4 Mose 29 – AKCB & NIRV

Akuapem Twi Contemporary Bible

4 Mose 29:1-40

Ntorobɛnto Afahyɛ

1“ ‘Ɔsram a ɛto so ason no da a edi kan wɔ afe biara mu no, munni torobɛnto afahyɛ no. Monyɛ nhyiamu kronkron no na obiara nyɛ adwumaden biara. 2Momfa nantwi ba onini baako, Odwennini baako ne adwennini ason a wɔadi afe a wonnii dɛm mmɛbɔ ɔhyew afɔre a eyi hua a ɛsɔ Awurade ani. 3Momfa esiam lita asia ne fa a wɔayam no muhumuhu a wɔde ngo afra mmɔ atoko afɔre no a nantwi no ka ho. Odwennini no, momfa lita anan ne fa nka ho 4na lita abien ne fa nso nka nguantenmma no biara ho. 5Momfa ɔpapo baako nka ho mmɔ bɔne ho afɔre mfa nyɛ mpata mma mo. 6Eyinom ka ɔhyew afɔre ne nsa afɔre a mobɔ no ɔsram biara ne daa de a wɔakyerɛ no ho. Ɛyɛ aduan afɔre a wɔde brɛ Awurade sɛ ehua a ɛsɔ ani.

Mpata Da Afɔrebɔ

7“ ‘Ɔsram a ɛto so ason no da a ɛto so du so no monyɛ nhyiamu kronkron. Ɛyɛ da a ɛsɛ sɛ nnipa no nyinaa yɛ komm ahobrɛase mu wɔ Awurade anim na ɛnsɛ sɛ biara yɛ adwuma biara. 8Mommɔ ɔhyew afɔre a eyi hua a ɛsɔ Awurade ani. Afɔrebɔde no yɛ nantwi ba baako, odwennini baako, nguamma a wɔadi afe ason a wonnii dɛm biara. 9Momfa nantwi ba no nsiesie atoko afɔre a mode asikresiam a wɔayam no muhumuhu ne ngo lita asia ne fa afra, 10na momfa lita anan ne fa nka odwennini no ho na momfa lita abien ne fa aka nguamma ason no mu biara ho. 11Ɛsɛ sɛ mode ɔpapo baako bɔ bɔne ho afɔre. Eyi ka bɔne afɔrebɔde a wɔbɔ de pata ne ɔhyew afɔre a wɔbɔ no daadaa a aduan afɔrebɔde ne nsa afɔre ka ho no ho.

Ntamadan Afahyɛ

12“ ‘Monyɛ nhyiamu kronkron wɔ ɔsram a ɛto so ason no da a ɛto so dunum no so, na monnyɛ adwumaden biara. Munni afahyɛ no nnanson mma Awurade. 13Nneɛma a mode bɛbɔ ɔhyew afɔre na ama ayi hua a ɛsɔ Awurade ani no yɛ nantwimma anini dumiɛnsa, adwennini abien ne adwennini dunan a wɔadi afe na wonnii dɛm biara. 14Ɛsɛ sɛ mode asikresiam a wɔayam no muhumuhu lita asia ne fa a wɔde ngo afra ka nantwimma dumiɛnsa no biara ho. Lita anan ne fa nka adwennini no baako biara ho, 15na lita abien ne fa nka nguantenmma dunan no biara ho. 16Momfa ɔpapo mmɔ bɔne ho afɔre nka daa ɔhyew afɔre, atoko ne nsa afɔre a mobɔ no daa no ho.

17“ ‘Da a ɛto so abien no, momfa anantwi anini mma dumien, adwennini abien ne adwennini a wɔadi afe dunan a wonnii dɛm biara mmɛbɔ afɔre. 18Saa afɔrebɔde yi mu biara no, mode anantwinini, adwennini ne nguantenmma no ho aduan ne nsa afɔrebɔde dodow a wɔahyɛ no bɛka ho. 19Ɔhyew afɔre a mobɔ no daa akyi no, mode ɔpapo bɛka atoko afɔrebɔde ne nsa afɔrebɔde no ho abɔ bɔne ho afɔre.

