Daily Manna for Friday, January 15, 2021

Daily Manna is a daily Bible devotional service provided by Biblica. The Scripture is provided in many forms and is new every day. It is a great way to receive the encouragement and hope found in the Word of God.

Verse of the Day

马可福音 3:13-19

耶稣上了山,把自己想要的人召来,他们就来到祂面前。 祂从中选出十二人立为使徒,让他们跟随自己,并且差遣他们出去传道, 赐他们赶鬼的权柄。

祂设立的十二位使徒是:西门——耶稣给他取名叫彼得西庇太的儿子雅各雅各的兄弟约翰——耶稣给他们取名叫“半尼其”,就是“雷霆之子”的意思、 安得烈腓力巴多罗买马太多马亚勒腓的儿子雅各达太、激进党人西门及后来出卖耶稣的加略犹大