Joels Bog 2 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Joels Bog 2:1-27

Græshoppeplagen ses som et tegn på og forvarsel om Guds dom

1Blæs i vædderhornet fra Zion. Lad præsterne sende signal fra Herrens hellige bjerg. Alle mennesker vil skælve, for dommens dag er nær.

2Det bliver en mørk og dyster dag med kulsorte skyer på himlen. Som morgenlyset breder sig over bjergene, bevæger en mægtig fjendehær sig frem. Aldrig før har man set så vældig en hær, og aldrig siden skal man se dens lige. 3Den stormer frem som en steppebrand. Foran den ligger landet grønt og frugtbart som Edens have, bagved den er landet øde som en ørken. Intet undslipper. 4Det ligner en hær af heste, som stormer frem til angreb. 5De springer hen over bjergene med en larm som stridsvogne i fuld fart. Man hører en knitren som en stubmark, der brænder. De rykker frem som en mægtig hær i kampformation. 6Folkeslag gribes af frygt for dem, og alle ansigter bliver ligblege.

7De stormer frem som veltrænede soldater og forcerer enhver forhindring. De styrer lige mod målet uden at komme ud af kurs. 8De går ikke i vejen for hinanden, men holder retningen. De trænger frem gennem en regn af spyd, og lader sig ikke standse. 9De kaster sig over byen. De løber oven på bymuren. De trænger ind i husene. De klatrer gennem vinduerne, som var de tyve. 10Jorden skælver foran dem, og himlens kræfter rystes. Solen og månen formørkes, og stjernerne holder op med at skinne.

11Herren fører an med et højt kommandoråb, for det er hans mægtige, talløse hær. En enorm skare står parat til at udføre hans ordrer. Det bliver en frygtelig dag, når Herren fælder sin dom. Hvem kan udholde den dag?

Et kald til omvendelse

12Herren siger: „Vend om til mig, mens der endnu er tid! Søg mig af hele jeres hjerte med anger, gråd og faste. 13Sønderriv jeres hjerter, ikke jeres tøj.”2,13 Det var skik dengang at sønderrive sin yderkjortel som tegn på sorg og fortvivlelse.

Vend om til Herren, jeres Gud, for han er nådig og barmhjertig. Der skal meget til, før han bliver vred, og han omslutter jer med sin trofaste kærlighed. Han er parat til at eftergive straffen. 14Hvem ved? Det kan være, han standser straffen og velsigner jer i stedet, så der igen kan bringes afgrødeofre og drikofre til Herren, jeres Gud.

15Blæs nu I vædderhornet fra Zions bjerg! Kald folket sammen til faste og bod. 16Alle skal samles, både gamle og børn, ja selv spædbørn. Lad brudepar afbryde deres fest for at komme herhen.

17Guds tjenere, præsterne, skal stille sig op mellem indgangen til templet og alteret, så de grædende kan gå i forbøn for landet. „Herre, skån dit folk,” skal de bede. „Lad ikke de andre folkeslag håne os og sige: ‚Hvor er jeres Gud, som skulle hjælpe jer?’ ”

Herren griber ind

18Da de havde gjort det, fik Herren medlidenhed med sit folk, og viste sin nidkærhed for det land, han havde givet dem. 19Han svarede på sit folks bøn og sagde: „Jeg vil give jer korn, olivenolie og vin, så der er rigeligt til alle. I skal ikke længere hånes af de andre folkeslag. 20Jeg vil fjerne hæren af græshopper fra nord. Størsteparten drives ud i ørkenen, mens fortropperne drukner i Det Døde Hav og bagtropperne i Middelhavet. Der bliver en voldsom stank af død.”

Herren har gjort store ting! 21Nu skal alle glæde og fryde sig, for Herren har gjort store ting for os. 22Dyrene glæder sig, for græsset bliver grønt, og træerne bærer frugt. Figentræer og vinstokke giver igen en rigelig høst.

23Jerusalem, fryd dig over Herren, din Gud, for regnen, han sender, er et tegn på hans godhed. Han sender rigeligt med efterårsregn og forårsregn som før. 24Tærskepladsen skal fyldes med korn, persekarret flyde over med druesaft og olivenpressen med olie.

25Herren siger: „Jeg vil erstatte det, I mistede i de år, da græshopperne åd jeres afgrøder. Det var mig, der sendte den store hær imod jer. 26-27Men nu skal I spise og blive mætte, og I skal takke og lovprise mig for den store nåde, jeg har vist jer. Aldrig igen skal mit folk opleve en lignende katastrofe. I skal få at se, at jeg er midt iblandt mit folk, Israel, og at jeg alene er Herren, jeres Gud.

