1. Krønikebog 22 – BPH & NIV

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

1. Krønikebog 22:1-19

David gør klar til, at et tempel kan bygges

1Derefter bekendtgjorde David: „Her er stedet, hvor Herrens Hus skal bygges. Her skal Israels folk bringe brændofre.” 2Så befalede han, at alle udlændinge, der boede i landet, skulle samles og sættes i arbejde med at tilhugge stenblokke til templet. 3Han skaffede også en masse jern til at smede søm og hængsler til portene foruden en umådelig mængde bronze. 4Fra Tyrus og Sidon skaffede han enorme mængder af cedertræ til byggeriet.

5David tænkte nemlig: „Det tempel, som skal bygges for Herren, skal være så storslået, at det bliver berømt ud over hele verden. Men min søn Salomon, som skal bygge det, er stadig ung og uerfaren, så jeg vil hjælpe ham ved at gøre det hele klar.” Det var grunden til, at David inden sin død gjorde alle disse forberedelser.

6David gav derpå Salomon ansvaret for at bygge et tempel for Herren, Israels Gud. 7„Det var min plan at bygge et hus til Herren, min Gud,” forklarede David ham, 8„men han sagde til mig: ‚Du har dræbt mange mennesker i de hårde krige, du har udkæmpet. Fordi du har udgydt så meget blod, bliver det ikke dig, der kommer til at bygge mit tempel. 9Men du skal få en søn, som vil blive en fredens mand. Jeg vil sørge for, at han kan leve i fred med alle nabofolkene rundt omkring jer. Han skal hedde Salomon,22,9 Navnet „Salomon” (hebraisk Shlomoh) minder om ordet for „fred” (shalom). for i hans regeringstid vil Israel have fred. 10Han skal bygge mig et hus og være min søn. Jeg vil være hans far, og jeg vil gøre hans herredømme over Israel urokkeligt for evigt.’

11Og nu, min søn, må Herren hjælpe dig, så du kan få bygget det hus for Herren, din Gud, som han har talt om. 12Og må han give dig visdom og dømmekraft, så han kan gøre dig til konge over Israel, og så du følger Herren, din Guds, bud. 13Hvis du nøje følger de love og forskrifter, han gav Israel gennem Moses, vil det gå dig godt. Vær frimodig og stærk. Vær ikke bange og lad dig ikke skræmme. 14Med hensyn til templet har jeg gjort et stort forarbejde. Jeg har samlet næsten 4000 tons guld og 40.000 tons sølv samt umådelige mængder af jern og bronze. Jeg har også skaffet bjælker og stenblokke, og du kan selv sørge for mere. 15-16Mange erfarne arbejdere står til din rådighed, både stenhuggere, murere og tømrere, samt kunsthåndværkere, der kan udføre al slags arbejde i guld, sølv, bronze og jern. Gå blot i gang! Og må Herren være med dig!”

17David befalede alle Israels ledere at hjælpe Salomon med projektet. 18„Herren vil være med jer!” sagde han. „Han har givet os fred med nabofolkene. Han har hjulpet mig med at besejre dem, og de er nu underlagt Herren og hans folk. 19Sæt derfor alt ind på at adlyde Herren, jeres Gud, og tag fat på at bygge hans helligdom, så Herrens Pagts Ark og alle de andre hellige ting kan blive anbragt deri.”

New International Version

1 Chronicles 22:1-19

1Then David said, “The house of the Lord God is to be here, and also the altar of burnt offering for Israel.”

Preparations for the Temple

2So David gave orders to assemble the foreigners residing in Israel, and from among them he appointed stonecutters to prepare dressed stone for building the house of God. 3He provided a large amount of iron to make nails for the doors of the gateways and for the fittings, and more bronze than could be weighed. 4He also provided more cedar logs than could be counted, for the Sidonians and Tyrians had brought large numbers of them to David.

5David said, “My son Solomon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the Lord should be of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations. Therefore I will make preparations for it.” So David made extensive preparations before his death.

6Then he called for his son Solomon and charged him to build a house for the Lord, the God of Israel. 7David said to Solomon: “My son, I had it in my heart to build a house for the Name of the Lord my God. 8But this word of the Lord came to me: ‘You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight. 9But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon,22:9 Solomon sounds like and may be derived from the Hebrew for peace. and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. 10He is the one who will build a house for my Name. He will be my son, and I will be his father. And I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.’

11“Now, my son, the Lord be with you, and may you have success and build the house of the Lord your God, as he said you would. 12May the Lord give you discretion and understanding when he puts you in command over Israel, so that you may keep the law of the Lord your God. 13Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.

14“I have taken great pains to provide for the temple of the Lord a hundred thousand talents22:14 That is, about 3,750 tons or about 3,400 metric tons of gold, a million talents22:14 That is, about 37,500 tons or about 34,000 metric tons of silver, quantities of bronze and iron too great to be weighed, and wood and stone. And you may add to them. 15You have many workers: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as those skilled in every kind of work 16in gold and silver, bronze and iron—craftsmen beyond number. Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.”

17Then David ordered all the leaders of Israel to help his son Solomon. 18He said to them, “Is not the Lord your God with you? And has he not granted you rest on every side? For he has given the inhabitants of the land into my hands, and the land is subject to the Lord and to his people. 19Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God. Begin to build the sanctuary of the Lord God, so that you may bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord and the sacred articles belonging to God into the temple that will be built for the Name of the Lord.”