Apostlenes Gerninger 1 – BPH & NIRV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Apostlenes Gerninger 1:1-26

1-3Højtærede Teofilus!

I min tidligere beretning fortalte jeg dig om alle de mirakler, Jesus udførte, og om hans undervisning lige fra begyndelsen af, og indtil han blev taget op til Himlen. I de 40 dage, der gik fra hans opstandelse til hans himmelfart, viste han sig adskillige gange for de apostle, han havde udvalgt. På den måde beviste han, at han virkelig var blevet levende igen, og når de var sammen, talte han med dem om Guds rige og gav dem ved Helligåndens inspiration sine instrukser.

Helligåndens og Guds riges komme

4En dag, da de spiste sammen, sagde Jesus: „I må ikke tage væk fra Jerusalem, før I har modtaget det, som Faderen har lovet, og som jeg har fortalt jer om. 5Johannes døbte jo med vand, men I vil om ganske få dage blive døbt med Helligåndens kraft.”

6Mens de var sammen, spurgte de ham: „Herre, er tiden nu kommet, hvor du vil genoprette Israels kongerige?”

7Jesus svarede: „Det tilkommer ikke jer at få kendskab til de tidspunkter, som Faderen i sin almagt har fastsat. 8Men I skal modtage en ny kraft, når Helligånden kommer over jer, og så skal I bringe budskabet om mig til Jerusalem, til hele Judæa og Samaria, ja, helt til verdens ende.”

Jesus tages op til Himlen, hvorfra han skal vende tilbage igen

9Derefter blev Jesus løftet op fra jorden, mens de så på det, og han forsvandt ind i en sky. 10Som de nu blev ved at stirre op mod himlen for at se, hvor han var blevet af, stod der pludselig to hvidklædte mænd hos dem. 11„Mænd fra Galilæa,” sagde de, „hvorfor står I og stirrer op i luften? Jesus, som nu er taget bort til Himlen, vil komme tilbage igen på samme måde, som I så ham forsvinde.”

Disciplene samles til bøn

12Apostlene gik så ned fra Olivenbjerget, hvor det her var sket, og tilbage til Jerusalem. Det var kun omkring et kvarters gang. 13De gik hen til det hus, hvor de plejede at samles i en stor sal ovenpå. De 11 tilbageværende apostle var: Peter, Johannes, Jakob og Andreas, Filip og Thomas, Bartolomæus og Mattæus, Jakob, Alfæus’ søn, Simon Frihedskæmper og Judas, Jakobs søn. 14De mødtes ofte for i fællesskab at bede til Gud. Også de kvinder, der havde fulgt Jesus, samt Jesu mor og hans brødre, var med.

Mattias erstatter Judas som apostel

15Nogle dage senere, hvor en gruppe på ca. 120 disciple var samlet, rejste Peter sig og sagde: 16„Venner, det var jo nødvendigt, at det skriftord, som Helligånden talte gennem David, skulle gå i opfyldelse, det ord, der handler om Judas, som viste vej for dem, der pågreb Jesus. 17Judas var en af os og havde fået en aposteltjeneste ligesom os. 18-20Det profetiske ord fra David, som passer på ham, står i Salmernes Bog:

‚Lad hans hjem ligge øde hen,

lad ingen bo der mere.’1,18-20 Jf. Sl. 69,26.

Og et andet sted står der: ‚Lad en anden overtage hans lederfunktion.’1,18-20 Sl. 109,8b.” (De penge, Judas fik for sit forræderi, brugte han til at købe en mark. Så gik han hen og styrtede sig i døden, og i faldet blev han revet op, så hans indvolde væltede ud. Alle i Jerusalem hørte, hvordan det gik ham, og man kalder nu det sted for „Blodmarken”.1,18-20 Lukas har lidt flere ord: På deres eget sprog blev marken kaldt Hakeldama, dvs. „Blodmarken”.)

21-22Peter fortsatte: „Derfor bør vi nu finde en mand, som kan overtage Judas’ plads. Det skal være en, der har været sammen med os hele tiden, mens Jesus var hos os—lige fra dengang han blev døbt af Johannes, og indtil han blev taget bort og vendte tilbage til Himlen. Den mand skal sammen med os bevidne, at Jesus virkelig er genopstået fra de døde.”

23De udpegede så to mænd, Josef Justus Barsabbas og Mattias. 24Derefter bad de: „Herre, du som kender alle menneskers inderste tanker, vis os nu hvem af dem, du har valgt i stedet for Judas, 25så han kan overtage den aposteltjeneste, som Judas forlod for at tage derhen, hvor han hører hjemme.” 26Derpå kastede de lod, og loddet faldt på Mattias. Fra da af blev han regnet med blandt apostlene.

New International Reader’s Version

Acts 1:1-26

Jesus Is Taken Up Into Heaven

1Theophilus, I wrote about Jesus in my earlier book. I wrote about all he did and taught 2until the day he was taken up to heaven. Before Jesus left, he gave orders to the apostles he had chosen. He did this through the Holy Spirit. 3After his suffering and death, he appeared to them. In many ways he proved that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days. During that time he spoke about God’s kingdom. 4One day Jesus was eating with them. He gave them a command. “Do not leave Jerusalem,” he said. “Wait for the gift my Father promised. You have heard me talk about it. 5John baptized with water. But in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

6Then the apostles gathered around Jesus and asked him a question. “Lord,” they said, “are you going to give the kingdom back to Israel now?”

7He said to them, “You should not be concerned about times or dates. The Father has set them by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Then you will tell people about me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria. And you will even tell other people about me from one end of the earth to the other.”

9After Jesus said this, he was taken up to heaven. The apostles watched until a cloud hid him from their sight.

10While he was going up, they kept on looking at the sky. Suddenly two men dressed in white clothing stood beside them. 11“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking at the sky? Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. But he will come back in the same way you saw him go.”

Matthias Is Chosen to Take the Place of Judas Iscariot

12The apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives. It is just over half a mile from the city. 13When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying. Here is a list of those who were there.

Peter, John, James and Andrew,

Philip and Thomas,

Bartholomew and Matthew,

James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas son of James

14They all came together regularly to pray. The women joined them too. So did Jesus’ mother Mary and his brothers.

15In those days Peter stood up among the believers. About 120 of them were there. 16Peter said, “Brothers and sisters, a long time ago the Holy Spirit spoke through David. He spoke about Judas Iscariot. What the Scripture said would happen had to come true. Judas was the guide for the men who arrested Jesus. 17But Judas was one of us. He shared with us in our work for God.”

18Judas bought a field with the payment he received for the evil thing he had done. He fell down headfirst in the field. His body burst open. All his insides spilled out. 19Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this. So they called that field Akeldama. In their language, Akeldama means the Field of Blood.

20Peter said, “Here is what is written in the Book of Psalms. It says,

“ ‘May his home be deserted.

May no one live in it.’ (Psalm 69:25)

The Psalms also say,

“ ‘Let someone else take his place as leader.’ (Psalm 109:8)

21So we need to choose someone to take his place. It will have to be a man who was with us the whole time the Lord Jesus was living among us. 22That time began when John was baptizing. It ended when Jesus was taken up from us. The one we choose must join us in telling people that Jesus rose from the dead.”

23So they suggested the names of two men. One was Joseph, who was called Barsabbas. He was also called Justus. The other man was Matthias. 24Then the believers prayed. They said, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen. 25Show us who should take the place of Judas as an apostle. He gave up being an apostle to go where he belongs.” 26Then they cast lots. Matthias was chosen. So he was added to the 11 apostles.