Psalm 68:7-14 NIRV

Psalm 68:7-14

God, you led your people out.

You marched through the desert.

The ground shook

when you, the God of Sinai, appeared.

The heavens poured down rain

when you, the God of Israel, appeared.

God, you gave us plenty of rain.

You renewed your worn-out land.

God, your people made their homes in it.

From all your riches, you provided for those who were poor.

The Lord gives the message.

The women who make it known are a huge group.

They said, “Kings and armies are running away.

The women at home are dividing up

the things the army took from their enemies.

Even while the soldiers sleep near the sheep pens,

God wins the battle for them.

He gives the enemy’s silver and gold

to Israel, his dove.”

The Mighty One has scattered the kings around the land.

It was like snow falling on Mount Zalmon.

Read More of Psalm 68