Join us in blessing 100,000 believers in Southern Africa with their very first Bible.
"Go and make disciples of all nations."
ー Matthew 28:19a (NIV)
As a follower of Jesus, you know how important it is to spend time with God in a Bible of your very own. Can you imagine if you only heard from God’s Word during the Sunday sermon at church?
That’s the heartbreaking reality for millions in Southern Africa.
Despite their deep spiritual hunger to spend time with Jesus in the Scriptures, people remain cut off from daily, intimate access to God’s Word. Bibles are expensive and rare in these developing countries. Pastors typically own a church’s only copy of the Scriptures. Bibles are treated as irreplaceable treasures—but for all the wrong reasons.
Biblica and its partners are committed to alleviating Gospel poverty wherever it is found. We create critical access to God’s Word, focusing especially on the world’s least-reached places, so that millions of overlooked and underserved people experience an abundant life with Jesus.
Today, we’re calling on you to help alleviate Bible poverty and bring joy to waiting hearts.
Through a beautiful partnership with a global church planting organization called Harvesters Ministries, Biblica is rallying support to place first Bibles into the hands and hearts of waiting people across Southern Africa. These special outreach Bibles won’t just deepen the faith of existing believers—they’ll equip vibrant church plants to spread the Gospel message and bring even more people to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Your investment today will help meet our urgent goal to raise $750,000 in order to bless 100,000 people in Southern Africa with their very first Bible. Join us in getting God Word into their outstretched hands!
Just imagine the spiritual fruit God will bring. Our evangelists on the ground can already envision the impact of your generosity. “Come next year,” says Pastor Davy Chinyundu in Zambia, “you’ll find there’s church growth through the Bibles that you have distributed.”
"Now we know. God has not forgotten our people."
ー Pastor David, Zambia
Biblica is a global Bible ministry, releasing the world’s most widely read Scriptures for maximum Gospel impact. Now in its third century of mission, Biblica continues to produce relevant and reliable Scripture translations and innovative resources that power the Bible ministry of hundreds of global mission organizations and invite millions to discover the love of Jesus Christ.
Biblica stewards the New International Version Bible.
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