20“ ‘Afahyɛ no da a ɛto so abiɛsa no, mode anantwinini dubaako, adwennini abien, nguantenmma a wɔadi afe no dunan a wonnii dɛm biara; 21na sɛnea moyɛ no daa no, mode anantwi, adwennini ne nguantenmma no ne aduan ne nsa afɔrebɔde bɛka afɔrebɔde biara ho. 22Ɛsɛ sɛ mode ɔpapo bɔ bɔne ho afɔre de ka daa ɔhyew afɔrebɔ no ho a atoko afɔrebɔde ne nsa afɔrebɔde ka ho.

23“ ‘Afahyɛ no da a ɛto so anan no, momfa anantwinini du, adwennini abien, ne nguantenmma a wɔadi afe no dunan a wonnii dɛm biara mmɔ afɔre. 24Momfa atoko afɔrebɔde ne nsa afɔrebɔde dodow a wɔakyerɛ no nka biara ho. 25Momfa ɔpapo baako nyɛ bɔne ho afɔrebɔ nka daa ɔhyew, atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde no ho.

26“ ‘Afahyɛ no da a ɛto so anum no, momfa anantwinini akron, adwennini abien ne nguantenmma a wɔadi afe no dunan a wonnii dɛm biara mmɔ afɔre. 27Momfa atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde dodow a wɔakyerɛ no nka anantwinini, adwennini ne nguamma afɔrebɔ no ho. 28Momfa ɔpapo baako nyɛ bɔne ho afɔrebɔ nka daa ɔhyew, atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde no ho.

29“ ‘Afahyɛ no da a ɛto so asia no, momfa de anantwinini awotwe, adwennini abien ne nguantenmma a wɔadi afe dunan a wonnii dɛm biara mmɔ afɔre. 30Momfa atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde dodow a wɔakyerɛ no nka anantwinini, adwennini ne nguantenmma afɔrebɔ no ho. 31Momfa ɔpapo baako mmɔ bɔne ho afɔrebɔ nka daa ɔhyew, atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde no ho.

32“ ‘Afahyɛ no da a ɛto so ason no, momfa anantwinini ason, adwennini abien ne nguamma a wɔadi afe a wonnii dɛm biara dunan mmɔ afɔre. 33Momfa atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde dodow a wɔakyerɛ no nka anantwinini, adwennini ne nguantenmma afɔrebɔ no ho. 34Momfa ɔpapo baako mmɔ bɔne ho afɔre nka daa ɔhyew, atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde no ho.

35“ ‘Da a ɛto so awotwe no, monyɛ ɔpɔn nhyiamu sononko. Ɛnsɛ sɛ moyɛ adwumaden biara saa da no. 36Mommɔ aduan afɔre a ɔhyew afɔre a ɛwɔ hua a ɛsɔ Awurade ani wɔ mu. Momfa nantwinini baako, Odwennini baako, nguantenmma ason a wɔadi afe a wonnii dɛm mmɔ. 37Momfa atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde dodow a wɔakyerɛ no nka nantwinini, odwennini ne nguantenmma no ho. 38Momfa ɔpapo baako mmɔ bɔne ho afɔre nka daa ɔhyew, atoko ne nsa afɔrebɔde no ho.

39“ ‘Mommɔ afɔre yinom mma mo Awurade wɔ mo afahyɛ ahorow no nu: mo hyew, atoko, nsa ne asomdwoe afɔre no; na momfa nka afɔre a mufi mo pɛ mu hyɛ ho bɔ no no ho. Muhyia, didi afirihyia no mu a, twa ara na etwa sɛ mobɔ saa afɔre yi. Na ɛka mo afɔre a mobɔ fa bɔ a moahyɛ anaa nea efi mo pɛ mu a ɛyɛ ɔhyew afɔre, atoko afɔre, nsa afɔre anaa asomdwoe afɔre no ho.’ ”

40Mose kaa saa mmara yi nyinaa kyerɛɛ Israelfo no sɛnea Awurade hyɛɛ no no.