New International Reader’s Version

Joel 2:1-32

The Lord Sends an Army of Locusts

1Priests, blow the trumpets in Zion.

Give a warning on my holy mountain.

Let everyone who lives in the land tremble with fear.

The day of the Lord is coming.

It is very near.

2That day will be dark and sad.

It will be black and cloudy.

A huge army of locusts is coming.

They will spread across the mountains

like the sun when it rises.

There has never been an army like it.

And there will never be another

for all time to come.

3Like fire they eat up everything in their path.

Behind them it looks as if flames have burned the land.

In front of them the land is like the Garden of Eden.

Behind them it is a dry and empty desert.

Nothing escapes them.

4They look like horses.

Like war horses they charge ahead.

5They sound like chariots as they leap over the mountaintops.

They crackle like fire burning up dry weeds.

They are like a mighty army

that is ready for battle.

6When people see them, they tremble with fear.

All their faces turn pale.

7The locusts charge ahead like warriors.

They climb over walls like soldiers.

All of them march in line.

They don’t turn to the right or the left.

8They don’t bump into one another.

Each of them marches straight ahead.

They charge through everything that tries to stop them.

But they still stay in line.

9They attack a city.

They run along its wall.

They climb into houses.

They enter through windows like robbers.

10As they march forward, the earth shakes.

The heavens tremble as they approach.

The sun and moon grow dark.

And the stars stop shining.

11The Lord thunders with his mighty voice

as he leads his army.

He has so many forces they can’t even be counted.

The army that obeys his commands is mighty.

The day of the Lord is great and terrifying.

Who can live through it?

Let Your Hearts Be Broken

12The Lord announces to his people,

“Return to me with all your heart.

There is still time.

Do not eat any food.

Weep and mourn.”

13Don’t just tear your clothes to show how sad you are.

Let your hearts be broken.

Return to the Lord your God.

He is gracious.

He is tender and kind.

He is slow to get angry.

He is full of love.

He won’t bring his judgment.

He won’t destroy you.

14Who knows? He might turn toward you

and not bring his judgment.

He might even give you his blessing.

Then you can bring grain offerings and drink offerings

to the Lord your God.

15Priests, blow the trumpets in Zion.

Announce a holy fast.

Tell the people not to eat anything.

Gather them together for a special service.

16Bring them together.

Set all of them apart to me.

Bring together the elders.

Gather the children and the babies

who are still nursing.

Let the groom leave his bedroom.

Let the bride leave their marriage bed.

17Let the priests who serve the Lord weep.

Let them cry between the temple porch and the altar.

Let them say, “Lord, spare your people.

Don’t let others make fun of them.

Don’t let the nations laugh at them.

Don’t let them tease your people and say,

‘Where is their God?’ ”

The Lord Answers the Prayer of His People

18Then the Lord was concerned for his land.

He took pity on his people.

19He replied,

“I am sending you grain, olive oil and fresh wine.

It will be enough to satisfy you completely.

I will never allow other nations

to make fun of you again.

20“I will drive far away from you

the army that comes from the north.

I will send some of its forces

into a dry and empty land.

Its eastern troops will drown in the Dead Sea.

Its western troops will drown in the Mediterranean Sea.

Their dead bodies will stink.”

The Lord has done great things.

21Land of Judah, don’t be afraid.

Be glad and full of joy.

The Lord has done great things.

22Wild animals, don’t be afraid.

The desert grasslands are turning green again.

The trees are bearing their fruit.

The vines and fig trees are producing rich crops.

23People of Zion, be glad.

Be joyful because of what the Lord your God has done.

He has given you the right amount of rain in the fall.

That’s because he is faithful.

He has sent you plenty of showers.

He has sent fall and spring rains alike,

just as he did before.

24Your threshing floors will be covered with grain.

Olive oil and fresh wine will spill over

from the places where they are stored.

25The Lord says,

“I sent a great army of locusts to attack you.

They included common locusts, giant locusts,

young locusts and other locusts.

I will make up for the years

they ate your crops.

26You will have plenty to eat.

It will satisfy you completely.

Then you will praise me.

I am the Lord your God.

I have done wonderful things for you.

My people will never again be put to shame.

27You will know that I am with you in Israel.

I am the Lord your God.

There is no other God.

So my people will never again be put to shame.

The Day of the Lord Is Coming

28“After that, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy.

Your old men will have dreams.

Your young men will have visions.

29In those days I will pour out my Spirit

on those who serve me, men and women alike.

30I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth.

There will be blood and fire and clouds of smoke.

31The sun will become dark.

The moon will turn red like blood.

It will happen before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.

32Everyone who calls out to me will be saved.

On Mount Zion and in Jerusalem

some of my people will be left alive.

I have chosen them.

That is what I have promised.