Job 11:1-20, Job 12:1-25, Job 13:1-28, Job 14:1-22 NIRV

Job 11:1-20

The First Speech of Zophar

Then Zophar the Naamathite replied,

“Don’t all your words require an answer?

I’m sure that what you are saying can’t be right.

Your useless talk won’t keep us quiet.

Someone has to correct you when you make fun of truth.

You say to God, ‘My beliefs are perfect.

I’m pure in your sight.’

I wish God would speak.

I wish he’d answer you.

I wish he’d show you the secrets of wisdom.

After all, true wisdom has two sides.

Here’s what I want you to know.

God has forgotten some of your sins.

“Do you know how deep the mysteries of God are?

Can you discover the limits of the Mighty One’s knowledge?

They are higher than the heavens above.

What can you do?

They are deeper than the deepest parts of the earth below.

What can you know?

They are longer than the earth.

They are wider than the ocean.

“Suppose God comes along and puts you in prison.

Suppose he takes you to court.

Then who can oppose him?

He certainly knows when people tell lies.

When he sees evil, he pays careful attention to it.

A wild donkey’s colt can’t be born a human being.

And it’s just as impossible that a person without sense can become wise.

“So commit yourself to God completely.

Reach out your hands to him for help.

Get rid of all the sin you have.

Don’t let anything that is evil stay in your tent.

Then, free of those things, you can face others.

You can stand firm without being afraid.

You can be sure you will forget your troubles.

They will be like water that has flowed on by.

Life will be brighter than the sun at noon.

And darkness will become like morning.

You will be secure, because there is hope.

You will look around you and find a safe place to rest.

You will lie down, and no one will make you afraid.

Many people will want you to help them.

But sinful people won’t find what they are looking for.

They won’t be able to escape.

All they can hope for is to die.”

Read More of Job 11

Job 12:1-25

Job’s Reply

Job replied,

“You people think you are the only ones who matter!

You are sure that wisdom will die with you!

But I have a brain, just like you.

I’m as clever as you are.

In fact, everyone knows as much as you do.

“My friends laugh at me all the time,

even though I called out to God and he answered.

My friends laugh at me,

even though I’m honest and right.

People who have an easy life look down on those who have problems.

They think trouble comes only to those whose feet are slipping.

Why doesn’t anyone bother the tents of robbers?

Why do those who make God angry remain secure?

They are in God’s hands!

“But ask the animals what God does.

They will teach you.

Or ask the birds in the sky.

They will tell you.

Or speak to the earth. It will teach you.

Or let the fish in the ocean educate you.

Are there any of these creatures that don’t know

what the powerful hand of the Lord has done?

He holds the life of every creature in his hand.

He controls the breath of every human being.

Our tongues tell us what tastes good and what doesn’t.

And our ears tell us what’s true and what isn’t.

Old people are wise.

Those who live a long time have understanding.

“Wisdom and power belong to God.

Advice and understanding also belong to him.

What he tears down can’t be rebuilt.

The people he puts in prison can’t be set free.

If he holds back the water, everything dries up.

If he lets the water loose, it floods the land.

Strength and understanding belong to him.

Those who tell lies and those who believe them also belong to him.

He removes the wisdom of rulers and leads them away.

He makes judges look foolish.

He sets people free from the chains that kings put on them.

Then he dresses the kings in the clothes of slaves.

He removes the authority of priests and leads them away.

He removes from their positions

officials who have been in control for a long time.

He shuts the mouths of trusted advisers.

He takes away the understanding of elders.

He looks down on proud leaders.

He takes away the strength of those who are mighty.

He tells people the secrets of darkness.

He brings total darkness out into the light.

He makes nations great, and then he destroys them.

He makes nations grow, and then he scatters them.

He takes away the understanding of the leaders of the earth.

He makes them wander in a desert where no one lives.

Without any light, they feel their way along in darkness.

God makes them unsteady like those who get drunk.

Read More of Job 12

Job 13:1-28

“My eyes have seen everything God has done.