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 29:1-40

The Feast of Trumpets

1“ ‘On the first day of the seventh month, come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work. Blow the trumpets on that day. 2Sacrifice a burnt offering. Its smell will please the Lord. Sacrifice one young bull and one ram. Also sacrifice seven male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 3Present a grain offering along with the bull. It must have 24 cups of the finest flour. Mix it with olive oil. Offer 16 cups along with the ram. 4Offer eight cups along with each of the seven lambs. 5Include a male goat as a sin offering. It will pay for your sin. 6Each month and each day you must sacrifice burnt offerings. Sacrifice them along with their grain offerings and drink offerings as they are required. The offerings for the Feast of Trumpets are in addition to the monthly and daily burnt offerings. They are food offerings presented to the Lord. They have a pleasant smell.

The Day When Sin Is Paid For

7“ ‘On the tenth day of the seventh month, come together for a special service. You must not eat anything on that day. You must not do any work on it. 8Sacrifice a burnt offering. Its smell will please the Lord. Sacrifice one young bull and one ram. Also sacrifice seven male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 9Present a grain offering along with the bull. The offering must have 24 cups of the finest flour. Mix it with olive oil. Offer 16 cups along with the ram. 10Offer eight cups along with each of the seven lambs. 11Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the offering that pays for sin. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering along with its grain offering. It is also in addition to their drink offerings.

The Feast of Booths

12“ ‘On the 15th day of the seventh month, come together for a special service. Do not do any regular work. Celebrate the Feast of Booths for seven days to honor the Lord. 13Present a food offering. Its smell will please the Lord. Sacrifice a burnt offering of 13 young bulls and two rams. Also sacrifice 14 male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 14Present a grain offering along with each of the 13 bulls. It must have 24 cups of the finest flour. Mix it with olive oil. Offer 16 cups along with each of the two rams. 15Offer eight cups along with each of the 14 lambs. 16Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering. It is also in addition to its grain offering and drink offering.

17“ ‘On the second day sacrifice 12 young bulls and two rams. Also sacrifice 14 male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 18Present their grain offerings and drink offerings. Present them along with the bulls, rams and lambs. Present them according to the required number. 19Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering along with its grain offering. It is also in addition to their drink offerings.

20“ ‘On the third day sacrifice 11 bulls and two rams. Also sacrifice 14 male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 21Present their grain offerings and drink offerings. Present them along with the bulls, rams and lambs. Present them according to the required number. 22Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering. It is also in addition to its grain offering and drink offering.

23“ ‘On the fourth day sacrifice ten bulls and two rams. Also sacrifice 14 male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 24Present their grain offerings and drink offerings. Present them along with the bulls, rams and lambs. Present them according to the required number. 25Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering. It is also in addition to its grain offering and drink offering.

26“ ‘On the fifth day sacrifice nine bulls and two rams. Also sacrifice 14 male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 27Present their grain offerings and drink offerings. Present them along with the bulls, rams and lambs. Present them according to the required number. 28Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering. It is also in addition to its grain offering and drink offering.

29“ ‘On the sixth day sacrifice eight bulls and two rams. Also sacrifice 14 male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 30Present their grain offerings and drink offerings. Present them along with the bulls, rams and lambs. Present them according to the required number. 31Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering. It is also in addition to its grain offering and drink offering.

32“ ‘On the seventh day sacrifice seven bulls and two rams. Also sacrifice 14 male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 33Present their grain offerings and drink offerings. Present them along with the bulls, rams and lambs. Present them according to the required number. 34Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering. It is also in addition to its grain offering and drink offering.

35“ ‘On the eighth day come together for a closing sacred service. Do not do any regular work. 36Present a food offering. Its smell will please the Lord. Sacrifice a burnt offering of one bull and one ram. Also sacrifice seven male lambs a year old. They must not have any flaws. 37Present their grain offerings and drink offerings. Present them along with the bull, the ram and the lambs. Present them according to the required number. 38Include a male goat as a sin offering. It is in addition to the regular burnt offering. It is also in addition to its grain offering and drink offering.

39“ ‘Here are the offerings you must present to the Lord at your appointed feasts. They are burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings and friendship offerings. They are in addition to the offerings you bring to keep a special promise you make to the Lord. They are also in addition to the offerings you choose to give.’ ”

40Moses told the Israelites everything the Lord had commanded him.