song to the Lord.

All you people of the earth, sing to the Lord.

2Sing to the Lord. Praise him.

Day after day tell about how he saves us.

3Tell the nations about his glory.

Tell all people about the wonderful things he has done.

4The Lord is great. He is really worthy of praise.

People should have respect for him as the greatest God of all.

5All the gods of the nations are like their statues.

They can’t do anything.

But the Lord made the heavens.

6Glory and majesty are all around him.

Strength and glory can be seen in his temple.

7Praise the Lord, all you nations.

Praise the Lord for his glory and strength.

8Praise the Lord for the glory that belongs to him.

Bring an offering and come into the courtyards of his temple.

9Worship the Lord because of his beauty and holiness.

All you people of the earth, tremble when you are with him.

10Say to the nations, “The Lord rules.”

The world is firmly set in place. It can’t be moved.

The Lord will judge the people of the world fairly.

11Let the heavens be full of joy. Let the earth be glad.

Let the ocean and everything in it roar.

12Let the fields and everything in them be glad.

Let all the trees in the forest sing for joy.

13Let all creation be full of joy in front of the Lord,

because he is coming to judge the earth.

He will faithfully judge the people of the world

in keeping with what is right.