Proverbs 21:27-31, Proverbs 22:1-6 NIRV

Proverbs 21:27-31

God hates sacrifices that are brought by evil people.

He hates it even more when they bring them for the wrong reason.

Witnesses who aren’t honest will die.

But anyone who listens carefully will be a successful witness.

Sinful people try to look as if they were bold.

But honest people think about how they live.

No wisdom, wise saying or plan

can succeed against the Lord.

You can prepare a horse for the day of battle.

But the power to win comes from the Lord.

Read More of Proverbs 21

Proverbs 22:1-6

You should want a good name more than you want great riches.

To be highly respected is better than having silver or gold.

The Lord made rich people and poor people.

That’s what they have in common.

Wise people see danger and go to a safe place.

But childish people keep going and suffer for it.

Being humble comes from having respect for the Lord.

This will bring you wealth and honor and life.

Thorns and traps lie in the paths of evil people.

But those who value their lives stay far away from them.

Start children off on the right path.

And even when they are old, they will not turn away from it.

Read More of Proverbs 22