Isaiah 57:14-21, Isaiah 58:1-14, Isaiah 59:1-21 NIRV

Isaiah 57:14-21

The Lord Comforts People Who Are Sorry for Their Sins

A messenger says,

“Build up the road! Build it up! Get it ready!

Remove anything that would keep my people from coming back.”

The God who is highly honored lives forever.

His name is holy. He says,

“I live in a high and holy place.

But I also live with anyone who turns away from their sins.

I live with anyone who is not proud.

I give new life to them.

I give it to anyone who turns away from their sins.

I will not find fault with my people forever.

I will not always be angry with them.

If I were, I would cause their spirits to grow weak.

The people I created would faint away.

I was very angry with them.

They always longed for more and more of everything.

So I punished them for that sin.

I turned my face away from them because I was angry.

But they kept on wanting their own way.

I have seen what they have done.

But I will heal them.

I will guide them.

I will give those who mourn in Israel the comfort they had before.

Then they will praise me.

I will give perfect peace to those who are far away and those who are near.

And I will heal them,” says the Lord.

But those who are evil are like the rolling sea.

It never rests.

Its waves toss up mud and sand.

“There is no peace for those who are evil,” says my God.

Read More of Isaiah 57

Isaiah 58:1-14

What True Worship Is All About

The Lord told me,

“Shout out loud. Do not hold back.

Raise your voice like a trumpet.

Tell my people that they have refused to obey me.

Tell the family of Jacob how much they have sinned.

Day after day they worship me.

They seem ready and willing to know how I want them to live.

They act as if they were a nation that does what is right.

They act as if they have not turned away from my commands.

They claim to want me to give them fair decisions.

They seem ready and willing to come near and worship me.

‘We have gone without food,’ they say.

‘Why haven’t you noticed it?

We have made ourselves suffer.

Why haven’t you paid any attention to us?’

“On the day when you fast, you do as you please.

You take advantage of all your workers.

When you fast, it ends in arguing and fighting.

You hit one another with your fists.

That is an evil thing to do.

The way you are now fasting

keeps your prayers from being heard in heaven.

Do you think that is the way I want you to fast?

Is it only a time for people to make themselves suffer?

Is it only for people to bow their heads like tall grass bent by the wind?

Is it only for people to lie down in ashes and clothes of mourning?

Is that what you call a fast?

Do you think I can accept that?

“Here is the way I want you to fast.

“Set free those who are held by chains without any reason.

Untie the ropes that hold people as slaves.

Set free those who are crushed.

Break every evil chain.

Share your food with hungry people.

Provide homeless people with a place to stay.

Give naked people clothes to wear.

Provide for the needs of your own family.

Then the light of my blessing will shine on you like the rising sun.

I will heal you quickly.

I will march out ahead of you.

And my glory will follow behind you and guard you.

That’s because I always do what is right.

You will call out to me for help.

And I will answer you.

You will cry out.

And I will say, ‘Here I am.’

“Get rid of the chains you use to hold others down.

Stop pointing your finger at others as if they had done something wrong.

Stop saying harmful things about them.

Work hard to feed hungry people.

Satisfy the needs of those who are crushed.

Then my blessing will light up your darkness.

And the night of your suffering will become as bright as the noonday sun.

I will always guide you.

I will satisfy your needs in a land baked by the sun.

I will make you stronger.

You will be like a garden that has plenty of water.

You will be like a spring whose water never runs dry.

Your people will rebuild the cities that were destroyed long ago.

And you will build again on the old foundations.

You will be called One Who Repairs Broken Walls.

You will be called One Who Makes City Streets Like New Again.

“Do not work on the Sabbath day.

Do not do just anything you want to on my holy day.

Make the Sabbath a day you can enjoy.

Honor the Lord’s holy day.

Do not work on it.

Do not do just anything you want to.

Do not talk about things that are worthless.

Then you will find your joy in me.

I will give you control over the most important places in the land.

And you will enjoy all the good things

in the land I gave your father Jacob.”

The Lord has spoken.

Read More of Isaiah 58

Isaiah 59:1-21

The Lord Sets His People Free

People of Israel, the Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you.

His ears aren’t too deaf to hear your cry for help.

But your sins have separated you from your God.

They have caused him to turn his face away from you.

So he won’t listen to you.

Your hands and fingers are stained with blood.

You are guilty of committing murder.

Your mouth has told lies.

Your tongue says evil things.

People aren’t fair when they present cases in court.

They aren’t honest when they state their case.

They depend on weak arguments. They tell lies.

They plan to make trouble.

Then they carry it out.

The plans they make are like the eggs of poisonous snakes.

Anyone who eats those eggs will die.

When one of them is broken, a snake comes out.

Those people weave their evil plans together like a spider’s web.

But the webs they make can’t be used as clothes.

They can’t cover themselves with what they make.

Their acts are evil.

They do things to harm others.

They are always in a hurry to sin.

They run quickly to murder those who aren’t guilty.

They love to think up evil plans.

They leave a trail of harmful actions.

They don’t know how to live at peace with others.

What they do isn’t fair.

They lead twisted lives.

No one who lives like that will enjoy peace and rest.

We aren’t being treated fairly.

We haven’t been set free yet.

The God who always does what is right

hasn’t come to help us.

We look for light, but we see nothing but darkness.

We look for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows.

Like blind people we feel our way along the wall.

We are like those who can’t see.

At noon we trip and fall as if the sun had already set.

Compared to those who are healthy, we are like dead people.

All of us growl like hungry bears.

We sound like doves as we mourn.

We want the Lord to do what is fair and save us.

But he doesn’t do it.

We long for him to set us free.

But the time for that seems far away.

That’s because we’ve done so many things he considers wrong.

Our sins prove that we are guilty.

The wrong things we’ve done are always troubling us.

We admit that we have sinned.

We’ve refused to obey the Lord.

We’ve made evil plans against him.

We’ve turned our backs on our God.

We’ve stirred up conflict and refused to follow him.

We’ve told lies that came from our own minds.

So people stop others from doing what is fair.

They keep them from doing what is right.

No one tells the truth in court anymore.

No one is honest there.

In fact, truth can’t be found anywhere.

Those who refuse to do evil are attacked.

The Lord sees that people aren’t treating others fairly.

That makes him unhappy.

He sees that there is no one who helps his people.

He is shocked that no one stands up for them.

So he will use his own powerful arm to save them.

He has the strength to do it because he is holy.

He will put the armor of holiness on his chest.

He’ll put the helmet of salvation on his head.

He’ll pay people back for the wrong things they do.

He’ll wrap himself in anger as if it were a coat.

He will pay his enemies back for what they have done.

He’ll pour his anger out on them.

He’ll punish those who attack him.

He’ll give the people in the islands what they have coming to them.

People in the west will show respect for the Lord’s name.

People in the east will worship him because of his glory.

The Lord will come like a rushing river that was held back.

His breath will drive it along.

“I set my people free. I will come to Mount Zion.

I will come to those in Jacob’s family who turn away from their sins,”

announces the Lord.

“Here is the covenant I will make with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit is on you and will not leave you. I have put my words in your mouth. They will never leave your mouth. And they will never leave the mouths of your children or their children after them. That will be true for all time to come,” says the Lord.

Read More of Isaiah 59