Proverbs 13:20-25, Proverbs 14:1-4 NIRV

Proverbs 13:20-25

Walk with wise people and become wise.

A companion of foolish people suffers harm.

Hard times chase those who are sinful.

But those who do right are rewarded with good things.

A good person leaves what they own to their children and grandchildren.

But a sinner’s wealth is stored up for those who do right.

An unplowed field produces food for poor people.

But those who treat them badly destroy it all.

Those who don’t correct their children hate them.

But those who love them are careful to correct them.

Those who do right eat until they are full.

But the stomachs of those who do wrong go hungry.

Read More of Proverbs 13

Proverbs 14:1-4

A wise woman builds her house.

But a foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands.

Whoever has respect for the Lord lives a good life.

But those who hate him walk down an evil path.

The proud words of a foolish person sting like a whip.

But the things wise people say keep them safe.

Where there are no oxen, the feed box is empty.

But a strong ox brings in huge harvests.

Read More of Proverbs 14