“I will distribute as many Bibles as you can give to me.”

With Christianity being the largest religion in Rwanda, it is central to Rwandan culture; yet, in Rwanda, 39% of people continue to live under the global poverty line making purchasing a Bible close to impossible.

Rwanda has experienced significant difficulties economically and politically with a painful genocide in 1994 that ripped families and communities apart.

Father Ubald was a Rwandan Catholic priest for 25 years who brought tremendous healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation to his people in Rwanda after personally experiencing the pain of losing 80 family members and over 45,000 of his parishioners to genocide.

Before Father Ubald’s passing, he said there was a great demand for Bibles in Rwanda. His words were, “I will distribute as many Bibles as you can give to me.” He knew that the true healing of the soul comes from Jesus.

Today there remains a great need for Bibles in Rwanda. Father Ubald’s ministry wants to continue the mission of healing the parishes through God’s written word by distributing Bibles to the people of Rwanda.

We, Biblica and Ubald’s Ministry, have pledged to send 4,000 Bibles to Rwanda to over 30 parishes and have already secured 50% of the funding! The total cost for each Bible in the language of Kinyarwanda is $7, which includes shipping.

We want to honor Father Ubald’s vision by continuing the mission he created of sharing the love of Christ with sharing God’s word to the people of Rwanda. Would you be willing to help us reach our goal of sending 4,000 to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? 100% of the proceeds will go toward the printing and distribution of Kinyarwanda Full Bibles.

Here is a short video of Fr. Ubald, which demonstrates his mission to spread Christ’s message of love.

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
Mark 16:15 (NIV)