My ears have heard it and understood it.

What you know, I also know.

I’m as clever as you are.

In fact, I long to speak to the Mighty One.

I want to argue my case with God.

But you spread lies about me and take away my good name.

If you are trying to heal me,

you aren’t very good doctors!

I wish you would keep your mouths shut!

Then people would think you were wise.

Listen to my case.

Listen as I make my appeal.

Will you say evil things in order to help God?

Will you tell lies for him?

Do you want to be on God’s side?

Will you argue his case for him?

Would it turn out well if he looked you over carefully?

Could you fool him as you might fool human beings?

He would certainly hold you responsible

if you took his side in secret.

Wouldn’t his glory terrify you?

Wouldn’t the fear of him fall on you?

Your sayings are as useless as ashes.

The answers you give are as weak as clay.

“So be quiet and let me speak.

Then I won’t care what happens to me.

Why do I put myself in danger?

Why do I take my life in my hands?

Even if God kills me, I’ll still put my hope in him.

I’ll argue my case in front of him.

No matter how things turn out,

I’m sure I’ll still be saved.

After all, no ungodly person

would dare to come into his court.

Listen carefully to what I’m saying.

Pay close attention to my words.

I’ve prepared my case.

And I know I’ll be proved right.

Can others bring charges against me?

If they can, I’ll keep quiet and die.

“God, I won’t hide from you.

Here are the only two things I want.

Stop treating me this way.

And stop making me so afraid.

Then send for me, and I’ll answer.

Or let me speak, and you reply.

How many things have I done wrong?

How many sins have I committed?

Show me my crime. Show me my sin.

Why do you turn your face away from me?

Why do you think of me as your enemy?

I’m already like a leaf that is blown by the wind.

Are you going to terrify me even more?

I’m already like dry straw.

Are you going to keep on chasing me?

You write down bitter things against me.

You make me suffer for the sins

I committed when I was young.

You put my feet in chains.

You watch every step I take.

You do it by putting marks on the bottom of my feet.

“People waste away like something that is rotten.

They are like clothes that are eaten by moths.

Read More of Job 13

Job 14:1-22

“Human beings have only a few days to live.

Their lives are full of trouble.

They grow like flowers, and then they dry up.

They are like shadows that quickly disappear.

“God, do you even notice them?

Will you let them appear in your court?

Who can bring what is pure from something that isn’t pure?

No one!

You decide how long anyone will live.

You have established the number of his months.

You have set a limit to the number of his days.

So look away from him. Leave him alone.

Let him put in his time like a hired worker.

“At least there is hope for a tree.

If it’s cut down, it will begin to grow again.

New branches will appear on it.

Its roots may grow old in the ground.

Its stump may die in the soil.

But when it smells water, it will begin to grow.

It will send out new growth like a plant.

No man is like that. When he dies, he is buried in a grave.

He takes his last breath. Then he is gone.

Water dries up from lakes.

Riverbeds become empty and dry.

In the same way, people lie down and never get up.

People won’t wake or rise from their sleep

until the heavens are gone.

“I wish you would hide me in a grave!

I wish you would cover me up until your anger passes by!

I wish you would set the time for me to spend in the grave

and then bring me back up!

If someone dies, will they live again?

All the days of my hard work

I will wait for the time when you give me new life.

You will call out to me, and I will answer you.

You will long for the person your hands have made.

Then you will count every step I take.

But you won’t keep track of my sin.

The wrong things I’ve done will be sealed up in a bag.

You will wipe out my sins by forgiving them.

“A mountain wears away and crumbles.

A rock is moved from its place.

Water wears away stones.

Storms wash away soil.

In the same way, you destroy a person’s hope.

You overpower them completely, and then they’re gone.

You change the way they look and send them to their graves.

If their children are honored, they don’t even know it.

If their children are dishonored, they don’t even see it.

All they feel is the pain of their own bodies.

They are full of sadness only for themselves.”

Read More of Job 14